---@class easable ---@field public a number @the eased value ---@field public toa number @the target, uneased value ---@field protected onUpdateFuncs fun():nil[] local eas = {} ---@param new number @New value to ease to ---@return void function eas:set(new) self.toa = new end ---@param new number @New value ---@return void function eas:reset(new) self.toa = new self.a = new end ---@param new number @How much to add to current value to ease to ---@return void function eas:add(new) self.toa = self.toa + new end ---@param func fun(a: number):void @Adds a callback function that will run each time the eased value changes ---@return void function eas:onUpdate(func) table.insert(self.onUpdateFuncs, func) end local easmeta = {} easmeta.__index = eas easmeta.__name = 'easable' function easmeta.__add(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) + ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__sub(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) - ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__mul(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) * ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__div(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) / ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__mod(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) % ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__eq(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) == ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__lt(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) < ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta.__le(a, b) return ((type(a) == 'table' and a.a) and a.a or a) <= ((type(b) == 'table' and b.a) and b.a or b) end function easmeta:__call(dt) self.a = mix(self.a, self.toa, dt) for _, callback in ipairs(self.onUpdateFuncs) do callback(self.a) end end function easmeta:__tostring() return tostring(self.a) end function easmeta:__unm(self) return -self.a end ---@param default number ---@return easable function easable(default) default = default or 0 return setmetatable({a = default, toa = default, onUpdateFuncs = {}}, easmeta) end