2022-09-19 17:45:17 +03:00

112 lines
2.5 KiB

--- @class ScreenManager
--- @field public __index table Gives you the ``ScreenManager`` table again
local ScreenManager = {}
--- Shows a message on screen for a few seconds
--- Useful for debugging!
--- |since_itg|
--- @param message string The message to show
--- @return void
function ScreenManager:SystemMessage(message) end
--- Like :lua:meth:`ScreenManager.SystemMessage`, but does not animate the message in
--- |since_itg|
--- @param message string The message to show
--- @return void
function ScreenManager:SystemMessageNoAnimate(message) end
--- Overlays a message on top of the entire screen
--- |since_itg|
--- @param message string The message to show
--- @return void
function ScreenManager:OverlayMessage(message) end
--- Hides any message previously shown with :lua:meth:`ScreenManager.OverlayMessage`
--- |since_itg|
--- @return void
function ScreenManager:HideOverlayMessage() end
--- Switches to the specified screen
--- |since_itg|
--- @param screenName string The name of the screen to switch to
--- @return void
function ScreenManager:SetNewScreen(screenName) end
--- Returns the currently displayed screen
--- Eg: This will give you a :lua:class:`ScreenGameplay` instance if called during gameplay
--- |since_itg|
--- @return Actor
function ScreenManager:GetTopScreen() end
--- Set which screens receive game input
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param mode int ``0`` for all screens, ``1`` for only overlay screens, ``2`` for no screens
--- @return void
function ScreenManager:SetInputMode() end
--- ?
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @return ActorFrame
function ScreenManager:GetSharedBGA() end
--- Returns a list of screens overlaid on top of the main screen
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @return ActorFrame[]
function ScreenManager:GetOverlayScreens() end
--- Returns a child of the top screen
--- Will return ``nil`` if the child doesn't exist
--- Also see :lua:meth:`ScreenManager.GetTopScreen`
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param child string|int The name or index of the child to get
--- @return Actor|nil
function ActorFrame:__call(child) end
--- Tests for equality against another userdata object
--- |since_unk|
--- @param other userdata The object to test for equality against
--- @return boolean
function ScreenManager:__eq(other) end
--- Returns an ``ScreenManager (MemoryAddress)`` string
--- |since_unk|
--- @return string
function ScreenManager:__tostring() end
return ScreenManager