require 'uranium.constants' require '' local actors = require 'uranium.actors' local resetOnFrameStartCfg = false local resetOnFrameStartActors = {} local hasExited = false local function exit() if hasExited then return end hasExited = true'exit') -- good templates clean up after themselves uranium = nil _G.oat = nil ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: assign-type-mismatch oat = nil _main:hidden(1) collectgarbage() end function backToSongWheel(message) if message then SCREENMAN:SystemMessage(message) print(message) end exit() GAMESTATE:FinishSong() -- disable update_command _main:hidden(1) end local function onCommand(self) actors._actorsInitialized = true actors._actorsInitializing = false local resetOnFrameStartActors_ = {} for k,v in pairs(resetOnFrameStartActors) do resetOnFrameStartActors_[k.__raw] = v end resetOnFrameStartActors = resetOnFrameStartActors_'init') end -- runs once during ScreenReadyCommand, before the user code is loaded -- hides various actors that are placed by the theme local function hideThemeActors() for _, element in ipairs { 'Overlay', 'Underlay', 'ScoreP1', 'ScoreP2', 'LifeP1', 'LifeP2', 'PlayerOptionsP1', 'PlayerOptionsP2', 'SongOptions', 'LifeFrame', 'ScoreFrame', 'DifficultyP1', 'DifficultyP2', 'BPMDisplay', 'MemoryCardDisplayP1', 'MemoryCardDisplayP2' } do local child = SCREENMAN(element) if child then child:hidden(1) end end end GAMESTATE:ApplyModifiers('clearall') -- Toggle actor resetting on frame start behavior by default. ---@param bool boolean function resetOnFrameStart(bool) resetOnFrameStartCfg = bool end -- Toggle actor resetting on frame start for individual actors. `bool` defaults to the opposite of your `resetOnFrameStart` config ---@param actor Actor ---@param bool boolean | nil function resetActorOnFrameStart(actor, bool) if bool == nil then bool = not resetOnFrameStartCfg end resetOnFrameStartActors[actor.__raw or actor] = bool end local lastt = GAMESTATE:GetSongTime() local function screenReadyCommand(self) actors.finalize() hideThemeActors() self:hidden(0) collectgarbage() local errored = false local firstrun = true local playersLoaded = false self:addcommand('Update', function() if errored then return 0 end errored = true local P1, P2 = SCREENMAN('PlayerP1'), SCREENMAN('PlayerP2') if P1 and P2 then playersLoaded = true end if playersLoaded and not P1 and not P2 then -- sora exit hack exit() end t = os.clock() b = GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat() local dt = t - lastt lastt = t if firstrun then firstrun = false dt = 0 self:GetChildren()[2]:hidden(1)'ready') end drawfunctionArguments = {} for _, q in ipairs(actors._globalQueue) do local enabled = resetOnFrameStartCfg local actor = q[1] local v = q[2] local pref = resetOnFrameStartActors[actor] if pref ~= nil then enabled = pref end if enabled then local func = actor[v[1]] if not func then -- uhmmm ??? hm. what do we do?? else oat._patchFunction(func, actor)(unpack(v[2])) end end end'preUpdate', dt)'update', dt)'postUpdate', dt) errored = false return 0 end) self:luaeffect('Update') end ---@class UraniumRelease ---@field branch string ---@field commit string ---@field version string ---@field name string ---@field prettyName string ---@field homeURL string ---@type UraniumRelease uranium.release = {} if not pcall(function() uranium.release = require('uranium.release') end) then uranium.release = require('uranium.release_blank') end local success, result = pcall(function() return require('main') end) if success then print('---') actors.prepareForActors() _main:addcommand('On', onCommand) _main:addcommand('Ready', screenReadyCommand) _main:addcommand('Off', exit) _main:addcommand('SaltyReset', exit) _main:addcommand('WindowFocus', function()'focus', true) end) _main:addcommand('WindowFocusLost', function()'focus', false) end) _main:queuecommand('Ready') else Trace('got an error loading main.lua!') Trace(result) backToSongWheel('loading .lua file failed, check log for details') error('uranium: loading main.lua file failed:\n' .. result) end