
234 lines
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declare interface StageAPIBackdrop {
Corners: string[];
LFloors: string[];
NFloors: string[];
Walls: string[];
declare interface StageAPICustomDoor {
AlwaysOpen: boolean;
Anm2: string;
CloseAnim: string;
ClosedAnim: string;
DirectionOffsets: unknown;
ExitFunction: string;
Name: string;
NoAutoHandling: boolean;
OpenAnim: string;
OpenedAnim: string;
TransitionAnim: int;
declare interface StageAPICustomGridEntity {
PersistentData: StageAPICustomDoor;
declare interface StageAPICustomStage {
/** Gets the ID of the currently playing music. */
GetPlayingMusic(): int;
* Automatically aliases the new stage to the old one, if noSetAlias is not set.
* This means that IsStage calls on either will return true if either is active.
InheritInit(name: string, noSetAlias?: boolean): void;
/** If this {@link CustomStage} is, in fact, a stage. */
IsStage(noAlias: boolean): boolean;
* Indicates that this stage overrides alt rock effects.
* @param rooms If present, only overrides rock alt effects for the specified
* {@link RoomType RoomTypes}. If absent, overrides alt rocks everywhere.
* DOES NOT add any new effects on its own.
OverrideRockAltEffects(rooms?: RoomType[]): void;
/** Sets the boss music used by the stage. */
SetBossMusic(musicID: int, clearedMusicID: int): void;
/** Sets the available bosses for the stage. */
SetBosses(bossIDs: int[]): void;
/** Sets the name displayed to the player. */
SetDisplayName(name: string): void;
/** Sets if this is the second half of a stage. */
SetIsSecondStage(isSecondStage: boolean): void;
/** Sets the music used by the stage. */
SetMusic(musicID: int, roomType: RoomType): void;
* Sets the internal name/id.
SetName(name: string): void;
/** Sets the stage after this one. */
SetNextStage(nextStage: StageAPICustomStage | StageAPIVanillaStage): void;
/** Sets the stage this `CustomStage` overrides. */
SetReplace(stageOverrideStage: StageAPIStageOverrideStage): void;
* Sets the {@link RoomGfx} used by the stage.
* @param RoomTypes the room types these gfx apply to.
* Can be a string identifier, a {@link RoomType}, or an array of either.
roomGfx: StageAPIRoomGfx,
roomTypes: string | int | string[] | int[],
): void;
/** Sets the list room layouts used by the stage. */
SetRooms(roomsList: StageAPIRoomsList): void;
* Sets the paths to the "spot" graphic,
* the patch of ground underneath the boss and player sprites in the pre-boss cutscene.
SetSpots(bossSpot: string | undefined, playerSpot: string | undefined): void;
/** Sets the stage's number. */
SetStageNumber(num: int): void;
/** Sets the path to the stage transition icon. */
SetTransitionIcon(iconPath: string): void;
declare interface StageAPIDoorInfo {
IsBossAmbush?: boolean;
NotCurrent?: RoomType[];
NotEither?: RoomType[];
NotTarget?: RoomType[];
RequireCurrent?: RoomType[];
RequireEither?: RoomType[];
RequireTarget?: RoomType[];
declare interface StageAPIGridGfx {
/** Sets the path to the gfx spritesheet of the specified subset of doors. */
AddDoors(filename: string, DoorInfo: StageAPIDoorInfo): void;
/** Sets the path to the bridge gfx spritesheet. */
SetBridges(filename: string): void;
/** Sets the path to the decoration gfx spritesheet. */
SetDecorations(filename: string): void;
/** Sets the path to the gfx spritesheet for the specified {@link GridEntity}. */
SetGrid(filename: string, GridEntityType: GridEntityType, variant: int): void;
/** Sets the path to the pay-to-play door gfx spritesheet. */
SetPayToPlayDoor(filename: string): void;
* Sets the path to the pit gfx spritesheet
* Alt Pits are used where water pits would be.
* @param hasExtraFrames Controls for situations where the base game would not normally tile pits
* specially.
filename: string,
altPitsFilename?: string,
hasExtraFrames?: boolean,
): void;
* Sets the paths to the pit gfx spritesheets.
* Takes lists of { File, HasExtraFrames }.
* (Original docs indicate to "see utero override".)
filenames: Array<{ File: string; HasExtraFrames?: boolean }>,
altPitsFilenames: Array<{ File: string; HasExtraFrames?: boolean }>,
): void;
/** Sets the path to the rock gfx spritesheet. */
SetRocks(filename: string): void;
declare interface StageAPILevelMap {
GetCurrentRoomData(): StageAPIRoomData;
GetRoom(roomData: StageAPIRoomData): StageAPILevelRoom;
Map: StageAPIRoomData[];
declare interface StageAPILevelRoom {
AvoidSpawning: unknown;
AwardSeed: int;
ClearCount: int;
Data: unknown;
DecorationSeed: int;
Dimension: Dimension;
Doors: unknown;
ExtraSpawn: unknown;
FirstLoad: boolean;
Layout: {
Name: string;
Variant: int;
PersistenceData: unknown;
PersistentData: unknown;
RoomType: RoomType;
RoomsListName: string;
Seed: int;
Shape: RoomShape;
SpawnSeed: int;
SurpriseMiniboss: boolean;
VisitCount: int;
declare interface StageAPIRemovedEntityData {
Position: Vector;
Seed: number;
Spawner: Entity | undefined;
SubType: int;
Type: EntityType;
Variant: int;
Velocity: Vector;
declare interface StageAPIRoomData {
MapID: int;
RoomID: int;
X: int;
Y: int;
declare interface StageAPIRoomGfx {
Backdrop: Sprite;
GridGfx: Sprite;
shadingName: string;
shadingPrefix: string;
declare interface StageAPIRoomsList {
AddRooms(roomFiles: string[] | StageAPICustomRoomConfig[]): void;
declare type StageAPIStageOverrideStage = {
OverrideStage: LevelStage;
OverrideStageType: StageType;
ReplaceWith: StageAPICustomStage | StageAPIVanillaStage;
declare interface StageAPIVanillaStage {
NormalStage: true;
Stage: LevelStage;
StageType: StageType;