
36 lines
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-- Internal module for Uranium's configuration system, meant to be used
-- for other systems to access the values.
local M = {}
-- Uranium's configuration system, providing methods to configure parts
-- of the template.
uranium.config = {}
M.resetOnFrameStart = false
-- Toggle actor resetting on frame start behavior by default.
---@param bool boolean
function uranium.config.resetOnFrameStart(bool)
M.resetOnFrameStart = bool
---@type table<Actor, boolean>
M.resetActorOnFrameStart = {}
-- Toggle actor resetting on frame start for individual actors. `bool` defaults to the opposite of your `resetOnFrameStart` config
---@param actor Actor
---@param bool boolean | nil
function uranium.config.resetActorOnFrameStart(actor, bool)
if bool == nil then bool = not M.resetOnFrameStart end
M.resetActorOnFrameStart[actor.__raw or actor] = bool
M.hideThemeActors = true
-- Toggle if theme actors (lifebars, scores, song names, etc.) are hidden. Must be toggled **before** `init`.
---@param bool boolean
function uranium.config.hideThemeActors(bool)
M.hideThemeActors = bool
return M