
263 lines
9.9 KiB

export {};
declare global {
/** @noSelf */
namespace Isaac {
* Your mod can't do much of anything unless you attach some callback functions that can run
* code when certain things happen. The different types of callbacks are represented in the
* ModCallbacks enum.
* Some callbacks take an optional third argument to specify that you only want it the function
* to fire on a specific thing. For example:
* ```
* mod.AddCallback(
* postEffectUpdatePoof01,
* EffectVariant.POOF01,
* )
* ```
function AddCallback(
mod: Mod,
callbackID: ModCallbacks,
callbackFn: () => void,
entityID?: int,
): void;
* @returns The pill color.
function AddPillEffectToPool(pillEffect: PillEffect | int): PillColor | int;
* Puts a string into the debug console. (You can open the debug console with the tilde key.)
function ConsoleOutput(text: string): void;
function CountBosses(): int;
function CountEnemies(): int;
* This function is currently bugged (i.e. in Repentance v820) and should not be used.
* In the meantime, use "FindByType()" as a workaround.
* @param spawner
* @param entityType Default is EntityType.ENTITY_NULL.
* @param variant Specifying -1 will return all variants. Default is -1.
* @param subType Specifying -1 will return all subtypes. Default is -1.
function CountEntities(
fakeArg: never,
spawner: Entity | undefined,
entityType?: EntityType | int,
variant?: int,
subType?: int,
): int;
* Prints a string to the "log.txt" file. By default, the file is located at:
* `C:\Users\[YourUsername]\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance\log.txt`
function DebugString(msg: string): Mod;
/** Executes a command on the debug console. */
function ExecuteCommand(command: string): string;
function Explode(
position: Vector,
source: Entity | undefined,
damage: float,
): void;
* @param entityType
* @param variant Default is -1.
* @param subType Default is -1.
* @param cache Default is false.
* @param ignoreFriendly Default is false.
function FindByType(
entityType: EntityType | int,
variant?: int,
subType?: int,
cache?: boolean,
ignoreFriendly?: boolean,
): Entity[];
* Beware:
* - this function does not work in the PostNewRoom callback
* - it excludes effects, even when the effect partition is selected
* - it can exclude dead enemies
* It is recommended to never use this function and instead use `Isaac.FindByType()` or
* `Isaac.GetRoomEntities()`.
* @param position
* @param radius
* @param partitions Default is 0xFFFFFFFF.
function FindInRadius(
position: Vector,
radius: float,
partitions?: int,
): Entity[];
/** Returns -1 if no card with the specified name was found. */
function GetCardIdByName(cardName: string): Card | int;
/** Returns 0 if the current run is not a challenge. */
function GetChallenge(): Challenge | int;
/** Returns -1 if the specified challenge name does not exist. */
function GetChallengeIdByName(challengeName: string): Challenge | int;
/** Returns -1 if no costume with the specified name was found. */
function GetCostumeIdByPath(path: string): int;
/** Returns -1 if no curse with the specified name was found. */
function GetCurseIdByName(curseName: string): LevelCurse | int;
/** Returns 0 if no entity with the specified name was found. */
function GetEntityTypeByName(entityName: string): EntityType | int;
/** Returns -1 if no entity with the specified name was found. */
function GetEntityVariantByName(entityName: string): int;
* Returns the amount of render frames that have passed since the game was open.
* The counter for this increases even when the game is paused or when you are in the main menu.
* Since Isaac frames are equal to render frames, 60 frames equals 1 second.
* Note that these frames are completely different from the frames returned from
* `Game().GetFrameCount()` and other functions.
function GetFrameCount(): int;
function GetFreeNearPosition(position: Vector, step: float): Vector;
function GetItemConfig(): ItemConfig;
/** Returns -1 if no collectible with the specified name was found. */
function GetItemIdByName(entityName: string): CollectibleType | int;
/** Returns -1 if no music with the specified name was found. */
function GetMusicIdByName(musicName: string): Music | int;
/** Returns -1 if no pill with the specified name was found. */
function GetPillEffectByName(pillName: string): PillEffect | int;
* With no argument, it returns the 0th player.
* For the purposes of this definition, we assume that the 0th player always exists.
* However, if called in the menu, this function will return undefined, so beware.
function GetPlayer(): EntityPlayer;
* For the purposes of this definition, we assume that the 0th player always exists.
* However, if called in the menu, this function will return undefined, so beware.
function GetPlayer(playerID: 0): EntityPlayer;
* Before using the EntityPlayer object, you should check to see if it is equal to undefined and
* handle the error case.
function GetPlayer(playerID: int): EntityPlayer | undefined;
* Returns -1 if the specified character does not exist.
* @param playerName
* @param tainted Default is false.
function GetPlayerTypeByName(
playerName: string,
tainted?: boolean,
): PlayerVariant | int;
* Returns a random position in the current room in world coordinates (not render coordinates).
function GetRandomPosition(): Vector;
* This function is very expensive and is the main cause of lag in mods across the Isaac
* ecosystem. Be careful about calling this multiple times per frame.
function GetRoomEntities(): Entity[];
/** Returns -1 if no sound with the specified name was found. */
function GetSoundIdByName(soundName: string): SoundEffect | int;
* Returns the width of the given string in pixels based on the "terminus8" font.
* (This is the same font used in the `Isaac.RenderText()` function.)
function GetTextWidth(str: string): int;
* Returns the current time in milliseconds since the program was launched.
* (This is simply a mapping to "os.clock()".)
function GetTime(): int;
/** Returns -1 if the specified trinket was not found. */
function GetTrinketIdByName(trinketName: string): TrinketType | int;
* @param gridEntityType
* @param variant
* @param position
* @param forced Forced has no effect and will not override a grid entity on the given location.
* Remove any existing grid entities first.
function GridSpawn(
gridEntityType: GridEntityType | int,
variant: int,
position: Vector,
forced: boolean,
): GridEntity;
* Returns true if your mod has data stored from the `Isaac.SaveModData()` function.
* (This corresponds to "save#.dat" files existing in the mod's save data folder.)
function HasModData(mod: Mod): boolean;
* Returns a string that was stored in a "save#.dat" file from the `Isaac.SaveModData()`
* function. If there is no "save#.dat" file for your mod, this function will return an empty
* string. There are 3 "save#.dat" files, one per save slot. The number will be determined
* automatically by the game. In Repentance, these files are located in the "data" folder next
* to the "mods" folder.
function LoadModData(mod: Mod): string;
// function RegisterMod(mod: Mod, modName: string, APIVersion: int): void; // Should use the global RegisterMod() instead
function RemoveCallback(
mod: Mod,
callbackID: ModCallbacks,
callbackFn: () => void,
): void;
* Will delete a "save#.dat" file, if it exists. For more information, see the
* `Isaac.SaveModData()` function.
function RemoveModData(mod: Mod): void;
function RenderScaledText(
str: string,
x: float,
y: float,
scaleX: float,
scaleY: float,
r: float,
g: float,
b: float,
a: float,
): void;
function RenderText(
str: string,
x: float,
y: float,
r: float,
g: float,
b: float,
a: float,
): void;
* Stores a string in a "save#.dat" file for persistent storage across game invocations.
* There are 3 "save#.dat" files, one per save slot. The number will be determined automatically
* by the game. In Repentance, these files are located in the "data" folder next to the "mods"
* folder.
function SaveModData(mod: Mod, data: string): void;
function ScreenToWorld(position: Vector): Vector;
function ScreenToWorldDistance(position: Vector): Vector;
function Spawn(
entityType: EntityType | int,
entityVariant: int,
entitySubType: int,
position: Vector,
velocity: Vector,
spawner: Entity | undefined,
): Entity;
* Converts a game Vector (i.e. `entity.Position`) to a render Vector used for drawing sprites
* and text to the screen at fixed positions.
function WorldToRenderPosition(position: Vector): Vector;
* Converts a game Vector (i.e. `entity.Position`) to a screen Vector used for drawing sprites
* and text next to an entity.
function WorldToScreen(position: Vector): Vector;
function WorldToScreenDistance(position: Vector): Vector;