--- @class RageFileManager --- @field public __index table Gives you the ``RageFileManager`` table again local RageFileManager = {} --- Loads a Lua file? --- (Doesn't work, it returns the function itself and the string) --- --- |since_notitg_v3_1| --- --- This function returns two values, a function, and a string --- --- @param path string Presumably a path to a Lua file to load --- --- @return multiple function RageFileManager:LuaLoadFile(path) end --- Tests for equality against another userdata object --- --- |since_unk| --- --- @param other userdata The object to test for equality against --- --- @return boolean function RageFileManager:__eq(other) end --- Returns a ``RageFileManager (MemoryAddress)`` string --- --- |since_unk| --- --- @return string function RageFileManager:__tostring() end return RageFileManager