recursively load .d.ts files

This commit is contained in:
Jill 2021-11-03 11:58:21 +03:00
parent c0b1105ee4
commit a43df3e28b
1 changed files with 62 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -168,6 +168,23 @@ function parse(code) {
return elements; return elements;
} }
async function recursiveReaddir(rpath, p, fileNames) {
p = p || '';
fileNames = (fileNames || []).slice();
const files = await fs.readdir(rpath);
for (const f of files) {
const stat = await fs.lstat(path.join(rpath, f));
if (stat.isDirectory() || stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
fileNames.push(...await recursiveReaddir(path.join(rpath, f), p + f + '/', fileNames));
} else {
fileNames.push(p + f);
return fileNames;
(async () => { (async () => {
let timeParsing = 0; let timeParsing = 0;
let timeTotal = 0; let timeTotal = 0;
@ -187,68 +204,65 @@ function parse(code) {
let errored = []; let errored = [];
let errorReason = {}; let errorReason = {};
const files = await fs.readdir(declarationsPath); const files = await recursiveReaddir(declarationsPath);
const filesAmt = files.length; const filesAmt = files.length;
let i = 0; let i = 0;
for (const f of files) { for (const f of files) {
i++; i++;
const filePath = path.resolve(declarationsPath, f); const filePath = path.resolve(declarationsPath, f);
const stat = await fs.lstat(filePath); console.log(` ${chalk.cyanBright(f)}`);
if (stat.isFile()) { const file = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8');
console.log(` ${chalk.cyanBright(f)}`);
const file = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8');
let startParse =; let startParse =;
parsedElements = 0; parsedElements = 0;
const parsed = parse(file); const parsed = parse(file);
console.log(` parsed ${chalk.magentaBright(parsedElements)} objects from ${chalk.cyanBright(f)}`); console.log(` parsed ${chalk.magentaBright(parsedElements)} objects from ${chalk.cyanBright(f)}`);
timeParsing += - startParse; timeParsing += - startParse;
if (parsed.length === 0) { if (parsed.length === 0) {
console.log(`${chalk.redBright('!')} no elements parsed, ${chalk.gray('not writing anything')}`); console.log(`${chalk.redBright('!')} no elements parsed, ${chalk.gray('not writing anything')}`);
continue; continue;
} }
if (parsed.length > 10) { if (parsed.length > 10) {
console.log(`${chalk.redBright('!')} over 10 top-level objects were parsed - this may be a bad idea`); console.log(`${chalk.redBright('!')} over 10 top-level objects were parsed - this may be a bad idea`);
let transpiled;
try {
transpiled = => transpile(p)).join('\n').trim();
errored = errored.filter(e => e !== f);
} catch(err) {
errorReason[f] = err;
if (errored.length > files.length - i) {
console.error(`${chalk.redBright('!')} failed resolving extends!`);
console.error(`${chalk.redBright('!')} abandoned ${chalk.magentaBright(errored.length)} files:`);
let longest = errored.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a.length || a || 0, b.length));
errored.forEach(e => console.error(` - ${chalk.cyanBright(e)}${' '.repeat(longest - e.length + 2)}${chalk.gray(' → ' + errorReason[e].message.replace('Class not found in class storage: ', ''))}`));
} }
let transpiled; console.error(`${chalk.yellowBright('!')} ${err}`);
try { console.error(`${chalk.yellowBright('!')} pushing to end of queue`);
transpiled = => transpile(p)).join('\n').trim(); files.push(f);
errored = errored.filter(e => e !== f); errored.push(f);
} catch(err) {
errorReason[f] = err;
if (errored.length > files.length - i) {
console.error(`${chalk.redBright('!')} failed resolving extends!`);
console.error(`${chalk.redBright('!')} abandoned ${chalk.magentaBright(errored.length)} files:`);
let longest = errored.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a.length || a || 0, b.length));
errored.forEach(e => console.error(` - ${chalk.cyanBright(e)}${' '.repeat(longest - e.length + 2)}${chalk.gray(' -> ' + errorReason[e].message.replace('Class not found in class storage: ', ''))}`));
console.error(`${chalk.yellowBright('!')} ${err}`);
console.error(`${chalk.yellowBright('!')} pushing to end of queue`);
timeTotal += - startParse;
console.log(` transpiled w/ final length of ${chalk.magentaBright(transpiled.length + ' chars')}`);
timeTotal += - startParse; timeTotal += - startParse;
if (transpiled.length === 0) { continue;
console.log(`${chalk.redBright('!')} nothing transpiled, ${chalk.gray('not writing anything')}`);
//console.log(inspect(parsed, false, 10));
const luaFilename = f.replace('.d.ts', '.lua');
await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(outPath, luaFilename), transpiled);
console.log(` wrote ${chalk.cyanBright(luaFilename)}`);
} }
console.log(` transpiled w/ final length of ${chalk.magentaBright(transpiled.length + ' chars')}`);
timeTotal += - startParse;
if (transpiled.length === 0) {
console.log(`${chalk.redBright('!')} nothing transpiled, ${chalk.gray('not writing anything')}`);
//console.log(inspect(parsed, false, 10));
const luaFilename = f.replace('.d.ts', '.lua').split('/').pop();
await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(outPath, luaFilename), transpiled);
console.log(` wrote ${chalk.cyanBright(luaFilename)}`);
} }
console.log(`\nfinished transpiling ${chalk.magentaBright(filesAmt)} ${chalk.gray(`+ ${files.length - filesAmt}`)} files in ${chalk.magentaBright(timeTotal + 'ms')} ${chalk.gray(`(${Math.floor(timeParsing/timeTotal * 1000 + 0.5) / 10}% spent parsing)`)}`); console.log(`\nfinished transpiling ${chalk.magentaBright(filesAmt)} ${chalk.gray(`+ ${files.length - filesAmt}`)} files in ${chalk.magentaBright(timeTotal + 'ms')} ${chalk.gray(`(${Math.floor(timeParsing/timeTotal * 1000 + 0.5) / 10}% spent parsing)`)}`);