Jill 319f586565
unhardcode self-assignable role stuff
this is pretty old stuff and i'm glad i revamped it bc it's a very good system
2023-11-27 18:14:08 +03:00

62 lines
1.9 KiB

import { RoleCreateOptions, GuildMember, CommandInteraction, SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js';
import { getRoleSeperator, pronouns } from '../lib/assignableRoles';
import * as log from '../lib/log';
import { Command } from '../types/index';
function extendOption(t: string) {
return {name: t, value: t};
export default {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Give yourself a pronoun or two.')
.addStringOption((option) =>
.setDescription('Pronoun to add. If you already have a pronoun, you can specify it to remove it.')
execute: async (interaction: CommandInteraction) => {
if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;
const member = interaction.member! as GuildMember;
await interaction.deferReply({
ephemeral: true
const pronoun = interaction.options.getString('pronoun', true);
const seperator = await getRoleSeperator('color', member.guild);
if (!seperator) log.info('no color role seperator found');
const roleSettings: RoleCreateOptions = {
name: pronoun,
hoist: false,
mentionable: false,
permissions: 0n
if (seperator) {
roleSettings.position = seperator.position;
const pronounRole = member.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === pronoun) || await member.guild.roles.create(roleSettings);
if (member.roles.cache.has(pronounRole.id)) {
await member.roles.remove(pronounRole);
content: `Removed \`${pronoun}\` from your roles.`
} else {
await member.roles.add(pronounRole);
content: `Added \`${pronoun}\` to your roles.`
} satisfies Command;