import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; const modfiles = [ { name: 'UMMU', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/ummubg.png', pack: 'OISRT', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 10, intended: true, name: 'She', }, ], order: 1, }, { name: 'ihavesex', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/sexbg.gif', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 9, intended: true, name: 'oat', }, ], order: 2, }, { name: 'Easy Scapegoats', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/easyscapegoatsbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, intended: true, name: 'oatmealbean', }, ], order: 3, }, { name: 'ONYON', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', pack: 'Mod Rush Couples 2', flipColors: true, packUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/onyonbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 69, intended: true, name: '-YOSEFU- x Kirby5464 ft. oatmealine', }, ], order: 4, collab: true, collabPartners: 'Kirby5464 and -YOSEFU-', }, { name: 'How You Like That', subtitle: '(BilliumMoto Remix)', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/howyoulikethatbg.png', pack: 'Mod Rush Couples 2', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'expert', rating: 14, name: 'smaller gloop, less yoinky', }, { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, intended: true, name: 'yasmeal64', }, ], order: 5, collab: true, collabPartners: 'Yasmyn64', }, { name: 'OBAMONSTA', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/obamabg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'expert', rating: 13, name: 'obamoat but not terrible', }, { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, intended: true, name: 'obamoat', }, ], order: 6, }, { name: '#1f1e33', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/1fbg.png', pack: 'White Elephant 2020', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, name: 'oat channels her inner camellia', intended: true, } ], order: 7, }, { name: 'Star Factory', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', flipColors: true, songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/starfactorybg.png', pack: 'Mod Rush 2', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 12, name: 'poly-she', intended: true, }, { type: 'edit', rating: 16, name: 'like 2 or so more steps (slumpo)' } ], order: 8, }, { name: 'theyaremanycolors', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/colorsbg.png', pack: 'Mod Rush Couples', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 13, name: 'segoat', intended: true, } ], order: 9, collab: true, collabPartners: 'segaskulll', }, { name: 'Fuck With The Baddest', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/fuckbg.png', pack: 'Mod Rush Couples', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, name: 'Kirby5464 + oatmealine', intended: true, } ], order: 10, collab: true, collabPartners: 'Kirby5464', }, { name: 'Year of the Rats', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', flipColors: true, imageUrl: 'assets/ratbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 12, name: 'oat learns how to ease', intended: true, } ], order: 10.5, }, { name: 'Wake Up', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/wakeupbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 16, name: 'oat & rya', intended: true, }, { type: 'edit', rating: 18, name: 'stuck in the nightmare (slump)' } ], order: 11, collab: true, collabPartners: 'Rya', }, { name: 'if god didn\'t want us to snort worms he wouldn\'t have made them cylindrical!!!!!!!!', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/wormsbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 9, name: 'xeroOline', intended: true, } ], order: 12, collab: true, collabPartners: 'XeroOl', }, { name: '745 sticky', subtitle: '(short ver)', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/745stickybg.png', packUrl: '', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, name: '100 oats', intended: true, } ], order: 13, }, { name: 'Polish toilet spin basshunter ITG homosex K19191', subtitle: '(Po twojej pysznej zupie)', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/toiletbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 14, name: 'oat + aiko', intended: true, } ], order: 13.5, collab: true, collabPartners: 'Aikoyori', }, { name: 'Tung Tiied', subtitle: '(Anamana GAMERMEGAMIX)', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/tungtiiedbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 13, name: 'oat vs Rya', intended: true, }, { type: 'edit', rating: 17, name: 'true gamer (Slumpage)' } ], order: 14, collab: true, collabPartners: 'Rya', }, { name: 'thanks', downloadUrl: '', videoUrl: '', songUrl: '', imageUrl: 'assets/thanksbg.png', difficulties: [ { type: 'challenge', rating: 7, name: 'oat', }, { type: 'edit', rating: 15, name: 'sluumpaage', intended: true, } ], order: 15, }, ]; export let files = writable(modfiles); export let sortMode = writable('Chronological'); export let sortingModes = ['Chronological', 'Alphabetical', 'Difficulty']; export let groupsEnabled = writable([true, true]); export let groups = ['Packs', 'Collabs']; sortMode.subscribe(mode => { if (mode === 'Chronological') { files.update(f => f.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order)); } else if (mode === 'Alphabetical') { files.update(f => f.sort((a, b) =>; } else if (mode === 'Difficulty') { files.update(f => f.sort((a, b) => a.difficulties.find(l => l.intended).rating - b.difficulties.find(l => l.intended).rating)); } }); export function sort(mode) { if (mode) { sortMode.set(mode); } else { sortMode.update(v => v); } } groupsEnabled.subscribe(v => { files.set(modfiles.filter(f => (f.pack ? v[0] : true) && (f.collab ? v[1] : true))); sort(); });