This repository has been archived on 2022-08-02. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Robin Universe 3ab59daf28
Several changes
1. Add the /latest/ endpoint
2. Fix a problem that was leading to infinite loops in some instances
3. Attempt to add Slack support via adding the useragent
4. Make the output a bit prettier and more descriptive
2021-12-02 18:58:36 -06:00

295 lines
12 KiB

from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, Response
import youtube_dl
import textwrap
import twitter
import pymongo
import json
import re
import os
import urllib.parse
app = Flask(__name__)
pathregex = re.compile("\\w{1,15}\\/(status|statuses)\\/\\d{2,20}")
generate_embed_user_agents = ["Slackbot-LinkExpanding 1.0 (+", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Discordbot/2.0; +", "TelegramBot (like TwitterBot)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; January/1.0; +", "test"]
# Read config from config.json. If it does not exist, create new.
if not os.path.exists("config.json"):
with open("config.json", "w") as outfile:
default_config = {"config":{"link_cache":"json","database":"[url to mongo database goes here]","method":"youtube-dl", "color":"#43B581", "appname": "TwitFix", "repo": "", "url": ""},"api":{"api_key":"[api_key goes here]","api_secret":"[api_secret goes here]","access_token":"[access_token goes here]","access_secret":"[access_secret goes here]"}}
json.dump(default_config, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
config = default_config
f = open("config.json")
config = json.load(f)
# If method is set to API or Hybrid, attempt to auth with the Twitter API
if config['config']['method'] in ('api', 'hybrid'):
auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(config['api']['access_token'], config['api']['access_secret'], config['api']['api_key'], config['api']['api_secret'])
twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
link_cache_system = config['config']['link_cache']
if link_cache_system == "json":
link_cache = {}
if not os.path.exists("config.json"):
with open("config.json", "w") as outfile:
default_link_cache = {"test":"test"}
json.dump(default_link_cache, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
f = open('links.json',)
link_cache = json.load(f)
elif link_cache_system == "db":
client = pymongo.MongoClient(config['config']['database'], connect=False)
db = client.TwitFix
@app.route('/latest/') # Try to return the latest video
def latest():
vnf = db.linkCache.find_one(sort = [('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)])
desc = re.sub(r' http.*t\.co\S+', '', vnf['description'])
urlUser = urllib.parse.quote(vnf['uploader'])
urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote(desc)
urlLink = urllib.parse.quote(vnf['url'])
print(" [ ✔ ] Latest video page loaded: " + vnf['tweet'] )
return render_template('inline.html', vidlink=vnf['url'], vidurl=vnf['url'], desc=desc, pic=vnf['thumbnail'], user=vnf['uploader'], video_link=vnf['url'], color=config['config']['color'], appname=config['config']['appname'], repo=config['config']['repo'], url=config['config']['url'], urlDesc=urlDesc, urlUser=urlUser, urlLink=urlLink, tweet=vnf['tweet'])
@app.route('/') # If the useragent is discord, return the embed, if not, redirect to configured repo directly
def default():
user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent')
if user_agent in generate_embed_user_agents:
return message("TwitFix is an attempt to fix twitter video embeds in discord! created by Robin Universe :)\n\n💖\n\nClick me to be redirected to the repo!")
return redirect(config['config']['repo'], 301)
def oembedend():
desc = request.args.get("desc", None)
user = request.args.get("user", None)
link = request.args.get("link", None)
return o_embed_gen(desc,user,link)
def twitfix(sub_path):
user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent')
match =
if sub_path.endswith(".mp4"):
return dir(sub_path.replace(".mp4",""))
if match is not None:
twitter_url = sub_path
if match.start() == 0:
twitter_url = "" + sub_path
if user_agent in generate_embed_user_agents:
res = embed_video(twitter_url)
return res
print(" [ R ] Redirect to " + twitter_url)
return redirect(twitter_url, 301)
return message("This doesn't appear to be a twitter URL")
@app.route('/other/<path:sub_path>') # Show all info that Youtube-DL can get about a video as a json
def other(sub_path):
res = embed_video(sub_path)
return res
@app.route('/info/<path:sub_path>') # Show all info that Youtube-DL can get about a video as a json
def info(sub_path):
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'outtmpl': '%(id)s.%(ext)s'}) as ydl:
result = ydl.extract_info(sub_path, download=False)
return result
def dir(sub_path):
user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent')
url = sub_path
match =
if match is not None:
twitter_url = url
if match.start() == 0:
twitter_url = "" + url
if user_agent in generate_embed_user_agents:
res = embed_video(twitter_url)
return res
print(" [ R ] Redirect to direct MP4 URL")
return direct_video(twitter_url)
return redirect(url, 301)
def direct_video(video_link): # Just get a redirect to a MP4 link from any tweet link
cached_vnf = get_vnf_from_link_cache(video_link)
if cached_vnf == None:
vnf = link_to_vnf(video_link)
add_vnf_to_link_cache(video_link, vnf)
return redirect(vnf['url'], 301)
print(" [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf['url'])
except Exception as e:
return message("Failed to scan your link!")
return redirect(cached_vnf['url'], 301)
print(" [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf['url'])
def embed_video(video_link): # Return Embed from any tweet link
cached_vnf = get_vnf_from_link_cache(video_link)
if cached_vnf == None:
vnf = link_to_vnf(video_link)
add_vnf_to_link_cache(video_link, vnf)
return embed(video_link, vnf)
except Exception as e:
return message("Failed to scan your link!")
return embed(video_link, cached_vnf)
def video_info(url, tweet="", desc="", thumb="", uploader=""): # Return a dict of video info with default values
vnf = {
"tweet" :tweet,
"url" :url,
"description" :desc,
"thumbnail" :thumb,
"uploader" :uploader
return vnf
def link_to_vnf_from_api(video_link):
print(" [ + ] Attempting to download tweet info from Twitter API")
twid = int(re.sub(r'\?.*$','',video_link.rsplit("/", 1)[-1])) # gets the tweet ID as a int from the passed url
tweet =, tweet_mode="extended")
# Check to see if tweet has a video, if not, make the url passed to the VNF the first link in the tweet
if 'extended_entities' in tweet:
if 'video_info' in tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]:
if tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']['variants'][-1]['content_type'] == "video/mp4":
url = tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']['variants'][-1]['url']
thumb = tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['media_url']
url = tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']['variants'][-2]['url']
thumb = tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['media_url']
url = re.findall(r'(https?://[^\s]+)', tweet['full_text'])[0]
thumb = "Non video link with url"
print(" [ NV ] Non video tweet, but has a link: " + url)
url = re.findall(r'(https?://[^\s]+)', tweet['full_text'])[0]
thumb = "Non video link with url"
print(" [ NV ] Non video tweet, but has a link: " + url)
if len(tweet['full_text']) > 200:
text = textwrap.shorten(tweet['full_text'], width=200, placeholder="...")
text = tweet['full_text']
vnf = video_info(url, video_link, text, thumb, tweet['user']['name'])
return vnf
def link_to_vnf_from_youtubedl(video_link):
print("Attempting to download tweet info via YoutubeDL")
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'outtmpl': '%(id)s.%(ext)s'}) as ydl:
result = ydl.extract_info(video_link, download=False)
vnf = video_info(result['url'], video_link, result['description'].rsplit(' ',1)[0], result['thumbnail'], result['uploader'])
return vnf
def link_to_vnf(video_link): # Return a VideoInfo object or die trying
if config['config']['method'] == 'hybrid':
return link_to_vnf_from_api(video_link)
except Exception as e:
print("API Failed")
return link_to_vnf_from_youtubedl(video_link)
elif config['config']['method'] == 'api':
return link_to_vnf_from_api(video_link)
except Exception as e:
print(" [ X ] API Failed")
return None
elif config['config']['method'] == 'youtube-dl':
return link_to_vnf_from_youtubedl(video_link)
except Exception as e:
print(" [ X ] Youtube-DL Failed")
return None
print("Please set the method key in your config file to 'api' 'youtube-dl' or 'hybrid'")
return None
def get_vnf_from_link_cache(video_link):
if link_cache_system == "db":
collection = db.linkCache
vnf = collection.find_one({'tweet': video_link})
if vnf != None:
print(" [ ✔ ] Link located in DB cache")
return vnf
print(" [ X ] Link not in DB cache")
return None
elif link_cache_system == "json":
if video_link in link_cache:
print("Link located in json cache")
vnf = link_cache[video_link]
return vnf
print(" [ X ] Link not in json cache")
return None
def add_vnf_to_link_cache(video_link, vnf):
if link_cache_system == "db":
out = db.linkCache.insert_one(vnf)
print(" [ + ] Link added to DB cache ")
return True
except Exception:
print(" [ X ] Failed to add link to DB cache")
return None
elif link_cache_system == "json":
link_cache[video_link] = vnf
with open("links.json", "w") as outfile:
json.dump(link_cache, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
return None
def message(text):
return render_template('default.html', message=text, color=config['config']['color'], appname=config['config']['appname'], repo=config['config']['repo'], url=config['config']['url'])
def embed(video_link, vnf):
print(" [ E ] Embedding " + vnf['url'])
if vnf['url'].startswith('') is not True:
desc = re.sub(r' http.*t\.co\S+', '', vnf['description'])
urlUser = urllib.parse.quote(vnf['uploader'])
urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote(desc)
urlLink = urllib.parse.quote(video_link)
return render_template('index.html', vidlink=vnf['url'], vidurl=vnf['url'], desc=desc, pic=vnf['thumbnail'], user=vnf['uploader'], video_link=video_link, color=config['config']['color'], appname=config['config']['appname'], repo=config['config']['repo'], url=config['config']['url'], urlDesc=urlDesc, urlUser=urlUser, urlLink=urlLink)
return redirect(vnf['url'], 301)
def o_embed_gen(description, user, video_link):
out = {
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":'')