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2022-09-19 16:42:52 +02:00
--- @class Sprite: Actor
--- @field public __index table Gives you the ``Sprite`` table again
local Sprite = {}
--- Sets the sprite's texture
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param texture RageTexture The new texture to set
--- @return void
function Sprite:SetTexture(texture) end
--- Returns the sprite's texture
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @return RageTexture
function Sprite:GetTexture() end
--- Sets the texture to the one at ``path``, or unsets if ``path`` is ``nil``
--- |since_itg|
--- @param path string|nil The texture path to load, or ``nil`` to unload
--- @return void
function Sprite:Load() end
--- Like :lua:meth:`Sprite.Load`, but for song banners
--- |since_itg|
--- @param path string The texture path to load
--- @return void
function Sprite:LoadBanner(path) end
--- Load a song banner texture
--- **Added by Simply Love theme**
--- @param song Song The song to load the banner from
--- @return void
function Sprite:LoadFromSongBanner() end
--- Load a song background texture
--- **Added by Simply Love theme**
--- @param song Song The song to load the background from
--- @return void
function Sprite:LoadFromSongBackground() end
--- Like :lua:meth:`Sprite.Load`, but for song backgrounds
--- |since_itg|
--- @param path string The texture path to load
--- @return void
function Sprite:LoadBackground(path) end
--- Sets whether an animated texture should loop
--- This is an alias for :lua:meth:`RageTexture.loop`
--- |since_itg|
--- @param enable boolean ``true`` to loop the animation, ``false`` to have a play-once animation
--- @return void
function Sprite:loop(enable) end
--- Sets the animated texture's loop point
--- This can be used to make multiple-state animations using a single spritesheet - such as having a run cycle set the loop point when starting/stopping a run.
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param point int The new loop point to set
--- @return void
function Sprite:looppoint() end
--- Returns the current frame of an animated texture
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @return int
function Sprite:getstate() end
--- Sets the playback rate of an animated texture
--- This is an alias for :lua:meth:`RageTexture.rate`
--- |since_itg|
--- @param rate float The new playback rate to set (0 - 1)
--- @return void
function Sprite:rate(rate) end
--- Scales the image to fit a rectangle
--- |since_itg|
--- @param left float The left coordinate of the rectangle
--- @param top float The left coordinate of the rectangle
--- @param right float The right coordinate of the rectangle
--- @param bottom float The bottom coordinate of the rectangle
--- @return void
function Sprite:customtexturerect(left, top, right, bottom) end
--- Scales the sprite to the specified dimensions
--- |since_itg|
--- @param width float The target width
--- @param height float The height width
--- @return void
function Sprite:scaletoclipped(width, height) end
--- Sets custom coordinates to the frames of the texture
--- |since_itg|
--- @param x float The X translation to apply
--- @param y float The Y translation to apply
--- @return void
function Sprite:stretchtexcoords() end
--- Sets the texture scroll speed
--- A velocity of ``1`` means the texture will scroll entirely once per second - ``2`` makes it scroll twice per second, etc.
--- |since_itg|
--- @param x float The X scroll speed to apply
--- @param y float The Y scroll speed to apply
--- @return void
function Sprite:texcoordvelocity() end
--- Returns the number of states the sprite has
--- |since_notitg_v4_2_0|
--- @return int
function Sprite:GetNumStates() end
--- Returns an ``Sprite (MemoryAddress)`` string
--- |since_unk|
--- @return string
function Sprite:__tostring() end
return Sprite