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2022-09-19 16:42:52 +02:00
--- @class ActorFrameTexture: ActorFrame
--- @field public __index table Gives you the ``ActorFrameTexture`` table again
local ActorFrameTexture = {}
--- Creates the render target - you must call this before using an ActorFrameTexture
--- This should be called after configuring the ActorFrameTexture (using methods such as :lua:meth:`EnableDepthBuffer` and what not)
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:Create() end
--- Recreates the render target
--- |since_notitg_unk| (|notitg_v4| or earlier?)
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:Recreate() end
--- Sets whether the render target should have an alpha buffer
--- This is disabled by default
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param enable boolean Whether an alpha buffer should be created
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:EnableAlphaBuffer(enable) end
--- Sets whether the render target should have a depth buffer/Z buffer
--- This is disabled by default
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param enable boolean Whether a depth buffer should be created
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:EnableDepthBuffer(enable) end
--- Sets whether the render target should be grayscale
--- This is disabled by default
--- |since_notitg_v2|
--- @param enable boolean Whether the render target should be grayscale
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:EnableGrayscale() end
--- Sets whether the render target should be cleared before drawing to it
--- If preserve texture is enabled, then the render target will not be cleared when rendering.
--- This is disabled by default (ie: it defaults to clearing the target before rendering)
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param enable boolean Whether preserve texture should be enabled or not
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:EnablePreserveTexture(enable) end
--- Sets whether the ActorFrameTexture should use floating point buffers
--- This is disabled by default
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param enable boolean Whether floating point buffers should be used
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:EnableFloat() end
--- Returns the texture/render target
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @return RageTextureRenderTarget
function ActorFrameTexture:GetTexture() end
--- Sets the name of the texture
--- This can be used to reference the ActorFrameTexture's texture/render target from another actor
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @param name string The new name for the texture
--- @return void
function ActorFrameTexture:SetTextureName(name) end
--- Returns the texture's name
--- |since_notitg_v1|
--- @return string
function ActorFrameTexture:GetTextureName() end
--- Returns an ``ActorFrameTexture (MemoryAddress)`` string
--- |since_unk|
--- @return string
function ActorFrameTexture:__tostring() end
return ActorFrameTexture