• 1.0-b4 1534c21eb4

    oat released this 2023-05-04 22:03:53 +02:00 | 1 commits to main since this release

    Hello! This is another beta release of the Uranium Template.

    This release has mostly come as a result of internal refactors. What this means for you is you can hopefully be able to comprehend the code more! What this means for me is I'll be able to more easily add features.

    • The event system has been rewritten to be generally more convenient to use

      • ⚠️ Instead of the old way (defining a function):

        function uranium.update(dt)
        	-- ...

        This is simplified with uranium.on:

        	-- ...

        The original system was something I borrowed from Figura, because I noticed how extremely intuitive it was, despite being close to what Love2D does. I quickly realized that this doesn't work well (language servers will frequently complain about it, and priorities are impossible to implement well). so I've rewritten the system to be similar to what a conventional event system looks like. Sorry for the inconvenience!

      • uranium.call is still the same, albeit with a . instead of ::

    • Configuration is now handled with uranium.config

      • ⚠️ resetOnFrameStart and resetActorOnFrameStart are now handled with it:

      • hideThemeActors() can be used to keep theme actors displayed

    • stdlib.aft now lets you quickly setup an AFT

      local aft, aftSprite = aftlib.aftSetup()
    • stdlib.easable has been rewritten to be deltatime-agnostic

      • ⚠️ Additionally, updating is done with :update() instead, and toa and a have been renamed to target and eased

    As always, bug testing and feedback is appreciated. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there's something you'd like to see or see changed in the template!
