-- Note for future me: You can't simply just type `ActorFrame` into a Lua console to get info about methods in -- `ActorFrame` - instead, you can do something like `SCREENMAN("Footer").__index` --- @class ActorFrame: Actor --- @field public __index table Gives you the ``ActorFrame`` table again local ActorFrame = {} --- Set the ActorFrame's field-of-view (used when rendering children) --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param fov float The new field-of-view to use, in degrees --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:fov(fov) end --- Set the ActorFrame's field-of-view (used when rendering children) --- --- This is just an alias for :lua:meth:`ActorFrame.fov` --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param fov float The new field-of-view to use, in degrees --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetFOV() end --- Sets the ActorFrame's update command --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param name string The command name to call on updates --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetUpdateCommand(name) end --- Sets the ActorFrame's update function --- --- Since |notitg_v4_2_0|, on error, a dialog is shown and the update function is unset. --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param updateFunc function The function to call on updates --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetUpdateFunction(updateFunc) end --- Sets how frequently the ActorFrame should fire it's update command/function --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param rate float The new update rate to use --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetUpdateRate(rate) end --- Returns the number of children the ActorFrame has --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @return int function ActorFrame:GetNumChildren() end --- Returns all children of the ActorFrame in a table --- --- |since_notitg_v4| --- --- @return Actor[] function ActorFrame:GetChildren() end --- Returns a child with a given name --- --- Will return ``nil`` if no child exists at with the specified name --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param name string The name of the child to get --- --- @return Actor|nil function ActorFrame:GetChild(name) end --- Returns a child at an index --- --- Will return ``nil`` if no child exists at the given index --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @param index int The index of the child to get --- --- @return Actor|nil function ActorFrame:GetChildAt(index) end --- Sets the ActorFrame's draw distance --- --- The default is ``1000`` --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param farDist float The new draw distance t oset --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetFarDist(farDist) end -- TODO: Link screen center consts --- Sets the X coordinate for the ActorFrame's vanishing point --- --- The default is ``SCREEN_CENTER_X`` --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @param x float The X coordinate to set --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetVanishX(x) end --- Sets the Y coordinate for the ActorFrame's vanishing point --- --- The default is ``SCREEN_CENTER_Y`` --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @param y float The Y coordinate to set --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetVanishY(y) end --- Sets the vanishing point for the ActorFrame --- --- The default is ``SCREEN_CENTER_X, SCREEN_CENTER_Y`` --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @param x float The X coordinate to set --- @param y float The Y coordinate to set --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetVanishPoint(x, y) end --- Set whether commands should be propagated to children --- --- This is disabled by default --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param enable int ``1`` to enable, ``0`` to disable --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:propagate(enable) end --- Set whether shaders should be propagated to children --- --- This is disabled by default --- --- |since_notitg_v3| --- --- @param enable int ``1`` to enable, ``0`` to disable --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:propagateshaders(enable) end --- Sets the ActorFrame's draw function --- --- |since_notitg_v1| --- --- @param drawFunc function The function to call at every draw attempt --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetDrawFunction(drawFunc) end --- Sets whether the "draw by Z positon" behaviour should be enabled --- --- This is disabled by default --- --- |since_itg| --- --- @param enable boolean Whether the "draw by Z positon" behavious should be enabled --- --- @return void function ActorFrame:SetDrawByZPosition(enable) end --- Returns a child of the actor frame --- --- Will return ``nil`` if the child doesn't exist --- --- |since_notitg_v4| --- --- @param child string|int The name or index of the child to get --- --- @return Actor|nil function ActorFrame:__call(child) end --- Return the number of children the ActorFrame has --- --- |since_notitg_v4| --- --- @return int function ActorFrame:__len() end --- Retruns an ``ActorFrame (MemoryAddress)`` string --- --- |since_unk| --- --- @return string function ActorFrame:__tostring() end return ActorFrame