-- define a basic quad local quad = Quad() quad:xy(scx, scy) quad:zoomto(120, 120) quad:diffuse(0.8, 1, 0.7, 1) quad:skewx(0.2) -- define a sprite local sprite = Sprite('../docs/uranium.png') sprite:xy(scx, scy) sprite:zoom(0.4) -- let's add some text aswell local text = BitmapText('common', 'hello, uranium template!') text:xy(scx, scy + 100) -- update gets called every frame -- dt here refers to deltatime - the time that has passed since the last frame! function uranium.update(dt) -- let's rotate our quad quad:rotationz(t * 80) -- then shove it to the screen - similar to a drawfunction! quad:Draw() -- and you can do this multiple times of course! quad:zoomto(180, 180) quad:rotationz(t * 100) quad:diffusealpha(0.4) quad:skewx(0.1) quad:Draw() -- no need to reset properties - uranium resets all properties that you set upon definition! -- throw in the logo aswell, because why not sprite:Draw() -- for the text, get a rainbow color local col = rgb(1, 0.4, 0.4):huesmooth(t * 0.6) text:diffuse(col:unpack()) -- the :unpack() is necessary when passing into :diffuse() -- wag the text text:rotationz(math.sin(t * 2) * 10) text:Draw() end