import * as hash from './hash'; const levelsPerPage = 10; // should be kept at 10, increasing/decreasing may lead to unforseeable consequences module.exports = (app) : void => {'/' + app.get('config').addtopath + 'database/getGJLevels21.php', async (req, res) => { let levelsString = ''; let searchQuery: any = {}; // fuck you typescript, i have to use any or else it screams console.log(req.body); if (isNaN(Number(req.body.str)) || req.body.str == '') searchQuery.unlisted = false; if (req.body.featured != '0') searchQuery.featured = true; if (req.body.epic != '0') searchQuery.epic = true; if (req.body.coins != '0') searchQuery.coins = true; if (req.body.twoPlayer != '0') searchQuery.twoPlayer = true; if ( searchQuery.stars = {$gt: 0}; if (req.body.original != '0') searchQuery.original = true; if (req.body.noStar) searchQuery.stars = 0; if ( { if (Number( <= 50) { // lets assume a limit of 50 official songs searchQuery.audio_track = Number(; // official song } else { searchQuery.song_id = Number(; // newgrounds/custom songs } } if (req.body.diff != '-') { // if the client requests -1, -2 or -3 then it cant request any other difficulties = false; if (req.body.diff == '-1') { // NA levels searchQuery.diff = 0; } else if(req.body.diff == '-2') { // demons if (req.body.demonFilter) { searchQuery.diff = 60 + req.body.demonFilter * 10; } else { searchQuery.diff = { $gte: 60 }; } } else if(req.body.diff == '-3') { // auto = true; } else { searchQuery.$or = req.body.diff .split(',') // multiple diffs .map(d => { return {diff: Number(d) * 10}; }); } } const levels = await app.get('db').collection('levels').find( { $and: [ { $or: [ {id: Number(req.body.str)}, {name: {$regex: `${req.body.str}`}} ] }, searchQuery ] }) .toArray(); switch (Number(req.body.type)) { case 1: // most downloaded levels.sort((a, b) => b.downloads - a.downloads); break; case 2: // most liked levels.sort((a, b) => b.likes - a.likes); break; case 3: // trending levels.filter(l => { l.timestamp || 0 > - 604800000; }); levels.sort((a, b) => b.downloads - a.downloads); break; case 4: // recent levels.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp || 0 - a.timestamp || 0); break; case 7: // ~ M a G i C ~ levels.filter(l => { l.objects || 0 > 1000; }); levels.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp || 0 - a.timestamp || 0); break; case 11: // awarded levels.filter(l => { l.stars > 0; }); levels.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp || 0 - a.timestamp || 0); break; case 12: // TODO: followed case 13: // TODO: friends levels.filter(() => false); } let offset = Math.max(Number( * levelsPerPage - 1, 0); const foundLevels = levels .slice(offset, (Number( + 1) * levelsPerPage - 1); let results = foundLevels .map(l => `1:${}:2:${}:5:0:6:16:8:10:9:${l.diff}:10:${l.downloads}:12:1:13:21:14:${l.likes}:17:0:43:0:25:${Number(}:18:${l.stars}:19:0:42:0:45:10:3:${l.description}:15:1:30:0:31:0:37:0:38:0:39:0:46:1:47:2:40:0:35:0` ) .join('|'); let users = new Array(10) // placeholder .fill('16:mat:0') .join('|'); let songs = ''; // placeholder levelsString = [results, users, songs, levels.length].join('#') + `:${offset}:${levelsPerPage}#` + hash.hashLevels(foundLevels); res.status(200).send(levelsString); }); };