-- binser.lua --[[ Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Calvin Rose Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local assert = assert local error = error local select = select local pairs = pairs local getmetatable = getmetatable local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local loadstring = loadstring or load local concat = table.concat local char = string.char local byte = string.byte local format = string.format local sub = string.sub local dump = string.dump local floor = math.floor local frexp = math.frexp local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- lua 5.0 select polyfill -- custom-written by oatmealine if not select then select = function(index, ...) if index == '#' then return #arg else local values = {} for i = math.max(index, 1), #arg do table.insert(values, arg[i]) end return unpack(values) end end end -- Lua 5.3 frexp polyfill -- From https://github.com/excessive/cpml/blob/master/modules/utils.lua if not frexp then local log, abs, floor = math.log, math.abs, math.floor local log2 = log(2) frexp = function(x) if x == 0 then return 0, 0 end local e = floor(log(abs(x)) / log2 + 1) return x / 2 ^ e, e end end local function pack(...) return arg, select("#", unpack(arg)) end local function not_array_index(x, len) return type(x) ~= "number" or x < 1 or x > len or x ~= floor(x) end local function type_check(x, tp, name) assert(type(x) == tp, format("Expected parameter %q to be of type %q.", name, tp)) end local bigIntSupport = false local isInteger if math.type then -- Detect Lua 5.3 local mtype = math.type bigIntSupport = loadstring[[ local char = string.char return function(n) local nn = n < 0 and -(n + 1) or n local b1 = nn // 0x100000000000000 local b2 = nn // 0x1000000000000 % 0x100 local b3 = nn // 0x10000000000 % 0x100 local b4 = nn // 0x100000000 % 0x100 local b5 = nn // 0x1000000 % 0x100 local b6 = nn // 0x10000 % 0x100 local b7 = nn // 0x100 % 0x100 local b8 = nn % 0x100 if n < 0 then b1, b2, b3, b4 = 0xFF - b1, 0xFF - b2, 0xFF - b3, 0xFF - b4 b5, b6, b7, b8 = 0xFF - b5, 0xFF - b6, 0xFF - b7, 0xFF - b8 end return char(212, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) end]]() isInteger = function(x) return mtype(x) == 'integer' end else isInteger = function(x) return floor(x) == x end end -- Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Francois Perrad. -- number serialization code modified from https://github.com/fperrad/lua-MessagePack -- Encode a number as a big-endian ieee-754 double, big-endian signed 64 bit integer, or a small integer local function number_to_str(n) if isInteger(n) then -- int if n <= 100 and n >= -27 then -- 1 byte, 7 bits of data return char(n + 27) elseif n <= 8191 and n >= -8192 then -- 2 bytes, 14 bits of data n = n + 8192 return char(128 + (floor(n / 0x100) % 0x100), n % 0x100) elseif bigIntSupport then return bigIntSupport(n) end end local sign = 0 if n < 0.0 then sign = 0x80 n = -n end local m, e = frexp(n) -- mantissa, exponent if m ~= m then return char(203, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) elseif m == 1/0 then if sign == 0 then return char(203, 0x7F, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) else return char(203, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) end end e = e + 0x3FE if e < 1 then -- denormalized numbers m = m * 2 ^ (52 + e) e = 0 else m = (m * 2 - 1) * 2 ^ 52 end return char(203, sign + floor(e / 0x10), (e % 0x10) * 0x10 + floor(m / 0x1000000000000), floor(m / 0x10000000000) % 0x100, floor(m / 0x100000000) % 0x100, floor(m / 0x1000000) % 0x100, floor(m / 0x10000) % 0x100, floor(m / 0x100) % 0x100, m % 0x100) end -- Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Francois Perrad. -- number deserialization code also modified from https://github.com/fperrad/lua-MessagePack local function number_from_str(str, index) local b = byte(str, index) if not b then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end if b < 128 then return b - 27, index + 1 elseif b < 192 then local b2 = byte(str, index + 1) if not b2 then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end return b2 + 0x100 * (b - 128) - 8192, index + 2 end local b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 = byte(str, index + 1, index + 8) if (not b1) or (not b2) or (not b3) or (not b4) or (not b5) or (not b6) or (not b7) or (not b8) then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end if b == 212 then local flip = b1 >= 128 if flip then -- negative b1, b2, b3, b4 = 0xFF - b1, 0xFF - b2, 0xFF - b3, 0xFF - b4 b5, b6, b7, b8 = 0xFF - b5, 0xFF - b6, 0xFF - b7, 0xFF - b8 end local n = ((((((b1 * 0x100 + b2) * 0x100 + b3) * 0x100 + b4) * 0x100 + b5) * 0x100 + b6) * 0x100 + b7) * 0x100 + b8 if flip then return (-n) - 1, index + 9 else return n, index + 9 end end if b ~= 203 then error("Expected number") end local sign = b1 > 0x7F and -1 or 1 local e = (b1 % 0x80) * 0x10 + floor(b2 / 0x10) local m = ((((((b2 % 0x10) * 0x100 + b3) * 0x100 + b4) * 0x100 + b5) * 0x100 + b6) * 0x100 + b7) * 0x100 + b8 local n if e == 0 then if m == 0 then n = sign * 0.0 else n = sign * (m / 2 ^ 52) * 2 ^ -1022 end elseif e == 0x7FF then if m == 0 then n = sign * (1/0) else n = 0.0/0.0 end else n = sign * (1.0 + m / 2 ^ 52) * 2 ^ (e - 0x3FF) end return n, index + 9 end local function newbinser() -- unique table key for getting next value local NEXT = {} local CTORSTACK = {} -- NIL = 202 -- FLOAT = 203 -- TRUE = 204 -- FALSE = 205 -- STRING = 206 -- TABLE = 207 -- REFERENCE = 208 -- CONSTRUCTOR = 209 -- FUNCTION = 210 -- RESOURCE = 211 -- INT64 = 212 -- TABLE WITH META = 213 local mts = {} local ids = {} local serializers = {} local deserializers = {} local resources = {} local resources_by_name = {} local types = {} types["nil"] = function(x, visited, accum) accum[#accum + 1] = "\202" end function types.number(x, visited, accum) accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(x) end function types.boolean(x, visited, accum) accum[#accum + 1] = x and "\204" or "\205" end function types.string(x, visited, accum) local alen = #accum if visited[x] then accum[alen + 1] = "\208" accum[alen + 2] = number_to_str(visited[x]) else visited[x] = visited[NEXT] visited[NEXT] = visited[NEXT] + 1 accum[alen + 1] = "\206" accum[alen + 2] = number_to_str(#x) accum[alen + 3] = x end end local function check_custom_type(x, visited, accum) local res = resources[x] if res then accum[#accum + 1] = "\211" types[type(res)](res, visited, accum) return true end local mt = getmetatable(x) local id = mt and ids[mt] if id then local constructing = visited[CTORSTACK] if constructing[x] then error("Infinite loop in constructor.") end constructing[x] = true accum[#accum + 1] = "\209" types[type(id)](id, visited, accum) local args, len = pack(serializers[id](x)) accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(len) for i = 1, len do local arg = args[i] types[type(arg)](arg, visited, accum) end visited[x] = visited[NEXT] visited[NEXT] = visited[NEXT] + 1 -- We finished constructing constructing[x] = nil return true end end function types.userdata(x, visited, accum) if visited[x] then accum[#accum + 1] = "\208" accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(visited[x]) else if check_custom_type(x, visited, accum) then return end error("Cannot serialize this userdata.") end end function types.table(x, visited, accum) if visited[x] then accum[#accum + 1] = "\208" accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(visited[x]) else if check_custom_type(x, visited, accum) then return end visited[x] = visited[NEXT] visited[NEXT] = visited[NEXT] + 1 local xlen = #x local mt = getmetatable(x) if mt then accum[#accum + 1] = "\213" types.table(mt, visited, accum) else accum[#accum + 1] = "\207" end accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(xlen) for i = 1, xlen do local v = x[i] types[type(v)](v, visited, accum) end local key_count = 0 for k in pairs(x) do if not_array_index(k, xlen) then key_count = key_count + 1 end end accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(key_count) for k, v in pairs(x) do if not_array_index(k, xlen) then types[type(k)](k, visited, accum) types[type(v)](v, visited, accum) end end end end types["function"] = function(x, visited, accum) if visited[x] then accum[#accum + 1] = "\208" accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(visited[x]) else if check_custom_type(x, visited, accum) then return end visited[x] = visited[NEXT] visited[NEXT] = visited[NEXT] + 1 local str = dump(x) accum[#accum + 1] = "\210" accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(#str) accum[#accum + 1] = str end end types.cdata = function(x, visited, accum) if visited[x] then accum[#accum + 1] = "\208" accum[#accum + 1] = number_to_str(visited[x]) else if check_custom_type(x, visited, #accum) then return end error("Cannot serialize this cdata.") end end types.thread = function() error("Cannot serialize threads.") end local function deserialize_value(str, index, visited) local t = byte(str, index) if not t then return nil, index end if t < 128 then return t - 27, index + 1 elseif t < 192 then local b2 = byte(str, index + 1) if not b2 then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end return b2 + 0x100 * (t - 128) - 8192, index + 2 elseif t == 202 then return nil, index + 1 elseif t == 203 or t == 212 then return number_from_str(str, index) elseif t == 204 then return true, index + 1 elseif t == 205 then return false, index + 1 elseif t == 206 then local length, dataindex = number_from_str(str, index + 1) local nextindex = dataindex + length if not (length >= 0) then error("Bad string length") end if #str < nextindex - 1 then error("Expected more bytes of string") end local substr = sub(str, dataindex, nextindex - 1) visited[#visited + 1] = substr return substr, nextindex elseif t == 207 or t == 213 then local mt, count, nextindex local ret = {} visited[#visited + 1] = ret nextindex = index + 1 if t == 213 then mt, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, nextindex, visited) if type(mt) ~= "table" then error("Expected table metatable") end end count, nextindex = number_from_str(str, nextindex) for i = 1, count do local oldindex = nextindex ret[i], nextindex = deserialize_value(str, nextindex, visited) if nextindex == oldindex then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end end count, nextindex = number_from_str(str, nextindex) for i = 1, count do local k, v local oldindex = nextindex k, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, nextindex, visited) if nextindex == oldindex then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end oldindex = nextindex v, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, nextindex, visited) if nextindex == oldindex then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end if k == nil then error("Can't have nil table keys") end ret[k] = v end if mt then setmetatable(ret, mt) end return ret, nextindex elseif t == 208 then local ref, nextindex = number_from_str(str, index + 1) return visited[ref], nextindex elseif t == 209 then local count local name, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, index + 1, visited) count, nextindex = number_from_str(str, nextindex) local args = {} for i = 1, count do local oldindex = nextindex args[i], nextindex = deserialize_value(str, nextindex, visited) if nextindex == oldindex then error("Expected more bytes of input.") end end if not name or not deserializers[name] then error(("Cannot deserialize class '%s'"):format(tostring(name))) end local ret = deserializers[name](unpack(args)) visited[#visited + 1] = ret return ret, nextindex elseif t == 210 then local length, dataindex = number_from_str(str, index + 1) local nextindex = dataindex + length if not (length >= 0) then error("Bad string length") end if #str < nextindex - 1 then error("Expected more bytes of string") end local ret = loadstring(sub(str, dataindex, nextindex - 1)) visited[#visited + 1] = ret return ret, nextindex elseif t == 211 then local resname, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, index + 1, visited) if resname == nil then error("Got nil resource name") end local res = resources_by_name[resname] if res == nil then error(("No resources found for name '%s'"):format(tostring(resname))) end return res, nextindex else error("Could not deserialize type byte " .. t .. ".") end end local function serialize(...) local visited = {[NEXT] = 1, [CTORSTACK] = {}} local accum = {} for i = 1, select("#", unpack(arg)) do local x = select(i, unpack(arg)) types[type(x)](x, visited, accum) end return concat(accum) end local function make_file_writer(file) return setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(_, _, v) file:write(v) end }) end local function serialize_to_file(path, mode, ...) local file, err = io.open(path, mode) assert(file, err) local visited = {[NEXT] = 1, [CTORSTACK] = {}} local accum = make_file_writer(file) for i = 1, select("#", unpack(arg)) do local x = select(i, unpack(arg)) types[type(x)](x, visited, accum) end -- flush the writer file:flush() file:close() end local function writeFile(path, ...) return serialize_to_file(path, "wb", unpack(arg)) end local function appendFile(path, ...) return serialize_to_file(path, "ab", unpack(arg)) end local function deserialize(str, index) assert(type(str) == "string", "Expected string to deserialize.") local vals = {} index = index or 1 local visited = {} local len = 0 local val while true do local nextindex val, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, index, visited) if nextindex > index then len = len + 1 vals[len] = val index = nextindex else break end end return vals, len end local function deserializeN(str, n, index) assert(type(str) == "string", "Expected string to deserialize.") n = n or 1 assert(type(n) == "number", "Expected a number for parameter n.") assert(n > 0 and floor(n) == n, "N must be a poitive integer.") local vals = {} index = index or 1 local visited = {} local len = 0 local val while len < n do local nextindex val, nextindex = deserialize_value(str, index, visited) if nextindex > index then len = len + 1 vals[len] = val index = nextindex else break end end vals[len + 1] = index return unpack(vals, 1, n + 1) end local function readFile(path) local file, err = io.open(path, "rb") assert(file, err) local str = file:read("*all") file:close() return deserialize(str) end -- Resources local function registerResource(resource, name) type_check(name, "string", "name") assert(not resources[resource], "Resource already registered.") assert(not resources_by_name[name], format("Resource %q already exists.", name)) resources_by_name[name] = resource resources[resource] = name return resource end local function unregisterResource(name) type_check(name, "string", "name") assert(resources_by_name[name], format("Resource %q does not exist.", name)) local resource = resources_by_name[name] resources_by_name[name] = nil resources[resource] = nil return resource end -- Templating local function normalize_template(template) local ret = {} for i = 1, #template do ret[i] = template[i] end local non_array_part = {} -- The non-array part of the template (nested templates) have to be deterministic, so they are sorted. -- This means that inherently non deterministicly sortable keys (tables, functions) should NOT be used -- in templates. Looking for way around this. for k in pairs(template) do if not_array_index(k, #template) then non_array_part[#non_array_part + 1] = k end end table.sort(non_array_part) for i = 1, #non_array_part do local name = non_array_part[i] ret[#ret + 1] = {name, normalize_template(template[name])} end return ret end local function templatepart_serialize(part, argaccum, x, len) local extras = {} local extracount = 0 for k, v in pairs(x) do extras[k] = v extracount = extracount + 1 end for i = 1, #part do local name if type(part[i]) == "table" then name = part[i][1] len = templatepart_serialize(part[i][2], argaccum, x[name], len) else name = part[i] len = len + 1 argaccum[len] = x[part[i]] end if extras[name] ~= nil then extracount = extracount - 1 extras[name] = nil end end if extracount > 0 then argaccum[len + 1] = extras else argaccum[len + 1] = nil end return len + 1 end local function templatepart_deserialize(ret, part, values, vindex) for i = 1, #part do local name = part[i] if type(name) == "table" then local newret = {} ret[name[1]] = newret vindex = templatepart_deserialize(newret, name[2], values, vindex) else ret[name] = values[vindex] vindex = vindex + 1 end end local extras = values[vindex] if extras then for k, v in pairs(extras) do ret[k] = v end end return vindex + 1 end local function template_serializer_and_deserializer(metatable, template) return function(x) local argaccum = {} local len = templatepart_serialize(template, argaccum, x, 0) return unpack(argaccum, 1, len) end, function(...) local ret = {} templatepart_deserialize(ret, template, arg, 1) return setmetatable(ret, metatable) end end -- Used to serialize classes withh custom serializers and deserializers. -- If no _serialize or _deserialize (or no _template) value is found in the -- metatable, then the metatable is registered as a resources. local function register(metatable, name, serialize, deserialize) if type(metatable) == "table" then name = name or metatable.name serialize = serialize or metatable._serialize deserialize = deserialize or metatable._deserialize if (not serialize) or (not deserialize) then if metatable._template then -- Register as template local t = normalize_template(metatable._template) serialize, deserialize = template_serializer_and_deserializer(metatable, t) else -- Register the metatable as a resource. This is semantically -- similar and more flexible (handles cycles). registerResource(metatable, name) return end end elseif type(metatable) == "string" then name = name or metatable end type_check(name, "string", "name") type_check(serialize, "function", "serialize") type_check(deserialize, "function", "deserialize") assert((not ids[metatable]) and (not resources[metatable]), "Metatable already registered.") assert((not mts[name]) and (not resources_by_name[name]), ("Name %q already registered."):format(name)) mts[name] = metatable ids[metatable] = name serializers[name] = serialize deserializers[name] = deserialize return metatable end local function unregister(item) local name, metatable if type(item) == "string" then -- assume name name, metatable = item, mts[item] else -- assume metatable name, metatable = ids[item], item end type_check(name, "string", "name") mts[name] = nil if (metatable) then resources[metatable] = nil ids[metatable] = nil end serializers[name] = nil deserializers[name] = nil resources_by_name[name] = nil; return metatable end local function registerClass(class, name) name = name or class.name if class.__instanceDict then -- middleclass register(class.__instanceDict, name) else -- assume 30log or similar library register(class, name) end return class end return { VERSION = "0.0-8", -- aliases s = serialize, d = deserialize, dn = deserializeN, r = readFile, w = writeFile, a = appendFile, serialize = serialize, deserialize = deserialize, deserializeN = deserializeN, readFile = readFile, writeFile = writeFile, appendFile = appendFile, register = register, unregister = unregister, registerResource = registerResource, unregisterResource = unregisterResource, registerClass = registerClass, newbinser = newbinser } end return newbinser()