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2023-11-15 16:04:36 +01:00
import { AutocompleteInteraction, GuildMember, Interaction, SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js';
import { CraftingStationCooldown, db } from '../lib/db';
import { getStation, canUseStation, craftingStations } from '../lib/rpg/craftingStations';
import { formatItem, getItemQuantity, formatItems, getMaxStack, giveItem, formatItemsArray } from '../lib/rpg/items';
import { getRecipe, defaultRecipes, formatRecipe } from '../lib/rpg/recipes';
2023-11-15 16:04:36 +01:00
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Craft an item with items you have')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Which station to use')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('What to craft')
execute: async (interaction: Interaction, member: GuildMember) => {
if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;
const recipeID = parseInt(interaction.options.getString('recipe', true));
await interaction.deferReply({ephemeral: true});
const recipe = getRecipe(recipeID);
if (!recipe) return interaction.followUp('Recipe does not exist!');
const station = getStation(recipe.station)!;
if (!canUseStation(member.id, station)) return interaction.followUp(`${station.emoji} You need ${formatItem(station.requires)} to use this station!`);
for (const input of recipe.inputs) {
const inv = await getItemQuantity(member.id, input.item.id);
if (inv.quantity < input.quantity) return interaction.followUp(`You need ${formatItems(input.item, input.quantity)} for this recipe! (You have ${formatItems(input.item, inv.quantity)})`);
for (const req of recipe.requirements) {
const inv = await getItemQuantity(member.id, req.item.id);
if (inv.quantity < req.quantity) return interaction.followUp(`You need ${formatItems(req.item, req.quantity)} to begin this recipe! (You have ${formatItems(req.item, inv.quantity)}. Don't worry, these items will not be consumed.)`);
for (const out of recipe.outputs) {
const inv = await getItemQuantity(member.id, out.item.id);
if (inv.quantity + out.quantity > getMaxStack(out.item)) return interaction.followUp(`You do not have enough inventory storage for this recipe! (${formatItems(out.item, inv.quantity + out.quantity)} is bigger than the stack size of ${getMaxStack(out.item)}.)`);
let cooldown;
if (station.cooldown) {
cooldown = await db<CraftingStationCooldown>('craftingStationCooldowns')
.where('station', station.key)
.where('user', member.id)
if (cooldown && (cooldown.usedAt + station.cooldown * 1000) > Date.now())
return interaction.followUp(`${station.emoji} You can use this station again <t:${Math.floor(cooldown.usedAt / 1000 + station.cooldown)}:R>!`);
// proceed with crafting!
for (const input of recipe.inputs) {
giveItem(member.id, input.item, -input.quantity);
const outputs = station.manipulateResults ? station.manipulateResults(recipe.outputs) : recipe.outputs;
for (const output of outputs) {
giveItem(member.id, output.item, output.quantity);
let nextUsableAt;
if (station.cooldown) {
if (!cooldown) {
await db<CraftingStationCooldown>('craftingStationCooldowns')
station: station.key,
user: member.id,
usedAt: Date.now()
2023-11-15 16:04:36 +01:00
} else {
await db<CraftingStationCooldown>('craftingStationCooldowns')
.where('station', station.key)
.where('user', member.id)
usedAt: Date.now()
2023-11-15 16:04:36 +01:00
nextUsableAt = Date.now() + station.cooldown * 1000;
return interaction.followUp(`${station.emoji} Crafted ${formatItemsArray(outputs)}!${nextUsableAt ? `\n${station.name} usable again <t:${Math.floor(nextUsableAt / 1000)}:R>` : ''}`);
autocomplete: async (interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) => {
const focused = interaction.options.getFocused(true);
if (focused.name === 'station') {
const found = craftingStations
.filter(station => canUseStation(interaction.user.id, station))
.filter(station => station.name.toLowerCase().includes(focused.value.toLowerCase()))
.map(station => ({
name: `${station.emoji} ${station.name}`,
value: station.key
return interaction.respond(found);
} else if (focused.name === 'recipe') {
const found = defaultRecipes
.filter(recipe => recipe.station === interaction.options.getString('station'))
.filter(recipe => recipe.outputs.filter(n => n.item.name.toLowerCase().includes(focused.value.toLowerCase())).length > 0)
.map(recipe => ({
name: formatRecipe(recipe, true),
value: recipe.id.toString()
2023-11-15 16:04:36 +01:00
return interaction.respond(found);