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# TwitFix
Flask server that serves fixed twitter video embeds to discord by using either the Twitter API or Youtube-DL to grab tweet video information
## How to use (discord side)
just put the url to the server, and directly after, the full URL to the tweet you want to embed
**I now have a copy of this running on a Linode server, you can use it via the following url**
```[twitter video url] or [last half of twitter url] (everything past
You can also simply type out 'fx' directly before '' in any valid twitter video url, and that will convert it into a working TwitFix url, for example:
**Note**: If you enjoy this service, please considering donating via [Ko-Fi]( to help cover server costs
## How to run (server side)
this script uses the youtube-dl python module, along with flask, twitter and pymongo, so install those with pip (you can use `pip install -r requirements.txt`) and start the server with `python`
I have included some files to give you a head start on setting this server up with uWSGI, though if you decide to use uWSGI I suggest you set up mongoDB link caching
### Config
TwitFix generates a config.json in its root directory the first time you run it, the options are:
**API** - This will be where you put the credentials for your twitter API if you use this method
**database** - This is where you put the URL to your mongoDB database if you are using one
**link_cache** - (Options: **db**, **json**)
- **db**: Caches all links to a mongoDB database. This should be used it you are using uWSGI and are not just running the script on its own as one worker
- **json**: This saves cached links to a local **links.json** file
**method** - ( Options: **youtube-dl**, **api**, **hybrid** )
- **youtube-dl**: the original method for grabbing twitter video links, this uses a guest token provided via youtube-dl and should work well for individual instances, but may not scale up to a very large amount of usage
- **api**: this directly uses the twitter API to grab tweet info, limited to 900 calls per 15m
- **hybrid**: This will start off by using the twitter API to grab tweet info, but if the rate limit is reached or the api fails for any other reason it will switch over to youtube-dl to avoid downtime
This project is licensed under the **Do What The Fuck You Want Public License**
## Other stuff
Using the `/info/<video-url>` endpoint will return a json that contains all video info that youtube-dl can grab about any given video
Using `/other/<video-url>` will attempt to run the twitter embed stuff on other websites videos - This is mostly experimental and doesn't really work for now
Advanced embeds are provided via a `/oembed.json?` endpoint - This is manually pointing at my server in `/templates/index.html` and should be changed from `` to whatever your domain is