-- +migrate up CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- on a registered account, account_id refers to the -- account ID - however, pre 2.0, instead udid referred -- to the user's UUID or UDID, depending on platform. -- UUID and UDID are unique ids assigned for green -- username users -- -- in short, if `registered`, use account_id, else, use udid udid TEXT, account_id INTEGER references accounts(id), registered INTEGER NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE, stars INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, demons INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, coins INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_coins INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, diamonds INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, orbs INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creator_points INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, completed_levels INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, icon_type INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- icon to display in comments, etc color1 INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, color2 INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 3, cube INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ship INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ball INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ufo INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, wave INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, robot INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, spider INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, explosion INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, special INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, glow INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_at TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now')), last_played TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now')), is_banned INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, is_banned_upload INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- +migrate down DROP TABLE users;