require "http/server" require "http/server/handler" require "uri" require "sqlite3" require "migrate" require "dotenv" require "toml" require "colorize" require "option_parser" require "migrate" require "./enums" require "./lib/hash" require "./lib/format" require "./lib/xor" require "./lib/accounts" require "./lib/gjp" require "./lib/clean" require "./lib/songs" require "./lib/ids" require "./lib/level" require "./lib/dailies" require "./lib/templates" require "./lib/reupload" require "./lib/creator_points" require "./lib/versions" require "./lib/ips" require "./lib/ranks" require "./" if File.exists?(".env") Dotenv.load end include CrystalGauntlet::PatchExe module CrystalGauntlet VERSION = "0.1.0" CONFIG = File.exists?("./config.toml") ? TOML.parse("./config.toml")) : TOML.parse("") # todo: log warning? LOG = ::Log.for("crystal-gauntlet") def config_get(key : String) this = CONFIG key.split(".").each do |val| next_val =[val]? if next_val == nil return nil else this = next_val end end return this end def config_get(key : String, default) config_get(key).as?(typeof(default)) || default end DATABASE =["DATABASE_URL"]? || "sqlite3://./crystal-gauntlet.db") # todo: unhardcore DATA_FOLDER ="data") @@endpoints = Hash(String, (HTTP::Server::Context -> String)).new @@template_endpoints = Hash(String, (HTTP::Server::Context -> Nil)).new @@up_at = nil def self.uptime if !@@up_at return Time::Span::ZERO else return Time.utc - @@up_at.not_nil! end end def self.uptime_s span = uptime Format.fmt_timespan_long(span) end def self.endpoints @@endpoints end def self.template_endpoints @@template_endpoints end def severity_color(severity : Log::Severity) : Colorize::Object case severity when .trace? Colorize.with.dark_gray when .debug? Colorize.with.dark_gray when .info? Colorize.with.cyan when .notice? Colorize.with.cyan when .warn? Colorize.with.yellow when .error? when .fatal? Colorize.with.light_red else Colorize.with.white end end struct CrystalGauntletFormat < Log::StaticFormatter def run Colorize.with.light_gray.dim.surround(@io) do timestamp end string " " severity_color(@entry.severity).surround(@io) do @entry.severity.label.rjust(@io, 6) end string " " Colorize.with.white.surround(@io) do source end string " " message end end class GDHandler include HTTP::Handler def call(context : HTTP::Server::Context) # expunge trailing slashes path = context.request.path.chomp("/") path = path.sub(config_get("general.append_path").as(String | Nil) || "", "") body = context.request.body if CrystalGauntlet.endpoints.has_key?(path) && context.request.method == "POST" && body func = CrystalGauntlet.endpoints[path] begin value = rescue err LOG.error { "error while handling #{path.colorize(:white)}:" } LOG.error { err.to_s } is_relevant = true err.backtrace.each do |str| # this is a hack. Oh well if str.starts_with?("src/") || (!is_relevant) is_relevant = false else LOG.error {" #{str}"} end end context.response.content_type = "text/plain" context.response.respond_with_status(500, "-1") else max_size = 2048 value_displayed = value if value.size > max_size value_displayed = value[0..max_size] + ("…".colorize(:dark_gray).to_s) end LOG.debug { "-> ".colorize(:green).to_s + value_displayed } context.response.content_type = "text/plain" # to let endpoints manually write to IO if value != "" context.response.print value end end else call_next(context) end end end class TemplateHandler include HTTP::Handler def call(context : HTTP::Server::Context) # expunge trailing slashes path = context.request.path.chomp("/") body = context.request.body if CrystalGauntlet.template_endpoints.has_key?(path) func = CrystalGauntlet.template_endpoints[path] begin rescue err LOG.error { "error while handling #{path.colorize(:white)}:" } LOG.error { err.to_s } is_relevant = true err.backtrace.each do |str| # this is a hack. Oh well if str.starts_with?("src/") || (!is_relevant) is_relevant = false else LOG.error {" #{str}"} end end context.response.content_type = "text/html" context.response.respond_with_status(500, "Internal server error occurred, sorry about that") end else call_next(context) end end end def Log.setup_from_env(backend: CrystalGauntletFormat)) migrate = false calc_creator_points = false patch_exe = false patch_exe_location = nil patch_exe_package = nil parser = do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: crystal-gauntlet [command] [arguments]" parser.on("migrate", "Migrate the database") do migrate = true parser.banner = "Usage: crystal-gauntlet migrate [arguments]" end parser.on("calc_creator_points", "Calculate creator points and update them") do calc_creator_points = true parser.banner = "Usage: crystal-gauntlet calc_creator_points [arguments]" end parser.on("patch_exe", "Patch Geometry Dash executables with your server URL (supports #{SUPPORTED_PATCH_PLATFORMS.join(", ")})") do patch_exe = true parser.banner = "Usage: crystal-gauntlet patch_exe " parser.on("-p NAME", "--package=NAME", "Specify the new package name") { |name| patch_exe_package = name } parser.unknown_args do |opt| patch_exe_location = opt[0]? end end parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do puts parser exit end end parser.parse if patch_exe if !patch_exe_location puts parser exit 1 end check_server_length(true) { "Patching #{patch_exe_location}" } patch_exe_file(patch_exe_location.not_nil!, patch_exe_package) exit end migrator = DATABASE ) if migrate { "Migrating #{ENV["DATABASE_URL"].colorize(:white)}..." } migrator.to_latest exit end if calc_creator_points { "updating creator points" } DATABASE.query_all("select id, username, creator_points from users", as: {Int32, String, Int32}).each() do |id, username, old_count| new_count = CreatorPoints.update_creator_points id if old_count > 0 || new_count > 0 { "#{username}: #{old_count} -> #{new_count}" } end end exit end if !migrator.latest? LOG.fatal { "Database hasn\'t been migrated!! Please run #{"crystal-gauntlet migrate".colorize(:white)}" } exit 1 end ["songs", "levels", "saves"].each() { |v| Dir.mkdir_p(DATA_FOLDER / v) } server =[,"public/", fallthrough: true, directory_listing: false), / "songs").to_s, fallthrough: true, directory_listing: false),, ]) listen_on = URI.parse(ENV["LISTEN_ON"]? || "http://localhost:8080").normalize case listen_on.scheme when "http" server.bind_tcp(listen_on.hostname.not_nil!, listen_on.port.not_nil!) when "unix" server.bind_unix(listen_on.to_s.sub("unix://","")) end check_server_length(false) Reupload.init() Ranks.init() @@up_at = Time.utc LOG.notice { "Listening on #{listen_on.to_s.colorize(:white)}" } server.listen end end require "./endpoints/**" require "./template_endpoints/**"