Jill oat
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-04-25 11:32:07 +02:00
e1f3729f23 more window rules please, waiter!!!!
3398f8b45b fix post-resume failing
aefe5aca25 homemanager cursor just incase
a8d7272eb1 window rule additions
43ba69ada6 new jill font hyperfixation just dropped
Compare 6 commits »
oat pushed to main at oat/nlw-api 2024-04-19 18:45:03 +02:00
d48742208d hopefully fix oob crash
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-04-17 15:34:17 +02:00
e8425f7d0f bluetooth mode.
7673a3ba71 universal transmutation resulting in explosion of half the atoms in the universe
86c13d3e74 update flake
Compare 3 commits »
oat pushed to main at dark-firepit/jillo-bot 2024-03-25 02:34:48 +01:00
ce52f685a1 fix formatting on some events
oat pushed to main at dark-firepit/jillo-bot 2024-03-25 02:13:39 +01:00
bf4139a7ff basic audit log complete! i am so happy about this information
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-03-21 10:04:03 +01:00
2f4ec6cf3f lock keybind
8f998751c9 sddm !
f3bf6aafe0 further package consistency
5f201dcaea add back launch keybind
d5d74d9c3b switch all font packages to unstable
Compare 7 commits »
oat pushed to main at dark-firepit/jillo-bot 2024-03-18 20:19:29 +01:00
ad48cd516e more wip work yippeee
72b835f475 update deps
d735d51676 apparently i need to update the discord.js for this so let me do that
Compare 3 commits »
oat pushed to main at dark-firepit/jillo-bot 2024-03-17 22:22:13 +01:00
8de11bdac2 audit logs wip
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-03-17 00:15:15 +01:00
cc9ee95110 use actual waybar css nix interop
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-03-17 00:13:58 +01:00
04a0387fd8 switch to atkinson hyperlegible pro
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-03-16 23:48:52 +01:00
66b3280955 uhm . all of hyprland happened, i guess
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-03-12 22:13:02 +01:00
dd270c47ed UpdateFlake
daf32449b4 scold quotes on fish prompt
0a7e49a39d Install New Software to Your Computer
Compare 3 commits »
oat pushed to main at oat/cardgen 2024-03-06 15:06:54 +01:00
d8de108153 init
oat created branch main in oat/cardgen 2024-03-06 15:06:54 +01:00
oat created repository oat/cardgen 2024-03-06 15:06:37 +01:00
oat pushed to main at oat/nix-config 2024-03-04 11:41:55 +01:00
25a5c6e1a6 oops forgot the actually terrible part of ccf5e34
060e0fa826 minor font & theme application fixes
005124e970 add protontricks and steam-run because i use them daily at this rate
ccf5e34878 satisfy the Autism Beast (by justifying the means with the ends)
Compare 4 commits »
oat pushed to main at oat/nlw-api 2024-02-29 12:03:38 +01:00
758d0f9665 oops
oat pushed to main at oat/nlw-api 2024-02-29 12:01:41 +01:00
3501f5086a add ids platformer
oat pushed to main at oat/nlw-api 2024-02-29 11:40:13 +01:00
f6336babdb persistently call sheets api to try and fix ratelimiting issues
oat pushed to main at oat/nlw-api 2024-02-29 11:00:41 +01:00
bc98cc6eaa fix minor metadata fetch issue