declare function Vector(this: void, x: float, y: float): Vector; declare interface Vector { Clamp(minX: float, minY: float, maxX: float, maxY: float): void; Clamped(minX: float, minY: float, maxX: float, maxY: float): Vector; Cross(secondVector: Vector): float; Distance(secondVector: Vector): float; DistanceSquared(secondVector: Vector): float; Dot(secondVector: Vector): float; /** * The game returns degrees in the following format: * * - Right: 0 * - Up: -90 * - Left: 180 * - Down: 90 */ GetAngleDegrees(): float; Length(): float; LengthSquared(): float; Lerp(secondVector: Vector, t: float): Vector; Normalize(): void; Normalized(): Vector; Resize(newLength: float): void; Resized(newLength: float): Vector; Rotated(angleDegrees: float): Vector; /** Use the "add()" method instead. */ __add(right: never): Vector; /** Use the "div()" method instead. */ __div(modifier: never): Vector; /** Use the "mul()" method instead. */ __mul(modifier: never): Vector; /** Use the "sub()" method instead. */ __sub(right: never): Vector; // Not implemented since it can cause the game to crash // __unm(right: never): Vector; X: float; Y: float; // Helper functions for adding and so forth // add: LuaAdditionMethod; // Vector multiplication was extended to allow Vectors in Repentance // However, this functionality does not apply to division div: LuaDivisionMethod; mul: LuaMultiplicationMethod; sub: LuaSubtractionMethod; } declare namespace Vector { function FromAngle(this: void, angleDegrees: float): Vector; const One: Vector; const Zero: Vector; }