require "http-session" module CrystalGauntlet::Templates extend self macro dir_header() %path_split = context.request.path.split('/') "
" + %path_split.map_with_index { |v, i| "#{i == 0 ? "crystal-gauntlet" : v}"}.join(" / ") + "
" end def footer() %(
Crystal #{Crystal::VERSION}
running on
for #{CrystalGauntlet.uptime_s}
) end macro auth() if session = CrystalGauntlet.sessions.get(context) logged_in = true account_id = session.account_id user_id = session.user_id username = session.username else logged_in = false account_id = nil user_id = nil username = nil end if !logged_in context.response.headers.add("Location", "/login?#{URI::Params.encode({"redir" => context.request.path})}") context.response.status = HTTP::Status::SEE_OTHER return end end DIFFICULTIES = StaticArray[ "auto", "easy", "normal", "hard", "harder", "insane", "demon" ] DEMON_DIFFICULTIES = StaticArray[ "easy", "medium", "hard", "insane", "extreme" ] def get_difficulty_icon(difficulty : LevelDifficulty?, featured : Bool = false, epic : Bool = false, demon_difficulty : DemonDifficulty? = DemonDifficulty::Hard) "/assets/difficulties/#{DIFFICULTIES[difficulty.try &.to_i || -1]? || "na"}#{difficulty.try &.demon? ? "-#{DEMON_DIFFICULTIES[demon_difficulty.try &.to_i || -1]? || "hard"}" : ""}#{(featured && !epic) ? "-featured" : ""}#{epic ? "-epic" : ""}.png" end end module CrystalGauntlet record UserSession, username : String, account_id : Int32, user_id : Int32 # todo: replace memory storage with sqlite maybe? has to be hand-written but oh well @@session_storage = HTTPSession::Storage::Memory(UserSession).new @@sessions : HTTPSession::Manager(UserSession) =,"surveillance_device", "", secure: false, http_only: true, max_age: 365.days)) spawn do session_storage.run_gc_loop end def self.session_storage @@session_storage end def self.sessions @@sessions end end