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2022-09-19 16:42:52 +02:00
--- @class PlayerStageStats
--- @field public __index table Gives you the ``PlayerStageStats`` table again
local PlayerStageStats = {}
--- Returns whether the player obtained a full combo
--- Returns an int: ``0`` or ``1``
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:FullCombo() end
--- Returns the highest combo the player achieved
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:MaxCombo() end
--- Sets the player's current combo
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param combo int The new combo to set
--- @return void
function PlayerStageStats:SetCurrentCombo(combo) end
--- Returns the player's current combo
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetCurrentCombo() end
--- Sets the player's score
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param score int The new score to set
--- @return void
function PlayerStageStats:SetScore(score) end
--- Returns the player's score
--- |since_itg|
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetScore() end
--- Sets the player's dance points to ``amount``
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param amount int The new dance points value to set
--- @return void
function PlayerStageStats:SetActualDancePoints(amount) end
--- Returns the player's actual dance points
--- |since_itg|
--- @retrun int
function PlayerStageStats:GetActualDancePoints() end
--- Sets the player's possible dance points to ``amount``
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param amount int The new possible dance points value to set
--- @return void
function PlayerStageStats:SetPossibleDancePoints(amount) end
--- Returns the player's possible dance points
--- |since_itg|
--- @retrun int
function PlayerStageStats:GetPossibleDancePoints() end
--- Returns the player's dance points as a percentage (0 - 1)
--- This is the percentage score you see on the evaluation screen after completing a song (In the Simply Love theme).
--- |since_itg|
--- @return float
function PlayerStageStats:GetPercentDancePoints() end
--- Returns the player's grade
--- See :cpp:enum:`Grade`
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetGrade() end
--- Sets the number of judgments obtained with the given ``tapNoteScore``
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param tapNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`TapNoteScore`
--- @param count int The new number of judgments to set
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:SetTapNoteScores(tapNoteScore, count) end
--- Returns the number of judgments obtained with the given ``tapNoteScore``
--- Returns ``-1`` for an invalid ``tapNoteScore``
--- |since_itg|
--- @param tapNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`TapNoteScore`
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetTapNoteScores(tapNoteScore) end
--- Sets the number of judgments obtained with the given ``holdNoteScore``
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param holdNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`HoldNoteScore`
--- @param count int The new number of judgments to set
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:SetHoldNoteScores(holdNoteScore, count) end
--- Returns the number of judgments obtained with the given ``holdNoteScore``
--- Returns ``-1`` for an invalid ``tapNoteScore``
--- |since_itg|
--- @param holdNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`HoldNoteScore`
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetHoldNoteScores(holdNoteScore) end
--- Sets the number of judgments obtained with the given ``holdNoteScore`` for a given player
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param playerNumber int The player number (1 indexed)
--- @param tapNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`HoldNoteScore`
--- @param count int The new number of judgments to set
--- @return void
function PlayerStageStats:SetTapNoteScoresForPlayer(playerNumber, tapNoteScore, count) end
--- Returns the number of judgments obtained with the given ``tapNoteScore`` for a given player
--- |since_itg|
--- @param playerNumber int The player number (1 indexed)
--- @param tapNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`TapNoteScore`
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetTapNoteScoresForPlayer(playerNumber, tapNoteScore) end
--- Returns the number of judgments obtained with the given ``holdNoteScore`` for a given player
--- |since_itg|
--- @param playerNumber int The player number (1 indexed)
--- @param holdNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`HoldNoteScore`
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetHoldNoteScoresForPlayer() end
--- Sets the number of judgments obtained with the given ``holdNoteScore`` for a given player
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param playerNumber int The player number (1 indexed)
--- @param holdNoteScore int The judgment - see :cpp:enum:`HoldNoteScore`
--- @param count int The new number of judgments to set
--- @return void
function PlayerStageStats:SetHoldNoteScoresForPlayer(playerNumber, holdNoteScore, count) end
--- Returns the player's current life as a percentage betwen 0 - 1
--- |since_itg|
--- @return float
function PlayerStageStats:GetCurrentLife() end
--- Returns the life remaining seconds
--- |since_itg|
--- @return float
function PlayerStageStats:GetLifeRemainingSeconds() end
--- Returns how long the player survived for, in seconds
--- |since_itg|
--- @return float
function PlayerStageStats:GetSurvivalSeconds() end
--- Returns a list of steps the player has played
--- |since_itg|
--- @reutrn Steps[]
function PlayerStageStats:GetPlayedSteps() end
--- Returns a list of possible steps
--- |since_itg|
--- @reutrn Steps[]
function PlayerStageStats:GetPossibleSteps() end
--- ?
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return int[]
function PlayerStageStats:GetNoteRowVector() end
--- ?
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return int[]
function PlayerStageStats:GetNoteSongVector() end
--- ?
--- Presumably returns a list of hit offsets for all notes, in milliseconds?
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return float[]
function PlayerStageStats:GetOffsetVector() end
--- ?
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return table
function PlayerStageStats:GetMineRowVector() end
--- Returns the number of estimated calories burned
--- |since_itg|
--- @return float
function PlayerStageStats:GetCaloriesBurned() end
--- Returns the current possible dance points
--- Useful to calculate subtractive score in lua
--- |since_notitg_v4_2_0|
--- @return int
function PlayerStageStats:GetCurPossibleDancePoints() end
--- Tests for equality against another userdata object
--- |since_unk|
--- @param other userdata The object to test for equality against
--- @return boolean
function PlayerStageStats:__eq(other) end
--- Returns a ``PlayerStageStats (MemoryAddress)`` string
--- |since_unk|
--- @return string
function PlayerStageStats:__tostring() end
return PlayerStageStats