• 1.0-b2 b86c942732

    oat released this 2022-10-17 12:53:56 +02:00 | 10 commits to main since this release

    Hello! This is another beta release of the Uranium Template. Everything should be stable now, but I'm not 100% certain, so I'm marking it as a beta release for now.

    • DrawFunctions can now be used to pass through arguments:
    setDrawFunction(af, function(x, y)
      quad:xy(x, y)
    function uranium.update()
      for x = 0, 3 do
        for y = 0, 3 do
          af:Draw(x, y)
    • Added stdlib.players - this initializes P[1-8] and P<1-8>, letting you hide them or do whatever with them as needed
    • stdlib.eternalfile now deletes all notedata from every player, preventing them from hitting mines or similar on accident
    • Added more helpful errors to prevent running into errors inside of main.xml
    • You can now use methods like setShader, setDrawFunction outside of uranium.init, queueing them up for later
      • This avoids bloating every file with uranium.init for no good reason
    • stdlib.profiler is now documented
    • Release information is now embedded in the _release global

    As always, bug testing and feedback is appreciated. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there's something you'd like to see or see changed in the template!
