function download(url) { console.log(url); fetch(url) .then(response => response.blob()) .then(blob => { const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = url.split('/').pop(); = '_blank';; }) .catch(console.error); } function formatTime(s) { return Math.floor(s / 60).toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + (s % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0'); } // this is literally a find replace in the css function setTheme(theme) { Array.from(document.styleSheets).map(e => { try { return Array.from(e.cssRules) } catch (e) { return [] } }).flat().map(e => { if (e.constructor != CSSMediaRule) return; if (e.originalConditionText) e.conditionText = e.originalConditionText; else e.originalConditionText = e.conditionText if (theme == "system") return let match = e.conditionText.match(/prefers-color-scheme:\s*(light|dark)/i) if (!match) return; e.conditionText = e.conditionText.replace(match[0], (match[1].toLowerCase() == theme ? 'min' : 'max') + '-width: 0') }); } function getWebsocketLocation() { return window.window.location.replace('https://', 'wss://').replace('http://', 'ws://'); } window.onload = () => { // dirty theme hacks :tm: const color = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('color'); const rgbRegex = /rgb\((\d+), ?(\d+), ?(\d+)\)/; const r = rgbRegex.exec(color); let brightness = (Number(r[1]) + Number(r[2]) + Number(r[3])) / (255 * 3); if (brightness > 0.5) { // light text, dark theme document.getElementById('theme-switch').checked = true } else { // dark text, light theme document.getElementById('theme-switch').checked = false } document.getElementById('theme-switch').addEventListener('click', () => { setTheme(document.getElementById('theme-switch').checked ? 'dark' : 'light'); }); const placeholders = [ 'xilent - we are dust', 'joyryde - brave', 'phaseone - the risen ep', 'blanke & godlands - hellraiser', 'camellia - blackmagik blazing', 't+pazolite - without permission', 'the brig - vindicate', 'bossfight - next wave' ]; const search = document.getElementById('album-search'); search.setAttribute('placeholder', placeholders[Math.floor(Math.random() * placeholders.length)]); async function change() { const value = document.getElementById('album-search').value; if (value === '') return document.getElementById('albums').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('progress-album').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('progress-bar-wrapper').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('albums').innerHTML = '
'; const d = await axios.get('/api/search', {params: {search: value}}); document.getElementById('albums').innerHTML = => `
by ${}
` ).join('
'); if ( === 0) return document.getElementById('albums').innerHTML = 'Not found!'; for (c of document.getElementById('albums').children) { if (c.children[5]) { let id ='-')[1]; c.children[5].onclick = (a) => { let coverArt document.getElementById('albums').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('progress-album').innerHTML = '
'; const ws = new WebSocket(getWebsocketLocation() + 'api/album?id=' + id); ws.onmessage = (m) => { const d = JSON.parse(; if (d.key === 'downloadInfo') { document.getElementById('progress-album').innerHTML = `
by ${}
`; } else if (d.key === 'updateQueue') { if ( { document.getElementById('progress-bar-wrapper').innerHTML = `
` } } else if (d.key === 'coverArt') { coverArt =; } else if (d.key === 'download') { download(; } } } } let id ='-')[1]; if (document.getElementById('album-bottom-' + id)) { document.getElementById('album-bottom-' + id).innerHTML = '
'; const album = await axios.get('/api/album', {params: {id: id}}); document.getElementById('album-bottom-' + id).innerHTML = => `
${d.artist} - ${d.title} ${formatTime(d.duration)}
` ).join(''); for (track of document.getElementById('album-bottom-' + id).children) { let trackId ='-')[1]; track.children[1].children[0].onclick = () => { console.log(trackId); let coverArt document.getElementById('albums').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('progress-album').innerHTML = '
'; const ws = new WebSocket(getWebsocketLocation() + 'api/track?id=' + trackId); ws.onmessage = (m) => { const d = JSON.parse(; console.log(d); if (d.key === 'downloadInfo') { document.getElementById('progress-album').innerHTML = `
by ${}
`; } else if (d.key === 'updateQueue') { if ( { document.getElementById('progress-bar-wrapper').innerHTML = `
` } } else if (d.key === 'coverArt') { coverArt =; } else if (d.key === 'download') { download(; } else if (d.key === 'finishDownload') { change(); } } } } } } } search.addEventListener('change', change); };