
61 lines
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require "uri"
include CrystalGauntlet
CrystalGauntlet.endpoints["/getGJUserInfo20.php"] = ->(context : HTTP::Server::Context): String {
params = URI::Params.parse(context.request.body.not_nil!.gets_to_end)
LOG.debug { params.inspect }
user_id, account_id = Accounts.auth(params)
id, username, rank_name, messages_enabled, friend_requests_enabled, comments_enabled, youtube_url, twitter_url, twitch_url, created_at, user_id, stars, demons, coins, user_coins, diamonds, orbs, creator_points, icon_type, color1, color2, glow, cube, ship, ball, ufo, wave, robot, spider, explosion = DATABASE.query_one("select, accounts.username, rank, messages_enabled, friend_requests_enabled, comments_enabled, youtube_url, twitter_url, twitch_url, accounts.created_at,, stars, demons, coins, user_coins, diamonds, orbs, creator_points, icon_type, color1, color2, glow, cube, ship, ball, ufo, wave, robot, spider, explosion from accounts join users on = users.account_id where = ?", params["targetAccountID"], as: {Int32, String, String | Nil, Int32, Int32, Int32, String?, String?, String?, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32})
rank = Ranks.get_rank(rank_name || "everyone")
is_friend = Accounts.are_friends(id, account_id || -1)
friend_request_id, friend_request_body, friend_request_created_at, from = DATABASE.query_one("select id, body, created_at, from_account_id from friend_requests where (from_account_id = ? and to_account_id = ?) or (to_account_id = ? and from_account_id = ?)", id, account_id, id, account_id, as: {Int32, String, String, Int32})
return CrystalGauntlet::Format.fmt_hash({
1 => username,
2 => user_id,
3 => stars,
4 => demons,
8 => creator_points,
10 => color1,
11 => color2,
13 => coins,
16 => id,
17 => user_coins,
18 => 2 - messages_enabled,
19 => 1 - friend_requests_enabled,
20 => youtube_url || "",
21 => cube,
22 => ship,
23 => ball,
24 => ufo,
25 => wave,
26 => robot,
28 => glow,
# registered or not; always 1 here
29 => 1,
30 => 1, # todo: rank
# isnt (0) or is (1) friend or (3) incoming request or (4) outgoing request
31 => friend_request_id ? (from == account_id ? 4 : 3) : (is_friend ? 1 : 0),
32 => friend_request_id,
35 => friend_request_body,
37 => friend_request_created_at ? Time.parse(friend_request_created_at, Format::TIME_FORMAT, Time::Location::UTC) : "",
38 => account_id == id ? DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from messages where (to_account_id = ? and read_at is null)", id).as(Int64) : 0,
39 => account_id == id ? DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from friend_requests where (to_account_id = ? and read_at is null)", id).as(Int64) : 0,
40 => account_id == id ? DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from friend_links where (account_id_1 = ? and read_at_1 is null) or (account_id_2 = ? and read_at_2 is null)", id, id).as(Int64) : 0,
43 => spider,
44 => twitter_url || "",
45 => twitch_url || "",
46 => diamonds,
48 => explosion,
49 => (rank || Ranks::NULL_RANK).badge,
50 => 2 - comments_enabled