# Isaac EmmyLua definitions [![](https://ci.oat.zone/repo/state/1)](https://ci.oat.zone/public/1) _This project has been partly deprecated in favor of filloax's [isaac-api-autocomplete](https://github.com/filloax/isaac-api-autocomplete-lua). I would highly recommend switching to that one, as this one will from now on recieve very infrequent updates._ A very, _very_ jank solution to types in Isaac modding ![](showcase.gif) # Use 1. Get the latest build from [mvoCI](https://ci.oat.zone/public/1) or build yourself (read further down) 2. Put the .lua in your workspace (like in `typings/`) 3. Use [EmmyLua](https://github.com/EmmyLua/EmmyLua-LanguageServer) to utilize Lua typing # Build 1. `git clone https://git.oat.zone/oat/isaac-lua-definitions/ --recursive` 2. `node index.js` 3. Put everything in `out/` in your workspace