local self = {} ---@enum inputType self.inputType = { Left = 0, Down = 1, Up = 2, Right = 3, Start = 4, Select = 5, Back = 6, Coin = 7, Operator = 8, UpLeft = 9, UpRight = 10, MenuLeft = 11, MenuDown = 12, MenuUp = 13, MenuRight = 14, MenuStart = 15, ActionLeft = 16, ActionDown = 17, ActionUp = 18, ActionRight = 19, Action1 = 20, Action2 = 21, Action3 = 22, Action4 = 23, Action5 = 24, Action6 = 25, Action7 = 26, Action8 = 27 } ---@type table> --- -1 for not pressed, time for time of press self.inputs = {} ---@type table> self.rawInputs = {} for pn = 1, 2 do self.inputs[pn] = {} self.rawInputs[pn] = {} for _, v in pairs(self.inputType) do self.inputs[pn][v] = -1 self.rawInputs[pn][v] = -1 end end self.directions = { [self.inputType.Left] = {-1, 0}, [self.inputType.Down] = {0, 1}, [self.inputType.Up] = {0, -1}, [self.inputType.Right] = {1, 0} } -- Mappings for the default keybinds for these keys; recommended to put alongside the in-game representation in UIs self.keyboardEquivalent = { [self.inputType.Left] = 'L', [self.inputType.Down] = 'D', [self.inputType.Up] = 'U', [self.inputType.Right] = 'R', [self.inputType.Start] = 'Enter', [self.inputType.Select] = 'Shift', [self.inputType.Action1] = '1', [self.inputType.Action2] = '2', [self.inputType.Action3] = '3', [self.inputType.Action4] = '4', [self.inputType.Action5] = '5', [self.inputType.Action6] = '6', [self.inputType.Action7] = '7', [self.inputType.Action8] = '8', [self.inputType.Coin] = 'F1', [self.inputType.Back] = 'Esc' } ---@param i inputType ---@return string | nil function self.getInputName(i) for k, v in pairs(self.inputType) do if v == i then return k end end return nil end ---@param i string ---@param pn number | nil ---@return number function self.getInput(i, pn) if not pn then for plr = 1, 2 do if self.inputs[plr][self.inputType[i]] ~= -1 then return self.inputs[plr][self.inputType[i]] end end return -1 else return self.inputs[pn][self.inputType[i]] end end ---@param i string ---@param pn number | nil ---@return boolean function self.isDown(i, pn) return self.getInput(i, pn) ~= -1 end uranium.on('init', function() for pn = 1, 2 do for j, v in pairs(self.inputType) do local j = j -- lua scope funnies local v = v _main:addcommand('StepP' .. pn .. j .. 'PressMessage', function() self.rawInputs[pn][v] = t if uranium.call('press', v, pn) then return end self.inputs[pn][v] = t end) _main:addcommand('StepP' .. pn .. j .. 'LiftMessage', function() self.rawInputs[pn][v] = -1 if uranium.call('release', v, pn) then return end self.inputs[pn][v] = -1 end) end end end) return self