require "json" require "db" include CrystalGauntlet module CrystalGauntlet::Songs extend self GD_AUDIO_FORMAT = "mp3" # todo: make this configurable REUPLOADED_SONG_ADD_ID = 5000000 CUSTOM_SONG_START = 50 # set in 6_songs.sql UNKNOWN_SONG_AUTHOR = 1 def is_custom_song(id) id >= CUSTOM_SONG_START end def is_reuploaded_song(id) id >= REUPLOADED_SONG_ADD_ID end class SongMetadata def initialize(name : String, author : String, normalized_url : String, source : String, author_url : String, duration : Int32 | Nil, size : Int32 | Nil) @name = name @author = author @normalized_url = normalized_url @source = source @author_url = author_url @duration = duration @size = size end def name @name end def author @author end def normalized_url @normalized_url end def source @source end def author_url @author_url end def duration @duration end def size @size end end def is_source_allowed(source : String) : Bool config_get("songs.allow_all_sources").as?(Bool) || config_get("songs.sources.#{source}.allow").as?(Bool) || false end def get_file_path(song_id : Int32)"data", "#{song_id}.mp3") end # will raise errors def fetch_song_metadata(url : String) : SongMetadata { "getting metadata for #{url}" } output = # todo: ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ LOOK OUT FOR SHELL INJECTION BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"songs.sources.ytdlp_binary").as?(String) || "yt-dlp", ["-J", url], output: output) output.close metadata = JSON.parse(output.to_s) canonical_url = metadata["webpage_url"].as_s? || metadata["original_url"].as_s? || url duration = metadata["duration"]? && (metadata["duration"].as_f? || metadata["duration"].as_i?) return (metadata["fulltitle"]? && metadata["fulltitle"].as_s?) || (metadata["title"]? && metadata["title"].as_s?) || url, (metadata["uploader"]? && metadata["uploader"].as_s?) || "", canonical_url, metadata["extractor"].as_s, (metadata["uploader_url"]? && metadata["uploader_url"].as_s?) || canonical_url, duration ? duration.to_i : nil, metadata["filesize"]? && metadata["filesize"].as_i? ) end def get_artist_id(artist_name : String, artist_url : String, source : String) : Int32 if source == "unknown" return UNKNOWN_SONG_AUTHOR end if artist_name.blank? return UNKNOWN_SONG_AUTHOR end begin DATABASE.query_one("select id from song_authors where name = ? and url = ? and source = ?", artist_name, artist_url, source, as: {Int32}) rescue next_id = IDs.get_next_id("song_authors") DATABASE.exec("insert into song_authors (id, source, name, url) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", next_id, source, artist_name, artist_url) next_id.to_i end end # name, author id, author name, size, download url # returns nil if song should be disabled # throws if something failed def fetch_song(song_id : Int32, get_download = false) : Tuple(String, Int32, String, Int32 | Nil, String | Nil) | Nil LOG.debug { "fetching #{song_id}" } if !config_get("songs.allow_custom_songs").as?(Bool) return nil end # todo: this is kinda spaghetti metadata = nil author_id = nil fetch_url = nil song_exists = false url = nil begin url, disabled = DATABASE.query_one("select url, disabled from songs where id = ?", song_id, as: {String, Bool}) if disabled return nil end song_exists = true rescue if config_get("songs.preserve_newgrounds_ids").as?(Bool) url = "{song_id}" else raise "unknown song ID" end end if DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from song_data where id = ?", song_id).as(Int64) > 0 song_name, song_author_id, song_author_name, song_author_url, song_size, song_source, song_duration, download_url = DATABASE.query_one("select, author_id,, song_authors.url, size, song_data.source, duration, proxy_url from song_data left join song_authors on = song_data.author_id where = ?", song_id, as: {String, Int32, String?, String?, Int32?, String, Int32?, String?}) fetch_url = download_url author_id = song_author_id metadata =, song_author_name || "", url.not_nil!, song_source, song_author_url || "", song_duration, song_size) else begin metadata = fetch_song_metadata(url.not_nil!) rescue err LOG.warn { "ran into error fetching metadata: #{err}; disabling song" } LOG.warn { err.inspect } if song_exists DATABASE.exec("update songs set disabled=1 where id = ?", song_id) else DATABASE.exec("insert into songs (id, url, disabled) values (?, ?, 1)", song_id, url) end return nil else if song_exists && url != metadata.normalized_url DATABASE.exec("update songs set url = ? where id = ?", metadata.normalized_url, song_id) end if DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from songs join song_data on = where != ? and url = ?", song_id, metadata.normalized_url).as(Int64) > 0 # just use that song's metadata instead # todo: dedup this and the above similar block somehow? song_name, song_author_id, song_author_name, song_author_url, song_size, song_source, song_duration, download_url = DATABASE.query_all("select, author_id,, song_authors.url, size, song_data.source, duration, proxy_url from song_data left join songs on = left join song_authors on = song_data.author_id where != ? and songs.url = ?", song_id, metadata.normalized_url, as: {String, Int32, String?, String?, Int32?, String, Int32?, String?})[0] fetch_url = download_url author_id = song_author_id metadata =, song_author_name || "", url.not_nil!, song_source, song_author_url || "", song_duration, song_size) end end end LOG.debug { metadata.inspect } # do checks to make sure this is a valid song max_duration = config_get("songs.sources.max_duration").as?(Int64) # todo if (fetch_url || !get_download) && metadata && author_id # we're done! woo if fetch_url && fetch_url.starts_with?("./") fetch_url = "#{config_get("general.hostname").as?(String) || ""}/#{fetch_url[2..]}" end return {, author_id,, metadata.size, fetch_url} end metadata = metadata.not_nil! new_size = nil if get_download if config_get("songs.sources.allow_transcoding") if !config_get("songs.sources.proxy_downloads").as?(Bool) raise "can't download a song with transcoding but without proxying allowed" end # todo: check if song file exists target_path = get_file_path(song_id)"songs.sources.ytdlp_binary").as?(String) || "yt-dlp", ["-f", "ba", "-x", "--audio-format", GD_AUDIO_FORMAT, "-o", target_path.to_s, "--ffmpeg-location", config_get("songs.sources.ffmpeg_binary").as?(String) || "ffmpeg", metadata.normalized_url], output: STDOUT, error: STDOUT) new_size = File.size(target_path).to_i # todo: get duration fetch_url = "./#{song_id}.mp3" else # todo raise "fetching songs without transcoding and proxying downloads currently unimplemented" end end if !author_id author_id = get_artist_id(, metadata.source, metadata.author_url) end if config_get("songs.sources.proxy_downloads") if DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from song_data where id = ?", song_id).as(Int64) > 0 DATABASE.exec("update song_data set name = ?, author_id = ?, size = ? where id = ?",, author_id, new_size || metadata.size, song_id) else DATABASE.exec("insert into song_data (id, name, author_id, source, size, duration, proxy_url) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", song_id,, author_id, metadata.source, metadata.size, metadata.duration, fetch_url) end else # todo end if fetch_url && fetch_url.starts_with?("./") # todo: deduplicate this with similar block above? fetch_url = "#{config_get("general.hostname").as?(String) || ""}/#{fetch_url[2..]}" end return {, author_id,, new_size || metadata.size, fetch_url} end end