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Raw Normal View History

2022-09-19 16:42:52 +02:00
--- @class Polygon: Actor
--- @field public __index table Gives you the ``Polygon`` table again
local Polygon = {}
--- Sets the number of vertices for the polygon actor
--- Do this before manipulating other vertices
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param count int The number of vertices
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetNumVertices(count) end
--- Returns the number of vertices the polygon actor has
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @return int
function Polygon:GetNumVertices() end
--- Sets a vertex's position
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @param x float The vertex's X position
--- @param y float The vertex's Y position
--- @param z float The vertex's Z position
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetVertexPosition(index, x, y, z) end
--- Returns a vertex's position
--- This function returns multiple values - use it as such:
--- ``local x, y, z = polygon:GetVertexPosition(0)``
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @return multiple
function Polygon:GetVertexPosition(index) end
--- Sets a vertex's normal
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @param x float The X component of the vertex's normal
--- @param y float The Y component of the vertex's normal
--- @param z float The Z component of the vertex's normal
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetVertexNormal(index, x, y, z) end
--- Returns a vertex's normal
--- This function returns multiple values - use it as such:
--- ``local x, y, z = polygon:GetVertexNormal(0)``
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @return multiple
function Polygon:GetVertexNormal(index) end
--- Sets a vertex's color
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @param r float The red value
--- @param g float The green value
--- @param b float The blue value
--- @param a float The alpha value
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetVertexColor(index, r, g, b, a) end
--- Returns a vertex's color
--- This function returns multiple values - use it as such:
--- ``local r, g, b, a = polygon:GetVertexColor(0)``
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @return multiple
function Polygon:GetVertexColor() end
--- Sets a vertex's alpha
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @param a float The alpha value
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetVertexAlpha(index, a) end
--- Sets a vertex's texture coordinate
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @param u float The U value (X position)
--- @param v float The V value (Y position)
--- @param w float|nil The W value (Z position - irrelevant for 2D textures)
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetVertexTexCoord(index, u, v, w) end
--- Returns a vertex's texture coordinate
--- This function returns multiple values - use it as such:
--- ``local u, v, w = polygon:GetVertexTexCoord(0)``
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @return multiple
function Polygon:GetVertexTexCoord(index) end
--- Sets the polygon drawing mode (Lines or filled)
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param mode int The new mode to set - see :cpp:enum:`PolygonMode`
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetPolygonMode(mode) end
--- Sets the polygon actor's draw mode
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param mode string The draw mode (``triangles`` or ``quads`` or ``quadstrip`` or ``fan`` or ``strip`` or ``linestrip``)
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetDrawMode(mode) end
--- ???
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param index int The vertex index (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Polygon:AddDrawSplit(index) end
--- Sets the width for drawing lines (if the actor is in line polygon mode)
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param width float The line width
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetLineWidth(width) end
--- Sets the polygon actor's texture
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @param texture RageTexture the texture to set
--- @return void
function Polygon:SetTexture(texture) end
--- Returns the polygon actor's texture
--- |since_notitg_unk|
--- @return RageTexture
function Polygon:GetTexture() end
return Polygon