--- @class RageDisplay --- @field public __index table Gives you the ``RageDisplay`` table again local RageDisplay = {} --- Returns the vertices drawn per frame --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @return int function RageDisplay:GetVPF() end --- Returns the frames drawn per second --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @return int function RageDisplay:GetFPS() end --- Returns the cumulative (average) FPS --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @return int function RageDisplay:GetCumFPS() end --- Applies a shader to *all* on-screen actors --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param shader RageShaderProgram The shader program to apply --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:ShaderFuck(shader) end --- Undoes :lua:meth:`RageDisplay.ShaderFuck` --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:ClearShaderFuck() end --- Sets the game window's position and size --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param xPos float The center X position, in pixels --- @param yPos float The center Y position, in pixels --- @param xZoom float The window X scale (Where one unit is the theme's width - which is typically 640) --- @param yZoom float The window Y scale (Where one unit is the theme's height) --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindow(xPos, yPos, xZoom, yZoom) end --- Sets the window center's X position, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param x float The new X position to set --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowX(x) end --- Returns the window center's X position, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetWindowX() end --- Sets the window center's Y position, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param y float The new Y position to set --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowY(y) end --- Returns the window center's Y position, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetWindowY() end --- Sets the window's X scale --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param xZoom float The window X scale (Where one unit is the theme's width - which is typically 640) --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowZoomX(xZoom) end --- Sets the window's Y scale --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param yZoom float The window Y scale (Where one unit is the theme's height) --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowZoomY(yZoom) end --- Sets the window's X and Y scale --- --- |since_notitg_v4_2_0| --- --- @param xZoom float The window X scale (Where one unit is the theme's width - which is typically 640) --- --- @param yZoom float The window Y scale (Where one unit is the theme's height) --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowZoom(xZoom, yZoom) end --- Returns the window's X scale --- --- Note: one unit represents the theme's height --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetWindowZoomX() end --- Returns the window's Y scale --- --- Note: one unit represents the theme's height --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetWindowZoomY() end --- Sets the window's width, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param width float The new width, in pixels --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowWidth(width) end --- Returns the window's width, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetWindowWidth() end --- Sets the window's height, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param height float The new height, in pixels --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowHeight(height) end --- Returns the window's height, in pixels --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetWindowHeight() end --- Returns the vendor of the graphics driver --- --- |since_notitg_v2| --- --- @return string function RageDisplay:GetVendor() end --- Adds ``x`` to the window's current horizontal position --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param x float The horizontal offset to add, in pixels --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowAddX(x) end --- Adds ``y`` to the window's current vertical position --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param y float The vertical offset to add, in pixels --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowAddY(y) end --- Returns the window width --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetDisplayWidth() end --- Returns the window height --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetDisplayHeight() end --- Sets the window position relative to the center of the screen --- --- Also seems to reset the window size and hide window borders for whatever reason? --- --- Since |notitg_v4_2_0|, this now accounts for window borders. --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param x float The X position, in pixels --- @param y float the Y position, in pixels --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowPosition(x, y) end --- Sets the window position relative to the center of the screen, and its size --- --- Since |notitg_v4_2_0|, this now accounts for window borders. --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param x float The X position, in pixels --- @param y float the Y position, in pixels --- @param w float The window width, in pixels --- @param h float the window height, in pixels --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetWindowPositionAndSize(x, y, w, h) end --- Returns the main monitor's width --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetDesktopWidth() end --- Returns the main monitor's height --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @return float function RageDisplay:GetDesktopHeight() end --- Offset the position and size of the top screen/overlay screens --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @param translateX int The X offset --- @param translateY int The Y offset --- @param addX int The width to add --- @param addY int The height to add function RageDisplay:ChangeCentering(translateX, translateY, addX, addY) end --- Toggle whether the window will have a border --- --- This will reset at the end of a song, ``F3 + 8`` will also reset it. --- --- |since_notitg_v4_2_0| --- --- @param enable boolean Whether the window should have a border --- --- @return void function RageDisplay:SetBorderless(enable) end --- Tests for equality against another userdata object --- --- |since_unk| --- --- @param other userdata The object to test for equality against --- --- @return boolean function RageDisplay:__eq(other) end --- Returns a ``RageDisplay (MemoryAddress)`` string --- --- |since_unk| --- --- @return string function RageDisplay:__tostring() end return RageDisplay