2022-09-19 17:45:17 +03:00

811 lines
15 KiB

--- @module global
local global = {}
--- The :lua:class:`RageFileManager` singleton
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @export
--- @type RageFileManager
global.FILEMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`GameState` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type GameState
global.GAMESTATE = {}
--- The :lua:class:`GameSoundManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type GameSoundManager
global.SOUND = {}
--- The :lua:class:`MemoryCardManager` singleton
--- Doesn't seem to exist when testing in |notitg_v4|?
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type MemoryCardManager
global.MEMCARDMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`MessageManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type MessageManager
global.MESSAGEMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`NoteSkinManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type NoteSkinManager
global.NOTESKIN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`PrefsManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type PrefsManager
global.PREFSMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`ProfileManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type ProfileManager
global.PROFILEMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`RageDisplay` singleton
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @export
--- @type RageDisplay
global.DISPLAY = {}
--- The :lua:class:`RageInput` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type RageInput
global.INPUTMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`ScreenManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type ScreenManager
global.SCREENMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`SongManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type SongManager
global.SONGMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`StatsManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type StatsManager
global.STATSMAN = {}
--- The :lua:class:`ThemeManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type ThemeManager
global.THEME = {}
--- The :lua:class:`UnlockManager` singleton
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type UnlockManager
global.UNLOCKMAN = {}
--- The window width, scaled
--- This is set by the theme - typically ``640`` with a 4:3 aspect ratio
--- If you want the width of the game window, see :lua:meth:`RageDisplay.GetWindowWidth`.
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_WIDTH = 0
--- The window height, scaled
--- This is set by the theme - typically ``480``
--- If you want the height of the game window, see :lua:meth:`RageDisplay.GetWindowHeight`.
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_HEIGHT = 0
--- The leftmost coordinate of the window - always zero
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @constant
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_LEFT = 0
--- The rightmost coordinate of the window - equal to :lua:attr:`global.SCREEN_WIDTH`
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_RIGHT = 0
--- The topmost coordinate of the window - always zero
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @constant
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_TOP = 0
--- The bottommost coordinate of the window - equal to :lua:attr:`global.SCREEN_HEIGHT`
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_BOTTOM = 0
--- The middle X coordinate of the window
--- Equal to ``SCREEN_WIDTH / 2``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_CENTER_X = 0
--- The middle Y coordinate of the window
--- Equal to ``SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.SCREEN_CENTER_Y = 0
--- The monitor width
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.DISPLAY_WIDTH = 0
--- The monitor height
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
--- The leftmost coordinate of the monitor - always zero
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @constant
--- @type float
global.DISPLAY_LEFT = 0
--- The rightmost coordinate of the monitor - equal to :lua:attr:`global.DISPLAY_WIDTH`
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
global.DISPLAY_RIGHT = 0
--- The topmost coordinate of the monitor - always zero
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @constant
--- @type float
global.DISPLAY_TOP = 0
--- The bottommost coordinate of the monitor - equal to :lua:attr:`global.DISPLAY_HEIGHT`
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
--- The middle X coordinate of the monitor
--- Equal to ``DISPLAY_WIDTH / 2``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
--- The middle Y coordinate of the monitor
--- Equal to ``DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 2``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type float
--- Equal to ``0``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type int
global.PLAYER_1 = 0
--- Equal to ``1``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type int
global.PLAYER_2 = 1
--- Equal to ``true``
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type boolean
global.OPENITG = true
--- The current OpenITG version
--- |since_itg|
--- @export
--- @type int
--- Equal to ``true``
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @export
--- @type boolean
global.FUCK_EXE = true
--- Equal to ``20161226`` (The release date of |notitg_v1|)
--- |since_notitg_v3| (yes really)
--- @export
--- @type int
global.FUCK_VERSION_1 = 20161226
--- Equal to ``20170405`` (The release date of |notitg_v2|)
--- |since_notitg_v3| (yes really)
--- @export
--- @type int
global.FUCK_VERSION_2 = 20170405
--- Equal to ``20180609`` (The release date of |notitg_v3|)
--- |since_notitg_v4| (yes really)
--- @export
--- @type int
global.FUCK_VERSION_3 = 20180609
--- Equal to ``20180826`` (The release date of |notitg_v3_1|)
--- |since_notitg_v4| (yes really)
--- @export
--- @type int
global.FUCK_VERSION_3_1 = 20180826
--- Returns whether all active players failed the current stage
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.AllFailed() end
--- Attempts to connect to a server
--- Returns a boolean depending on whether connection succeeded or not... apparently... even though trying to connect to
--- a non-existent server returns ``true`` before a system message appears saying connection failed.
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.ConnectToServer() end
--- Returns whether the game is connected to a server or not
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.IsNetConnected() end
--- Returns whether the game is connected to StepMania Online or not
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.IsNetSMOnline() end
--- Returns whether the specified player is logged in to StepMania Online
--- |since_itg|
--- @param player int The player number (0 indexed)
--- @return boolean
function global.IsSMOnlineLoggedIn(player) end
--- Sends the current style to the StepMania Online server
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.ReportStyle() end
--- Converts a difficulty to a human-readable string
--- |since_itg|
--- @param difficulty int The difficulty - see :cpp:enum:`Difficulty`
--- @return string
function global.DifficultyToThemedString(difficulty) end
--- Converts a course difficulty to a human-readable string
--- |since_itg|
--- @param courseDifficulty int The course difficulty - see :cpp:enum:`CourseDifficulty`
--- @return string
function global.CourseDifficultyToThemedString(courseDifficulty) end
--- Returns the index of the current song in the course (0 indexed)
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.CourseSongIndex() end
--- Returns the name of the current style
--- Eg: ``versus``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.CurStyleName() end
--- Returns the current day of the month (1 indexed)
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.DayOfMonth() end
--- Returns the current month of the year (1 indexed)
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.MonthOfMonth() end
--- Returns the current day of the year (0 indexed)
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.DayOfYear() end
--- Returns the current weekday (0 - 6)
--- This assumes the week starts on a Sunday
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.Weekday() end
--- Returns the current year
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.Year() end
--- Returns the current hour
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.Hour() end
--- Returns the current minute
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.Minute() end
--- Returns the current second
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.Second() end
--- Converts a month number to a human-readable string
--- Returns an empty string for an invalid month
--- Eg: ``1`` -> ``January``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.MonthToString() end
--- Returns a human-readable string in the format ``MM:SS`` for a given number of seconds
--- |since_itg|
--- @param seconds int The number of seconds
--- @return string
function global.SecondsToMMSS(seconds) end
--- Returns a human-readable string in the format ``MM:SS.MsMs`` for a given number of seconds
--- |since_itg|
--- @param seconds float The number of seconds
--- @return string
function global.SecondsToMMSSMsMs(seconds) end
--- Returns a human-readable string in the format ``MM:SS.MsMsMs`` for a given number of seconds
--- |since_itg|
--- @param seconds float The number of seconds
--- @return string
function global.SecondsToMMSSMsMsMs(seconds) end
--- Returns a human-readable string in the format ``M:SS.MsMs`` for a given number of seconds
--- |since_itg|
--- @param seconds float The number of seconds
--- @return string
function global.SecondsToMSSMsMs(seconds) end
--- Logs a message
--- Like :lua:func:`global.global.Trace`, but shows even if the ``ShowLogOutput`` preference is disabled
--- Also returns ``true`` for whatever reason
--- |since_itg|
--- @param message string The message to log
--- @return boolean
function global.Debug(message) end
--- Logs a message to the console log
--- Also returns ``true`` for whatever reason
--- |since_itg|
--- @param message string The message to log
--- @return boolean
function global.Trace(message) end
--- Formats a dance points score into a human-readable percentage score string
--- |since_itg|
--- @param score float The dance points score
--- @return string
function global.FormatPercentScore(score) end
--- Returns the best final grade
--- |since_itg|
--- See :cpp:enum:`Grade`
--- @return int
function global.GetBestFinalGrade() end
--- Returns the amount of free space available on the partition the game is installed on
--- Eg: ``12.51 GB``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetDiskSpaceFree() end
--- Returns the capacity of the partition the game is installed on
--- Eg: ``786.44 GB``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetDiskSpaceTotal() end
--- Returns the easiest difficulty chosen from the current song
--- See :cpp:enum:`Difficulty`
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetEasiestNotesDifficulty() end
--- Returns the grade for a given percentage score
--- See :cpp:enum:`Grade`
--- |since_itg|
--- @param percent float The percentage score
--- @return int
function global.GetGradeFromPercent(percent) end
--- Returns the internal IP and netmask of the machine
--- Eg: ``, Netmask:`` - as tested on |notitg_v4_0_1| though, this function seems to return ``Not implemented``.
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetIP() end
--- Returns the input type
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetInputType() end
--- Returns the number of crash logs stored
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetNumCrashLogs() end
--- Returns the number drive IO errors
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetNumIOErrors() end
--- Returns the number of edits registered in the machine
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetNumMachineEdits() end
--- Returns the number of scored saved on the machine
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetNumMachineScores() end
--- Returns the number of players enabled
--- This is an alias for :lua:meth:`GameState.GetNumPlayersEnabled`
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetNumMachineScores() end
--- Returns the name (and version if applicable) of the executable
--- Eg: ``NotITG v4.0.1``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetProductName() end
--- Returns the version of the executable
--- Eg: ``v4.0.1``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetProductVer() end
--- Returns the revision number of the executable
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.GetRevision() end
--- Returns the serial number of the installation
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetSerialNumber() end
--- Returns the text of the current stage
--- Eg: ``event``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetStageText() end
--- Returns the length the game has been running for
--- Returns a ``HH:MM:SS`` string
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.GetUptime() end
--- Returns a grade's name
--- See :cpp:enum:`Grade`
--- Eg: ``A`` -> ``3``, ``Tier04`` -> ``3``
--- |since_itg|
--- @param name string The grade name
--- @return int
function global.Grade(name) end
--- Returns a grade name from a grade
--- See :cpp:enum:`Grade`
--- Unfortunately, it's not a very useful string. For example, ``GradeToString(GRADE_TIER03)`` returns... ``Tier03``.
--- |since_itg|
--- @param grade int The grade
--- @return string
function global.GradeToString(grade) end
--- Returns whether the ITG hub is connected
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.HubIsConnected() end
--- Returns whether a given player has a memory card connected
--- |since_itg|
--- @param player int The player number (0 indexed)
--- @return boolean
function global.IsUsingMemoryCard(player) end
--- Returns whether any player has a memory card connected
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.IsAnyPlayerUsingMemoryCard() end
--- Returns the number of stages remaining
--- Returns ``999`` if event mode is enabled
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function global.NumStagesLeft() end
--- Returns whether the current stage is the extra stage
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.IsExtraStage() end
--- Returns whether the current stage is the second extra stage
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.IsExtraStage2() end
--- Returns whether the current stage is the final stage
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.IsFinalStage() end
--- Returns whether at least one player passed the current song
--- |since_itg|
--- @return boolean
function global.OnePassed() end
--- Returns the name of the current play mode
--- Eg: ``Regular``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return string
function global.PlayModeName() end
return global