
287 lines
13 KiB

// Should the Lectern Structure Processor run?
"doLecternProcessor": true,
/* Should the Bookshelf Structure Processor run? (Only
recommended in Vanilla)
"doBookshelfProcessor": true,
/* Should Stronghold Libraries have Spell Books spawn? (Does
nothing if YUNG's Better Strongholds is loaded)
"strongholdsHaveBooks": true,
// Should Ruined Portals have Spell Books spawn?
"ruinedPortalsHaveBooks": true,
/* Whether or not burnout should be applied when using too
much mana.
"haveBurnout": true,
/* The colour of objects created by spells (i.e. the laser
from Solar Strike and the wall from Arcane Wall).
"magicColour": "7ecdfb",
// The time Mana takes to refill by 1 in ticks before modifiers.
"baseManaCooldown": 20,
// The time Burnout takes to reduce by 1 in ticks before modifiers.
"baseBurnoutCooldown": 60,
// Spells that should be enabled. (Restart Required)
"spells": {
// Should Lunge be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableLunge": true,
// Should Dream Warp be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableDreamWarp": true,
// Should Magic Missile be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableMagicMissile": true,
// Should Telekinetic Shock be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableTelekineticShock": true,
// Should Heal be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableHeal": true,
// Should Discombobulate be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableDiscombobulate": true,
// Should Solar Strike be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableSolarStrike": true,
// Should Arcane Barrier be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableArcaneBarrier": true,
// The Mana costs for all the spells.
"manaCosts": {
// The Mana cost for the Lunge spell.
"lungeCastingCost": 5,
// The Mana cost for the Dream Warp spell.
"dreamWarpCastingCost": 15,
// The Mana cost for the Magic Missile spell.
"magicMissileCastingCost": 3,
// The Mana cost for the Telekinetic Shock spell.
"telekinesisCastingCost": 4,
// The Mana cost for the Heal spell.
"healCastingCost": 10,
// The Mana cost for the Discombobulate spell.
"discombobulateCastingCost": 10,
// The Mana cost for the Solar Strike spell.
"solarStrikeCastingCost": 20,
// The Mana cost for the Arcane Barrier spell.
"arcaneBarrierCastingCost": 4
/* A list of structure paths that have Bookshelves to be replaced
by Fillable Bookshelves from Arcanus.
"structuresWithBookshelves": [
/* A list of structure paths that have Lecterns to be filled
with Spell Books from Arcanus.
"structuresWithLecterns": [