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2022-09-02 01:00:03 +02:00
; Comments are indicated with a semicolon.
; All toggles may be set to "banned", "false", "true", or "unset".
; "unset" adopts the default value - what this means depends on general.category.
; "banned" completely prevents the feature from loading, similar to "false" in
; pre-2.0 versions of Fabrication. On servers, setting an option to banned
; (even if it's client-only) will also prevent clients connecting to the
; server from enabling it (if they are well-behaved; it is easy to make a
; hacked version of Fabrication that ignores this, so don't rely on it.)
; You can upgrade your config to the latest default config with all of its
; comments without losing your settings by renaming this file to
; "features.ini.old". You will lose any new comments or formatting, but your
; values will be carried over.
; Broad features and global settings.
; Enable all features in Balance
; Changes to vanilla balance.
; Enable all features in Experiments
; Bad ideas given form.
; Enable all features in Fixes
; Fixes for bugs and weird behavior.
; Enable all features in Mechanics
; New mechanics and powerful
; additions.
; Enable all features in Minor Mechanics
; Small additions to vanilla
; mechanics.
; Enable all features in Pedantry
; Fixes for non-problems.
; Enable all features in Tweaks
; Minor changes that fit with vanilla.
; Enable all features in Unsafe
; QoL changes that make cheating easier.
; Enable all features in Utility
; Useful tidbits that don't modify
; gameplay.
; Enable all features in Weird Tweaks
; Opinionated changes.
; Enable all features in What's Old Is New Again
; Forward ports of
; forgotten tidbits.
; Client Only
; Makes the config screen darker.
; Enables submitting anonymous data to a self-hosted privacy-respecting
; Matomo instance run by unascribed. The following data is submitted:
; Fabrication version, Minecraft version, Forge/Fabric version, Java
; version, approximate window aspect ratio, OpenGL version, selected
; language, operating system name (no version), currentstatus of all
; features, and any mixin failures.
; Please enable this to give me
; insight into what features people use, what features conflict, and to
; help inform development decisions based on version information.
; Makes the game a teensy bit faster, but requires a restart to change
; features.
; Client Only
; Disables high-motion animations in the Fabrication
; config screen.
; Fixes for bugs and weird behavior.
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Makes the CanDestroy and
; CanPlaceOn tags be honored in survival mode instead of just adventure
; mode.
; Only needed on server, but the experience is more seamless if
; it's also on the client.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/adventure_tags_in_survival.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes textures not tick while the game is paused,
; meaning animated blocks and such properly freeze instead of
; continuing to animate.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/better_pause_freezing.mp4
; Client Only
; Replaces translation strings for potion and enchantment
; levels with a dynamic algorithm that supports arbitrarily large
; numbers.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/boundless_levels.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes "crack" particles honor item coloration, such as
; leather armor dye.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/colored_crack_particles.mp4
; Client Only
; Re-adds bubble columns having a bubble pop particle and
; sound at the top.
; Was present in 18w07a, got removed before 1.13
; release.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/bubble_column_pop.mp4
; Server Only
; Stable cacti but it will break some existing vanilla
; farms. As cactus will no longer break when growing next to an
; adjacent block. Using this also fixes naturally spawning cactus
; farms.
; Server Only
; Fixes a bug in Charm caused by bad assumptions that
; allows generating amethyst shards if you have another mod that can
; make item frames invisible, such as Fabrication's own Invisibility
; Splash On Inanimates.
; Client Only
; End portal block will render from all sides.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/fix_end_portal_render.mp4
; Client Only
; Render the nether portal UI texture even if player has
; nausea.
; Server Only
; Right-clicking a furnace minecart with a non-fuel while
; it's out of fuel gives it a little bit of fuel, allowing you to
; "push" it.
; Removed some time after 17w46a (1.13 pre releases); nobody
; seems to have noticed, and it wasn't announced.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/furnace_minecart_pushing.mp4
; Client Only
; Brings back the ghast "charging" animation when they're
; about to fire a fireball that got broken in 1.3 and removed in 1.8,
; and never worked in multiplayer.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/ghast_charging.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes inanimate entities honor the "invisible" tag sent
; by the server. Does nothing on its own; the server must have
; something that marks inanimate entities as invisible, such as
; Fabrication's own Invisibility Splash On Inanimates.
; Server Only
; Through some mystical mojank reasoning mobs would
; normally stop looking for the player after reaching the players last
; known location, this fixes that.
; Client Only
; Allows pasting multiple lines of text into a sign. You
; can also copy all the lines of a sign by holding Shift while copying.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/multiline_sign_paste.mp4
; Client Only
; Disables the flashing effect when Night Vision is about
; to run out. This effect ranges from "annoying" to "actively
; dangerous". With this enabled, it just slowly fades out instead.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/no_night_vision_flash.mp4
; Client Only
; The player render in the inventory follows your cursor,
; even if it's not inside the game window.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/omniscent_player.mp4
; Client Only
; Allows players to open inventories while in a nether
; portal.
; Vanilla originally made this change to fix a dupe exploit in
; Beta. The underlying cause of this dupe was fixed a very long time
; ago.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/open_inventories_in_nether_portal.mp4
; Server Only
; Fixes an oversight that prevents silverfish from playing
; their step sound. It's also possible it's not an oversight and that
; Mojang simply deemed the silverfish step sound too horrible and
; dummied it out.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/silverfish_step.mp4
; Server Only
; Fixes cactuses being made of Explodium due to
; long-since-fixed engine limitations. In English: Makes cacti not
; break themselves if a block is placed next to them. They will still
; break if they *grow* into such a space, so cactus randomizers and
; cactus farms still work.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/stable_cacti.mp4
; Server & Client
; Makes the last attacker yaw field sync properly when
; the player is damaged, instead of always being zero. Causes the
; camera shake animation when being hurt to tilt away from the source
; of damage instead of always tilting right.
; Fixes MC-26678, which is
; closed as Won't Fix.
; Needed on both client and server, but doesn't
; break vanilla clients.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/sync_attacker_yaw.mp4
; Client Only
; Removes the hardcoded 60 FPS cap in menu screens,
; instead using whatever you have the framerate cap set to.
; Primarily
; added because in prior versions the cap was 30 FPS and I thought it
; still was. Maybe this is nice if you have a 144Hz display?
; Client Only
; Changes player name tags to match names in the player
; list. Good in combination with nickname mods like Drogtor.
; Demonstration image: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/use_player_list_name_in_tag.png
; Useful tidbits that don't modify gameplay.
; Client Only
; Makes enchanted books show the first letter of their
; enchants in the bottom left, cycling through enchants every second if
; they have multiple.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/books_show_enchants.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Adds a new CanHit tag that affects
; melee attacks, bows, crossbows, and tridents. Also works on arrows
; and fireworks, in which case the restrictions will be AND'd with the
; restrictions of the bow or crossbow doing the firing.
; The tag must be
; a list of strings, which may contain UUIDs that match a specific
; entity or an entity type ID optionally prefixed with a ! to invert
; the match.
; If installed on the client, adds hit information to the
; tooltip. You can hide this information by creating an NBT byte set to
; 1 called "HideCanHit".
; For example, a sword that can only hit
; spiders: /give @p diamond_sword{CanHit:["spider"]}
; A sword that can
; hit anything but creepers: /give @p
; diamond_sword{CanHit:["!creeper"]}
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/canhit.mp4
; Server & Client
; Makes items that are about to despawn blink. The
; despawn timer is synced from the server, so this only works if the
; server also has it installed, but it means that the blinking only
; happens when it should.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/despawning_items_blink.mp4
; Server Only
; Any amount of damage done to an entity is
; unconditionally fatal.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/all_damage_is_fatal.mp4
; Server Only
; Adds bold, strikethrough, underscore and italic markdown
; to chat.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/chat_markdown.mp4
; Server or Client
; Prevents bee nests generating. Also disables all
; bee sounds.
; Useful if you have a bee phobia. Makes honey
; inaccessible; you may want a datapack to make it accessible again,
; and/or to make empty bee nests craftable for decor.
; Does not delete
; existing bee nests or bee entities; only fully effective in a new
; world.
; Server or Client
; Prevents villages from generating and zombie
; villagers from spawning.
; Villagers completely break game balance,
; among other issues.
; Will not fully take effect unless the game is
; restarted.
; Client Only
; Pressing enter selects the highlighted suggestion.
; Client Only
; Item frames will not display the names of the item
; inside them.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/item_frame_no_name_display.mp4
; Client Only
; Disables the elder guardian appearance effect upon being
; inflicted with Mining Fatigue.
; Server Only
; Sends no ping data to IPs that have not successfully
; logged in in the last 7 days.
; Prevents scraping. There exist services
; that constantly ping servers they know about and track their uptime
; and who's connected, which will then turn around and store the name
; history of discovered users permanently and make their cape publicly
; searchable, among other things.
; Does not work on 1.19.1.
; Demonstration image: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/ping_privacy.png
; Client Only
; Makes bee hive items show amount of contained bees.
; Server Only
; Weapons can be enchanted with Silk Touch, and Silk Touch
; becomes incompatible with Looting.
; Can be used with datapacks and
; loot tables (or so I'm told).
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/weapons_accept_silk.mp4
; Server Only
; Allows clicking on the empty output slot of a furnace to
; extract the experience, instead of needing to break it.
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Adds /hidearmor and /showarmor
; commands to hide and show your armor. Works with vanilla clients for
; hiding armor from others; for hiding armor from yourself to work,
; must be present on client.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/hide_armor.mp4
; Server Only
; Adds /i, /item, /more, and /fenchant commands.
; /i and
; /item are shorthand for /give to yourself, and /more increases the
; size of your held item's stack. /fenchant is like /enchant but it
; ignores all restrictions.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/i_and_more.mp4
; Server Only
; Allows fine-grained control over item despawn times and
; making items invulnerable to all forms of damage including the void.
; You can filter by the item ID, whether the item was dropped by a
; player, if the item was dropped by a player dying, what enchantments
; are on the item, if the item is cursed, arbitrary NBT booleans, and
; block or item tags.
; Configured in
; config/fabrication/item_despawn.ini.
; See the default config for more info: https://github.com/unascribed/Fabrication/blob/trunk/src/main/resources/default_item_despawn_config.ini
; Server Only
; Adds a KillMessage NBT tag to entities and items,
; allowing them to show a custom death message when they kill a player.
; You can use placeholders to show the name of the killed entity, the
; name of the killing entity, or the name of the killing entity's held
; item, in that order.
; For example, "%s found a %s" would show e.g.
; "unascribed found a Skeleton". You could also write this as "%1$s
; found a %2$s" for the same result, or, say "A %2$s found %1$s" to
; show them in the opposite order, e.g. "A Skeleton found unascribed".
; The third %s or a %3$s will show the item name; if there isn't one,
; [Air] will be shown.
; Server Only
; Allows numeric arguments to /gamemode and /difficulty,
; re-adds /toggledownfall, allows TitleCase arguments to /summon,
; allows numeric arguments to commands that accept items like /give,
; and re-adds shorthand to /xp.
; Old habits die hard.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/legacy_command_syntax.mp4
; Server Only
; Command suggestions for modded ids will still appear
; even if the id namespace is not explicitly specified.
; Client Only
; Links in chat are clickable. Does not work on 1.19.1.
; Client Only
; Makes entities show their entity ID as a nametag in
; Creative when F3 is up. Originally a vanilla feature; was removed in
; Beta 1.8 as nametags are visible through walls and it was a bit
; cheaty in Survival.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/mob_ids.mp4
; Server Only
; Adds a /mods command listing all mods on the server.
; Hovering over the mods shows their descriptions, clicking on them
; takes you to their homepage if they have one.
; If Bukkit is not
; present, also adds a /plugins command suggesting people use /mods
; instead.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/mods_command.mp4
; Client Only
; Right Mouse Button will clear text fields.
; Client Only
; Makes bee hive tooltips show amount of contained bees.
; Client Only
; Makes filled maps show their ID.
; Server Only
; Allows you to assign or unassign various "tags" from
; players via /fabrication tag. Valid tags consist of feature keys
; which are living_entity scriptable. The following features are set
; taggable by default: can_breathe_water, no_wandering_trader,
; no_phantoms, scares_creepers, permanent_dolphins_grace,
; permanent_conduit_power, fireproof, no_hunger, invisible_to_mobs.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/taggable_players.mp4
; Client Only
; Adds a "Toggle/Hold Sprint" keybind. Vanilla has an
; accessibility option to make the Sneak key work as a toggle, since it
; can be useful to have a hold and toggle button at the same time this
; keybind will take the other mode of the accessibility setting.
; Client Only
; Adds a "Toggle Stance" keybind to switch between
; standing and sneaking. Vanilla has an accessibility option to make
; the existing Sneak key work as a toggle, but it can be useful to have
; a hold-to-sneak and toggle-sneak button at the same time.
; Interacts
; with Minor Mechanics > Crawling; if they are both enabled, the Toggle
; Stance key will cycle between standing, sneaking, and crawling.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/toggle_stance.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes tools enchanted with Silk Touch, Fortune, or
; Riptide show the first letter of that enchant in the top left.
; Never
; break an Ender Chest with the wrong tool again.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/tools_show_important_enchant.mp4
; Server Only
; Adds a yeet_recipes.ini that can be used to completely
; remove any recipe.
; Minor changes that fit with vanilla.
; Server & Client
; Taking damage that is completely absorbed by
; Absorption plays a different (custom) sound.
; Required on both sides,
; but doesn't break vanilla clients.
; Server Only
; Reduces arrow drag in water by a fair bit to make bows
; useful underwater. Not nearly as good as a trident, but usable.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/arrows_work_in_water.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes walking through berry bushes not deal damage.
; Server Only
; Makes walking through berry bushes when sneaking not
; deal damage.
; Server Only
; Makes walking through berry bushes with both leggings
; and boots equipped not deal damage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/bush_walk_doesnt_hurt_with_armor.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes touching the side of a cactus (not walking on top
; of one) with a chestplate equipped not deal damage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/cactus_brush_doesnt_hurt_with_chest.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes walking on top of a cactus (not touching the side
; of one) with boots equipped not deal damage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/cactus_walk_doesnt_hurt_with_boots.mp4
; Server Only
; Campfires will cook entities without setting them on
; fire.
; Server Only
; Campfires will set fire to mobs standing on them,
; therefore also cooking them.
; Server Only
; Campfires are unlit when placed and must be lit with a
; Flint and Steel.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/campfires_place_unlit.mp4
; Server Only
; Spawn eggs spawn cracking particles and play a sound
; when used.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/cracking_spawn_eggs.mp4
; Server Only
; Ender pearls play enderman teleport sound when breaking.
; Server Only
; Players will not lose air while underwater.
; Server Only
; Players cannot take fire damage.
; Client Only
; ?
; Server Only
; Players cannot be targeted by mobs at all. Sorta like
; Apathetic Mobs.
; Server Only
; Players never lose food, and when they eat food it
; instead heals them directly. Sorta like Hunger Strike.
; Server Only
; Prevents phantoms from spawning.
; Server Only
; Prevents wandering traders from spawning.
; Server Only
; Players always have Conduit Power.
; Server Only
; Players always have Dolphins Grace.
; Server Only
; Players will scare creepers.
; Server Only
; Farmland will not get trampled when wearing feather
; falling.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/feather_falling_no_trample.mp4
; Server Only
; Cobwebs can burn.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/flammable_cobwebs.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes shields use the full-res banner patterns instead
; of weird smaller versions. Compatible with custom patterns and
; resource packs.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/fullres_banner_shields.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes ghasts randomly play the unused "scream" sound
; when outside of the Nether.
; Client Only
; Adjusts sign text colors to be less garbage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/legible_signs.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes the "on fire" overlay half as tall, and removes it
; completely if you have Fire Resistance.
; Especially nice with resource
; packs like Faithful that have tall fire textures.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/less_annoying_fire.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Allows note blocks to play if any
; block next to them has a nonsolid face, instead of only if the block
; above is air.
; On the client, just adjusts the note particle to fly
; the right direction.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/less_restrictive_note_blocks.mp4
; Client Only
; Plays the old longer level up sound when you reach level
; 30.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/long_levelup_sound_at_30.mp4
; Server Only
; Water evaporates when being placed inside a cauldron in
; the nether.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/nether_cauldron.mp4
; Server Only
; Disables the generation of 1 block hidden lava pockets
; in the Nether. They were initially added to discourage stripmining in
; the Nether for quartz, but now that Netherite exists, which can only
; be reasonably obtained via stripmining, it's just frustrating for no
; real reason.
; "Dinnerlava" refers to the fact this was part of a
; series of changes all made by Dinnerbone in a short span of time in
; the 1.5 era mostly on provocation from Vechs of Super Hostile
; fame.
; Will not take effect unless the world is reloaded.
; Server Only
; Chest and hopper minecarts will not be slowed down
; proportionally to the number of items in them.
; Server Only
; Blocks which would normally not affect players when
; sneaking will.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/no_sneak_bypass.mp4
; Server Only
; Farmland will not get trampled.
; Client Only
; Disables the fog brightening effect with Night Vision.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/normal_fog_with_night_vision.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Allows sneaking when punching note
; blocks to play them in Creative mode.
; On the client, prevents the
; break effect from occurring as usually happens with server-side break
; prevention.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/play_note_blocks_in_creative.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes experience random colors instead of just lime
; green.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/rainbow_experience.mp4
; Client Only
; Recipe book crafts items instead of moving them to the
; crafting area.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/recipe_book_auto_craft.mp4
; Server Only
; Sneaking while tuning a note block reduces its pitch
; rather than increases.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/reverse_note_block_tuning.mp4
; Client Only
; Allows players to see held items while riding entities
; like boats.
; Server Only
; Makes shulker bullets despawn when the shulker that shot
; them is killed.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/shulker_bullets_despawn_on_death.mp4
; Client Only
; Makes minecarts silent.
; Server Only
; Makes Loyalty tridents immune to void damage, and causes
; them to start their return timer upon falling into the void.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/tridents_in_void_return.mp4
; Small additions to vanilla mechanics.
; Server Only
; Breaking cactus with your hand will damage you the same
; as hugging it.
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Makes Channeling II a valid
; enchant that works while raining as well.
; Server & Client
; Adds a key to explicitly enter the "crawling"
; stance. No more smushing yourself with a trapdoor. Needed on both the
; server and client, but doesn't break vanilla clients.
; Honors the
; vanilla "Sneak" Accessibility Option. Interacts with Utility > Toggle
; Stance.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/crawling.mp4
; Server Only
; Right-clicking a note block with a stack of sticks sets
; its pitch to the size of the stack minus one.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/exact_note_block_tuning.mp4
; Server Only
; More accurately determines what the player is standing
; on. e.g. with this you can't take fall damage on a slime block while
; landing on an edge with air next to it.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/collision_based_landing_pos.mp4
; Server Only
; Pistons launch players up as if they were pushing slime
; blocks.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/launching_pistons.mp4
; Server Only
; Observers detect when entities move in front of them if
; they have no block in front of them.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/observers_see_entities.mp4
; Server Only
; Observers only detect living entities, and not
; e.g. item entities.
; Safety option to prevent breaking a
; variety of vanilla contraptions.
; Server Only
; Makes spiders unable to climb while wet. Basically a
; more overpowered version of Spiders Can't Climb Glazed Terracotta.
; May break vanilla spider farms.
; Interacts with Enhanced Moistness,
; and the demo video uses it for the water splash to work like it does.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/spiders_cant_climb_while_wet.mp4
; Server Only
; Requires water_fills_on_break to have at least 2 water
; sources.
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Makes Feather Falling V a valid
; enchant that completely negates fall damage. Optionally does damage
; to the boots.
; If present on the client, makes the enchantment
; available in the Creative menu.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/feather_falling_five.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes absorbing fall damage with Feather Falling
; V cause damage to the boots.
; Server Only
; Right-clicking a block with no action with a Fire Aspect
; tool emulates a click with flint and steel, allowing you to light
; fires and such with a Fire Aspect tool instead of having to carry
; around flint and steel.
; Since it emulates clicking with a Flint and
; Steel, it's highly compatible.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/fire_aspect_is_flint_and_steel.mp4
; Server Only
; Fire Protection can be applied to any enchantable item,
; and makes the item immune to fire and lava damage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/fire_protection_on_any_item.mp4
; Server Only
; Allows furnace minecarts to accept any furnace fuel,
; rather than just coal and charcoal.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/furnace_minecart_any_fuel.mp4
; Server Only
; Snow layers and slabs will be mined a layer at a time.
; Server Only
; Makes Infinity bows not require an arrow in your
; inventory to fire.
; If not present on client, firing bows with no
; arrows is a bit janky.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/infibows.mp4
; Server Only
; Invisibility splash potions affect inanimates
; (minecarts, arrows, etc) making them invisible. They will become
; visible again if they become wet. This enables the vanilla
; "invisible" flag, which doesn't work on inanimates unless Fixes >
; Inanimates Can Be Invisible is also enabled.
; Logic: Invisibility
; potions coat the outer surface of the object. Living entities absorb
; and eventually eliminate the compound, and when drank it exudes from
; the pores, but inanimate objects do not have metabolisms, so the
; invisibility hangs around indefinitely unless washed off. Don't @ me
; about skeletons.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/invisibility_splash_on_inanimates.mp4
; Server Only
; Placing a block of wool adjacent to a dispenser,
; dropper, or piston makes it silent.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/mechanism_muffling.mp4
; Server Only
; Tells you the note the note block has been tuned to when
; tuning it or playing it manually above your hotbar. Also shows the
; octave, and shows the correct note for the snare and click
; instruments. (The bass drum is hard to nail down and so does not show
; note or octave info; if you know the best way to describe the bass
; drum, please let me know in an issue.)
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/note_block_notes.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes note blocks play when landed on. The higher the
; entity fell, the louder the note will be. Also triggers Observers.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/note_blocks_play_on_landing.mp4
; Server Only
; Protection can be applied to any enchantable item.
; It
; will inclusively protect from:. Level 1: cactus, Level 2: fire, Level
; 3: lava, Level 4: explosions.
; Server Only
; Makes spiders unable to climb glazed terracotta, to make
; farming them less of a chore if you go to the trouble to make glazed
; terracotta.
; Logic: Slime blocks can't stick to glazed terracotta. Are
; spiders really stickier than solid slime?
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/spiders_cant_climb_glazed_terracotta.mp4
; Server Only
; Using bone meal on a stone block with a moss block
; nearby grows moss to that block, to make it a bit easier to work with
; for building.
; Server Only
; When a trident hits a lever it will toggle it.
; Server Only
; Shift right click with an empty hand to retrieve a
; saddle from a pig/strider.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/unsaddle_creatures.mp4
; Server Only
; Water source blocks fill in broken blocks instead of air
; if there is more water on its north, east, south, west, and top faces
; than there is air on its north, east, south, and west faces. In case
; of a tie, air wins. Makes terraforming lakes and building canals, etc
; much less frustrating.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/water_fills_on_break.mp4
; New mechanics and powerful additions.
; Server Only
; Allows right-clicking on an anvil with a Block of Iron
; to repair it one stage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/anvil_repair.mp4
; Server Only
; Filling a glass bottle underwater refills 1 air bubble.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/bottled_air.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes gear drop its consituent items when broken. This
; is completely configurable in
; config/fabrication/gear_components.ini.
; Also works with nonplayer
; entities, where it is affected by their drop chance table.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/broken_tools_drop_components.mp4
; See the default config for more info: https://github.com/unascribed/Fabrication/blob/trunk/src/main/resources/default_gear_components_config.ini
; Server Only
; Allows using a comparator on a powered rail just like a
; detector rail. Makes minecart logistics a lot easier. Also allows
; using a repeater to do normal detection.
; Server Only
; Placing magenta glazed terracotta under a detector rail
; makes it only detect minecarts moving in the direction of the arrow.
; Server Only
; Placing magenta glazed terracotta under a powered rail
; makes it push minecarts in the direction of the arrow, even from a
; stop. They also work as hard stops for carts going the wrong
; direction.
; Works similar to a Railcraft Boarding Track.
; Server Only
; Entities are considered "wet" for 5 seconds after
; leaving a source of wetness. Additionally, lingering or splash water
; bottles inflict wetness. Also makes wet entities drip to show they're
; wet. Affects various vanilla mechanics including fire and undead
; burning.
; Touching lava instantly removes wetness, meaning lava blades
; still work.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/enhanced_moistness.mp4
; Redstone on top of wool will not connect to redstone on top of a
; different color of wool.
; Experimental. Once sufficiently tested, will
; be moved out of Extra.
; Server Only
; When adding enchants that would normally not be
; compatible it will instead get added in an inactive state.
; Conflicting enchants can be swapped on the go by shift right-clicking
; the item.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/swap_conflicting_enchants.mp4
; Server Only
; Pearls will teleport entities they hit and pull nearby
; ones.
; Server & Client
; Placing a book in the bottom slot of a Grindstone
; when disenchanting an item will transfer the enchantments onto the
; book.
; Doesn't work properly if the client doesn't also have it, but
; it will not break vanilla clients.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/grindstone_disenchanting.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Empty bottles can be used to
; collect "Obsidian Tears" from Crying Obsidian. When quaffed by or
; dispensed onto a player, it updates their spawn to the location of
; the block the tears are from. Dispensers can also be used to fill
; empty bottles with tears.
; Crying Obsidian respawn works in any
; dimension and doesn't need to be recharged, but you spawn with half
; health, no saturation, less than full food, and Weakness.
; On client,
; just gives the bottle a custom appearance instead of a potion item.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/obsidian_tears.mp4
; Server Only
; Adds "Pursurvers", observers with a Purpur block next to
; them, that can detect left-clicks on their watched block.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/pursurvers.mp4
; Server Only
; Slow fall splash potions affect inanimates (minecarts,
; arrows, etc) making them unaffected by gravity. They will become
; normally affected again if they become wet.
; This is kind of
; overpowered.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/slowfall_splash_on_inanimates.mp4
; Server Only
; Powered rails stop furnace carts when appropriate and
; conserve their fuel.
; Server Only
; Sheep wool slightly reduces some types of damage.
; Changes to vanilla balance.
; Server Only
; Anvils don't become "Too Expensive".
; Server Only
; Makes renaming an item on an anvil always cost one
; level.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/anvil_rename_always_costs_one.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes the Impaling enchantment act like it does in
; Bedrock Edition and Combat Test 4. Namely, it deals bonus damage to
; anything that is in water or rain (i.e. is wet), instead of only
; aquatic mobs.
; Interacts with Enhanced Moistness.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/bedrock_impaling.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Disables the anvil prior work
; penalty when an item has been worked multiple times. Makes
; non-Mending tools relevant by allowing you to repair them
; indefinitely, and makes putting books on tools easier.
; If only on the
; server and not the client, the wrong level cost will briefly be
; displayed before being corrected.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/disable_prior_work_penalty.mp4
; Server Only
; Players drop 80% of their experience when dying instead
; of basically nothing.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/drop_more_exp_on_death.mp4
; Server Only
; Creeper explosions deal entity damage, but not block
; damage, even if mobGriefing is true.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/environmentally_friendly_creepers.mp4
; Server Only
; Anvils only take damage when falling from a height
; rather than randomly after being used.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/anvil_damage_only_on_fall.mp4
; Server Only
; Any item repair in the anvil will restore item
; durability.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/anvil_full_repair.mp4
; Server Only
; Anvils don't cost any xp.
; Server Only
; Causes explosions to always break shields.
; Server Only
; Prevents using Elytra.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/disable_elytra.mp4
; Server Only
; Prevent Elytra boosting using firework rockets.
; Server Only
; Stops the mending enchantment from working.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/disable_mending.mp4
; Server Only
; Stops new villagers from offering mending.
; Server Only
; Ender pearls forget who threw them when being unloaded.
; Which means saving a ender pearl in a bubble column becomes more
; difficult.
; Server Only
; Ender dragon always spawn a dragon egg when killed.
; Server Only
; Ender dragon always gives the same xp amount as it would
; the first time.
; Server Only
; Shields half non-projectile damage instead of blocking
; it.
; Server Only
; Allows players to eat unconditionally.
; Server Only
; Makes Mending and Infinity compatible enchantments.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/infinity_mending.mp4
; Server Only
; Taking more then a heart of damage interrupts the
; current action of any mob / player.
; Server Only
; Makes furnace minecarts load chunks if they have fuel.
; Server Only
; All ingot mob drops are converted to nuggets where
; possible, otherwise voided.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/mobs_dont_drop_ingots.mp4
; Server Only
; Arrows shot by skeletons can be picked up.
; Server Only
; Mob spawners don't require a player nearby to spawn.
; This can be dangerous on a normal world as it means all loaded
; spawners will constantly spawn mobs, which makes dungeons pre-loaded
; monsterboxes and floods abandoned mineshafts with cave spiders. Use
; carefully, preferably in worlds with structures disabled.
; See Balance
; > Spawners Always Tick for a less extreme, safer version of this.
; Server Only
; Prevents dragon egg from teleporting.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/static_dragon_egg.mp4
; Server & Client
; Allows storing up to 8 nonstackable items in a
; bundle, as long as nothing else is stored.
; Server & Client
; Makes obsidian and obsidian-related blocks break 3×
; faster. Needed on both sides to work properly.
; Does not break vanilla
; clients when on the server, but when on the client, vanilla servers
; will think you're cheating. (And they won't be wrong.)
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/faster_obsidian.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes furnace minecarts very fast and burn fuel more
; quickly.
; An attempt to make rail transport relevant again, as well as
; furnace carts, in a world with ice roads, swimming, elytra,
; etc.
; Warning: These carts are so fast that they sometimes fall off of
; track corners. Make sure to surround track corners with blocks.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/hyperspeed_furnace_minecart.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Allow putting Infinity on
; crossbows. Only works for plain arrows.
; Honors InfiBows.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/infinity_crossbows.mp4
; Server Only
; Makes running on soul blocks with Soul Speed not deal
; damage to your boots.
; Server Only
; Spawners always count down their spawn timers, even if
; no player is nearby. This means a spawner that is left alone for a
; while will spawn *instantly* when a player comes in range. Allows
; shuttling a player between spawners with a minecart or water stream
; to efficiently make use of spawners that are close together, but not
; quite close enough to all be activated at the same time.
; Server Only
; Allows tridents to accept the Power enchantment,
; increasing their ranged damage. It's pitiful that tridents only deal
; as much damage as an unenchanted bow and this cannot be improved at
; all other than via Impaling, which is exclusive to aquatic mobs;
; notably, Drowned do not count as aquatic mobs. Only the harmless
; squids, salmon, cod, tropical fish, and the less harmless pufferfish
; and guardians count as "aquatic".
; Power is considered incompatible
; with Sharpness and Impaling.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/tridents_accept_power.mp4
; Server Only
; Allows tridents to accept the Sharpness enchantment,
; increasing their melee damage. See above for justification. Tridents
; deal 1 more damage than a Netherite Sword, but this tweak *only*
; allows them to accept Sharpness; no Smite, no Looting, etc.
; Sharpness
; is considered incompatible with Power and Impaling.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/tridents_accept_sharpness.mp4
; Opinionated changes.
; Server Only
; Blaze powder behaves as bone meal for nether wart.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/blaze_fertilizer.mp4
; Server Only
; Creepers explode after taking explosion damage.
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; By default, makes breaking nether
; blocks deal 50x damage to non-golden and non-netherite tools, and
; makes golden tools take 1/50th the damage when breaking the same
; blocks, bringing their durability just above diamond. Also makes
; wooden tools crafted with nether planks into "Fungal" tools, and
; stone tools crafted with blackstone into "Blackstone" tools, which
; also get the 1/50th damage bonus. Completely configurable; see
; config/fabrication/dimensional_tools.ini.
; On client, adjusts tooltips
; to show fractional damage.
; Inspired by a joke video.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/gold_tools_useful_in_nether.mp4
; See the default config for more info: https://github.com/unascribed/Fabrication/blob/trunk/src/main/resources/default_dimensional_tools_config.ini
; Server or Client
; Disables the unnecessary "Gear equips" sound that
; plays when your hands change, and is often glitchily played every
; tick. Armor equip sounds and other custom equip sounds remain
; unchanged. You won't even notice it's gone.
; On client, mutes it just
; for you.
; On server, prevents the sound from playing at all for
; everyone.
; Client Only
; Removes thick nether fog.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/disable_nether_fog.mp4
; Server Only
; If keepInventory is enabled, players still drop their
; experience when dying, but do so losslessly. Incents returning to
; where you died even when keepInventory is enabled.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/drop_exp_with_keepinventory.mp4
; Server Only
; Endermen no longer place or pickup blocks.
; Server or Client
; Makes Endermen not make their growling or
; screeching sounds when angry.
; On client, mutes the sounds for just
; you. This means angry endermen don't make ambient sounds.
; On server,
; replaces the angry ambient sound with the normal ambient sound for
; everyone. The stare sound is client-sided, unfortunately.
; Server Only
; Causes creepers to light their fuses when lit on fire.
; Just because.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/creepers_explode_when_on_fire.mp4
; Server Only
; Piglins and hoglins can be made immune with a golden
; apple or cured if they also have weakness.
; Server Only
; Prevents lightning from creating fire.
; Server Only
; Prevents beds from skipping the night.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/disable_night_skip.mp4
; Server Only
; Emeralds spawn in all biomes which have ores.
; Server Only
; Tripwire breaks after being activated.
; Client Only
; Creepers will take on the foliage color of the biome
; they're in.
; Server Only
; Prevents dolphins from picking up items.
; Server Only
; Creepers burn in sunlight. Very dangerous in combination
; with Creepers Explode When On Fire.
; Takes precedence over
; Photoresistant Mobs if that is also enabled, allowing you to make
; only creepers burn in sunlight.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/photoallergic_creepers.mp4
; Server Only
; Mobs don't burn in sunlight.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/photoresistant_mobs.mp4
; Server Only
; Allows entities to take damage multiple times if it's
; from multiple sources.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/source_dependent_iframes.mp4
; Server Only
; Throwing an bucket at a lava cauldron will pickup the
; lava.
; Server Only
; TNT and other explosives do block damage even
; underwater.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/underwater_explosions.mp4
; Server Only
; Instead of restocking villagers will completely reset
; their trades. This also soft-limits the trades to the villager's
; level (one trade of each level).
; Server Only
; Villagers will follow players holding emerald blocks.
; Server Only
; Drops from blocks and entities are instantly placed in
; your inventory if there's room. This is animated and everything.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/instant_pickup.mp4
; Server Only
; Items don't get destroyed by cactus blocks.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/item_safe_cactus.mp4
; Server Only
; Grass and tall grass can be placed on leaves.
; Using Bone
; Meal on leaves makes them grow grass.
; Server Only
; Players falling into the void teleports them back to the
; last place they were on the ground and deals 6 hearts of unblockable
; void damage.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/repelling_void.mp4
; Client Only
; Allows players to use items and attack while riding
; entities like boats.
; Forward ports of forgotten tidbits.
; Client Only
; Back in Survival Test, drops blinked white to make them
; stand out more. This is an implementation of that.
; If Utility >
; Despawning Items Blink is enabled, that tweak's disappear-flashing
; will be disabled, and instead this tweak's white flashing will get
; faster and faster as despawn approaches.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/blinking_drops.mp4
; Survival Test video, for reference: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/survival_test.mp4
; Client Only
; Resurrects the Beta 1.2-era animated falling block logo.
; Because it looked sweet and it is shameful they removed it.
; The block
; logo is completely customizable in config/fabrication/block_logo.png
; and config/fabrication/block_logo.ini. The default is identical to
; how it was in Beta 1.2.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/block_logo.mp4
; Client Only
; Back in Survival Test, likely in the interest of keeping
; a consistent pixel density in the world, block drops were drawn with
; an 8x8 portion of the block texture. This didn't always work well
; back then, and rather than fix things up and design textures with it
; in mind, it was simply removed.
; This option uses a whitelist in
; config/fabrication/classic_block_drops.ini to emulate the old
; behavior, and for anything not whitelisted, uses mipmapped
; textures.
; This looks pretty neat.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/classic_block_drops.mp4
; Survival Test video, for reference: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/survival_test.mp4
; Server Only
; When dropping items of the same type they don't merge
; into a bigger stack.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/dropped_items_dont_stack.mp4
; Client Only
; Old end portal texture, may not be entirely accurate.
; Will not work unless the game is restarted, requires legacy GL and
; may not work on some systems.
; Client Only
; Brings back billboarded flat item drops like on Fast
; graphics prior to 1.8 or like always prior to 1.4.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/billboard_drops.mp4
; Client Only
; Replaces the panorama background of the title screen
; with the old dirt one.
; Client Only
; Brings back Indev flat first-person item models.
; "Why?"
; Why not.
; Demonstration image: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/flat_items.png
; Server Only
; Enchanting consumes all of the xp required for an
; enchant. For example a 30 level enchant will consume 30 levels
; instead of 3.
; Server Only
; Bow fires arrows instantly upon clicking.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/instant_bow.mp4
; Server Only
; Eating food is instant.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/instant_eat.mp4
; Client Only
; Brings back Survival Test arm rotation.
; "Why?" Why not.
; Demonstration image: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/janky_arm.png
; Survival Test video, for reference: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/survival_test.mp4
; Server & Client (Client Optional)
; Removes experience. Anvils become
; free and enchanting only costs lapis.
; Client Only
; Prevents first-person hands from gradually transitioning
; from the last camera position.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/no_hand_sway.mp4
; Client Only
; Players stay upright when killed.
; Server Only
; Disable sprinting.
; Client Only
; Removes the gradual crouch / crawl camera transition.
; Server Only
; Disable swimming.
; Server Only
; Sheep drop wool when punched.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/old_sheep_shear.mp4
; Client Only
; Ressurects the old inventory tooltip from the beta days.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/old_tooltip.mp4
; Client Only
; Brings back the old "Oof" hurt sound. Unlike the
; resource pack approach, this is player-specific rather than replacing
; the generic fleshy damage sound, so it won't result in random things
; Oof-ing.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/oof.mp4
; Client Only
; Returns void fog from pre 1.8.
; Client Only
; Adds smoke and poof particles to explosions.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/more_explosion_particles.mp4
; Server Only
; All armor has the same protection.
; Server Only
; Armor value is reduced with durability.
; Client Only
; Inventories, pause and other menus will have a blue
; gradient.
; Client Only
; Resurrects the old procedural lava texture from 1.4.
; Replace your molten cheese with pasta sauce today! HAYO!
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/old_lava.mp4
; Client Only
; Returns void fog particles from pre 1.8.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/void_fog_particles.mp4
; Client Only
; Hovered buttons will have yellow text.
; Demonstration video: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/yellow_button_hover.mp4
; QoL changes that make cheating easier.
; Server Only
; Server will not check if the client is cheating, when
; breaking blocks faster then expected.
; Helpful with block breaking lag
; when you trust the players.
; Server Only
; Server will not check if the client is cheating, when
; traveling faster then expected.
; Helpful with rubber banding when you
; trust the players.
; Fixes for non-problems.
; Server Only
; Creepers can no longer climb climbable blocks.
; Server Only
; Entities can no longer climb climbable blocks (mostly
; applies to ladders). This on it's own disables ladders, the feature
; is intended to be used by other features.
; Client Only
; Oak trees become apple trees. Because oak trees do not
; grow apples.
; Demonstration image: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/oak_is_apple.png
; Client Only
; TNT is renamed to Dynamite and doesn't say TNT on it.
; TNT is more stable than Minecraft's representation of it, and the
; texture is clearly dynamite.
; (Technically dynamite is made from
; nitroglycerin, but nitro is so incredibly unstable that you would
; need to change a dozen different mechanics to make it
; "correct".)
; Gunpowder is also renamed to Creeper Dust, because
; gunpowder is not that explosive.
; Demonstration image: https://unascribed.com/fabrication/tnt_is_dynamite.png
; Bad ideas given form.
; Client Only
; Prevents the game from manually modifying the window
; position. So if you have custom configs or something that memorizes
; window positions, they will be honored instead of the window always
; being centered.
2022-09-02 01:07:04 +02:00
2022-09-02 01:00:03 +02:00
; Client Only
; Disables rounding of atlases to the next power-of-two.
; GPU drivers have supported "NPOT" textures since forever.
; Possibly
; reduces VRAM usage. May reduce performance. Might cause
; incompatibilites.
; Notices: (Do not edit anything past this line; it will be overwritten)
; - No notices. You're in the clear!