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2022-09-19 16:42:52 +02:00
--- @class Player: ActorFrame
--- @field public __index table Gives you the ``Player`` table again
local Player = {}
--- Activate/deactivate a playfield
--- Useful for activating players 3 through 8
--- Returns the same boolean that you passed to the function
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param enable boolean Whether the playfield should be awkake or not
--- @return boolean
function Player:SetAwake(enable) end
--- Returns whether a playfield is active
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return boolean
function Player:IsAwake() end
--- Returns whether the player is using CMod (constant scroll speed)
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return boolean
function Player:IsUsingCMod() end
--- Returns the player's CMod speed
--- Will return a value even if the player isn't using CMod
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return int
function Player:GetCMod() end
--- Returns the player's XMod speed
--- Will return a value even if the player isn't using XMod
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return float
function Player:GetXMod() end
--- Returns the player's scroll speed
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return float
function Player:GetSpeedMod() end
--- Sets the player's combo
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param combo int The new combo to set
--- @return void
function Player:SetCombo(combo) end
--- Returns the player's combo
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return int
function Player:GetCombo() end
--- Sets the player's miss combo
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param combo int The new miss combo to set
--- @return void
function Player:SetMissCombo(combo) end
--- Returns the player's miss combo
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return int
function Player:GetMissCombo() end
--- Replaces a player's steps
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param chart int Chart index? (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:SetNoteData() end
--- Replaces a player's steps
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param noteData table[table] See :ref:`note_data_format`
--- @return void
function Player:SetNoteDataFromLua(noteData) end
--- Returns the chart's note data
--- See :ref:`note_data_format`
--- |since_notitg_v3_1|
--- @param startBeat float|nil The start beat number (can be ``nil`` if you want to fetch *all* note data)
--- @param endBeat float|nil The end beat number (can be ``nil`` if you want to fetch *all* note data)
--- @return table[]
function Player:GetNoteData(startBeat, endBeat) end
--- Takes note data and stores it in a global variable
--- Prefer :lua:meth:`Player.GetNoteData` over this
--- See :ref:`note_data_format`
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param varName string The global variable to store note data in
--- @param startBeat float|nil The start beat number (can be ``nil`` if you want to fetch *all* note data)
--- @param endBeat float|nil The end beat number (can be ``nil`` if you want to fetch *all* note data)
--- @return void
function Player:PushNoteData(varName, startBeat, endBeat) end
--- Takes note data and stores it in a global variable
--- Like :lua:meth:`Player.PushNoteData`, but uses seconds instead of beats to measure time
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param varName string The global variable to store note data in
--- @param startBeat float|nil The start beat number (can be ``nil`` if you want to fetch *all* note data)
--- @param endBeat float|nil The end beat number (can be ``nil`` if you want to fetch *all* note data)
--- @return void
function Player:PushNoteDataTime(unk) end
--- Like :lua:meth:`Player.GetNoteData`, but the note data uses seconds instead of beat numbers
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return table[]
function Player:GetNoteDataTime() end
--- Sets an X position spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetXSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all X position spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetXSplines(column) end
--- Sets a Y position spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetYSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all Y position spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetYSplines(column) end
--- Sets a Z position spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetZSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all Z position spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetZSplines(column) end
--- Sets an X rotation spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetRotXSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all X rotation spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetRotXSplines(column) end
--- Sets a Y rotation spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetRotYSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all Y rotation spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetRotYSplines(column) end
--- Sets a Z rotation spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetRotZSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all Z rotation spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetRotZSplines(column) end
--- Sets a size spline
--- Size spline points work like the ``Mini`` modifier (A value of 100 makes the arrows half size, 200 makes then have zero size, negative values makes arrows bigger)
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetSizeSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all size spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetSizeSplines(column) end
--- Sets a skew spline
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetSkewSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all skew spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetSkewSplines(column) end
--- Sets a stealth spline
--- Size spline points work like the ``Stealth`` modifier
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param index int The spline index (0 - 39)
--- @param column int Which column to apply the spline to (0 indexed, pass -1 to apply the spline to all columns)
--- @param value float What value the spline point should have
--- @param offset float How far away arrows will be when hitting the spline point (calculate a spline offset as ``beat_offset * 100 * xmod_speed``)
--- @param activationSpeed float How quickly spline changes should take effect (-1 for instant)
--- @return void
function Player:SetStealthSpline(index, column, value, offset, activationSpeed) end
--- Reset all stealth spline points for a column
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param column int The column to reset (0 indexed)
--- @return void
function Player:ResetStealthSplines(column) end
--- Set whether the ``mod,clearall`` command should reset splines
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param enable boolean ``true`` to prevent spline clearing when mods are cleared, ``false`` to let mod clearing also reset splines
--- @return void
function Player:NoClearSplines(enable) end
--- Sets a custom shader to use for drawing arrows
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param shader RageShaderProgram The custom shader to set
--- @return void
function Player:SetArrowShader(shader) end
--- Returns the custom shader used for drawing arrows
--- Will return ``nil`` if no custom shader has been set
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return RageShaderProgram|nil
function Player:GetArrowShader() end
--- Removes any custom shader for drawing arrows
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return void
function Player:ClearArrowShader() end
--- Sets a custom shader to use for drawing holds
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param shader RageShaderProgram The custom shader to set
--- @return void
function Player:SetHoldShader() end
--- Returns the custom shader used for drawing holds
--- Will return ``nil`` if no custom shader has been set
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return RageShaderProgram|nil
function Player:GetHoldShader() end
--- Removes any custom shader for drawing holds
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return void
function Player:ClearHoldShader() end
--- Sets a custom shader to use for drawing receptors
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param shader RageShaderProgram The custom shader to set
--- @return void
function Player:SetReceptorShader() end
--- Returns the custom shader used for drawing receptors
--- Will return ``nil`` if no custom shader has been set
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return RageShaderProgram|nil
function Player:GetReceptorShader() end
--- Removes any custom shader for drawing receptors
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return void
function Player:ClearReceptorShader() end
--- Sets a custom shader to use for drawing arrow paths
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param shader RageShaderProgram The custom shader to set
--- @return void
function Player:SetArrowPathShader(shader) end
--- Returns the custom shader used for drawing arrow paths
--- Will return ``nil`` if no custom shader has been set
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return RageShaderProgram|nil
function Player:GetArrowPathShader() end
--- Removes any custom shader for drawing arrow paths
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @return void
function Player:ClearArrowPathShader() end
--- Sets the number of points the arrow gradient will have
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to apply it to (0 indexed)
--- @param amount int The number of points
--- @return void
function Player:SetNumArrowGradientPoints(column, amount) end
--- Sets the position of an arrow gradient point along a column
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param point int The point index (0 indexed)
--- @param column int The column (0 indexed)
--- @param offset float How far away from the receptors the point should be (where ``1`` = the size of an arrow = ``64`` pixels)
--- @return void
function Player:SetArrowGradientPoint(point, column, offset) end
--- Sets the color of an arrow gradient point
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param point int The point index (0 indexed)
--- @param column int The column (0 indexed)
--- @param r float The red value (0 - 1)
--- @param g float The green value (0 - 1)
--- @param b float The blue value (0 - 1)
--- @param a float The alpha value (0 - 1)
--- @return void
function Player:SetArrowGradientColor(point, column, r, g, b, a) end
--- Sets the number of points the stealth gradient will have
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to apply it to (0 indexed)
--- @param amount int The number of points
--- @return void
function Player:SetNumStealthGradientPoints(column, amount) end
--- Sets the position of a stealth gradient point along a column
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param point int The point index (0 indexed)
--- @param column int The column (0 indexed)
--- @param offset float How far away from the receptors the point should be (where ``1`` = the size of an arrow = ``64`` pixels)
--- @return void
function Player:SetStealthGradientPoint(point, column, offset) end
--- Sets the color of a stealth gradient point
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param point int The point index (0 indexed)
--- @param column int The column (0 indexed)
--- @param r float The red value (0 - 1)
--- @param g float The green value (0 - 1)
--- @param b float The blue value (0 - 1)
--- @param a float The alpha value (0 - 1)
--- @return void
function Player:SetStealthGradientColor(point, column, r, g, b, a) end
--- Sets the number of points the path gradient will have
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to apply it to (0 indexed)
--- @param amount int The number of points
--- @return void
function Player:SetNumPathGradientPoints(column, amount) end
--- Sets the position of a path gradient point along a column
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param point int The point index (0 indexed)
--- @param column int The column (0 indexed)
--- @param offset float How far away from the receptors the point should be (where ``1`` = the size of an arrow = ``64`` pixels)
--- @return void
function Player:SetPathGradientPoint(point, column, offset) end
--- Sets the color of a path gradient point
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param point int The point index (0 indexed)
--- @param column int The column (0 indexed)
--- @param r float The red value (0 - 1)
--- @param g float The green value (0 - 1)
--- @param b float The blue value (0 - 1)
--- @param a float The alpha value (0 - 1)
--- @return void
function Player:SetPathGradientColor(point, column, r, g, b, a) end
--- Sets the arrow path's blend mode
--- Default value is ``normal``
--- |since_notitg_v3_1|
--- @param mode string The new blend mode to set (``normal``, ``add``, ``subtract``, ``modulate``, ``copysrc``, ``alphamask``, ``alphaknockout``, ``alphamultiply``, ``weightedmultiply``, ``invertdest``, ``noeffect``)
--- @return void
function Player:SetArrowPathBlendMode() end
--- Sets regions of arrows that should be hidden
--- A hidden regions looks like ``{ startBeat, endBeat, column }``. If column is omitted, then the hidden region applies to all columns.
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param regions table[] A list of regions to hide
--- @return void
function Player:SetHiddenRegions(regions) end
--- Removes all hidden regions
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @return void
function Player:ClearHiddenRegions() end
--- Multiplies the note type (timing color) of notes
--- A note time multiplier looks like ``{ startBeat, multiplier }``. All notes after ``startBeat`` will be multiplied by ``multiplier``.
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @param multipliers table[] A list of multiplier tables
--- @return void
function Player:SetNoteTypeMults(multipliers) end
--- Removes all note type multipliers
--- |since_notitg_v4|
--- @return void
function Player:ClearNoteTypeMults() end
--- Simulates a step (without triggering any note hits)
--- This makes the receptor play its pressed animation
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to press
--- @return void
function Player:FakeStep(column) end
--- ?
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column
--- @return void
function Player:FakeSetPressed(column) end
--- Simulates a step (triggering any note hits)
--- This also makes the receptor play its pressed animation
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to press
--- @return void
function Player:RealStep() end
--- Simulates a note being hit
--- This generates a receptor flash
--- Judgment values
--- ``1``: Fantastic
--- ``2``: Excellent
--- ``3``: Great
--- ``4``: Decent
--- ``5``: Way off
--- ``8``: Mine hit
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to flash (0 indexed)
--- @param judgment int The judgment
--- @param unk boolean|nil unknown
--- @return void
function Player:DidTapNote(column, judgment, unk) end
--- Simulates a hold note being held to completion
--- This generates a receptor flash
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param column int The column to flash (0 indexed)
--- @param unk boolean|nil unknown
--- @return void
function Player:DidHoldNote(column, unk) end
--- Returns the number of taps in a range
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param startBeat float The start beat
--- @param endBeat float The end beat
--- @return int
function Player:GetNumTapsInRange(startBeat, endBeat) end
--- Sets the player's controller (whether it should be controlled by a human or by the game)
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param controller int The new controller to set (See :cpp:enum:`PlayerController`)
--- @return void
function Player:SetPlayerController() end
--- Sets which player's inputs should control the player
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param player int ``0`` for player 1, ``1`` for player 2, ``>1`` for AutoPlay
--- @return void
function Player:SetInputPlayer(player) end
--- Sets the mine sound
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param path string The file path to mine sound file
--- @return void
function Player:SetMineSound(path) end
--- Sends a judgment
--- Judgment numbers:
--- ``1``: Fantastic
--- ``2``: Excellent
--- ``3``: Great
--- ``4``: Decent
--- ``5``: Way off
--- ``6``: Miss
--- |since_notitg_v3|
--- @param judgment int The judgment to send
--- @param early boolean ``true`` for an early judgment, ``false`` for a late judgment
--- @param offset float|nil Optional judgment offset, in milliseconds
--- @param beat float|nil Optional beat number
--- @return void
function Player:SendJudgment(judgment, early, offset, beat) end
--- Checks if a player is using ``Reverse`` or not
--- This just checks the reverse state of column 0
--- |since_notitg_v4_2_0|
--- @return boolean
function Player:IsUsingReverse() end
--- Set the turn mod used with the "Randomize" mod
--- The default is ``SuperShuffle``
--- |since_notitg_v4_2_0|
--- @param mod string The turn mod to use
--- @return void
function Player:SetRandomVanishTransform(mod) end
--- Returns a ``Player (MemoryAddress)`` string
--- |since_unk|
--- @return string
function Player:__tostring() end
return Player