
27 lines
900 B

{inputs, ...}: {
# This one brings our custom packages from the 'pkgs' directory
additions = final: _prev: import ../pkgs {pkgs = final;};
# When applied, the unstable nixpkgs set (declared in the flake inputs) will
# be accessible through 'pkgs.unstable'
unstable-packages = final: _prev: {
unstable = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable {
system = final.system;
config.allowUnfree = true;
dynamic-triple-buffering = (final: prev: {
gnome = prev.gnome.overrideScope' (gnomeFinal: gnomePrev: {
mutter = gnomePrev.mutter.overrideAttrs ( old: {
src = prev.fetchgit {
url = "";
# GNOME 45: triple-buffering-v4-45
rev = "0b896518b2028d9c4d6ea44806d093fd33793689";
sha256 = "sha256-mzNy5GPlB2qkI2KEAErJQzO//uo8yO0kPQUwvGDwR4w=";
} );