require "uri" include CrystalGauntlet CrystalGauntlet.endpoints["/uploadGJLevel21.php"] = ->(body : String): String { params = URI::Params.parse(body) LOG.debug { params.inspect } # todo: green user fixes? pretty please? user_id, account_id = Accounts.auth(params) if !(user_id && account_id) return "-1" end song_id = params["songID"] == "0" ? params["audioTrack"] : params["songID"] description = params["levelDesc"] if params["gameVersion"].to_i >= 20 # 2.0 description = Clean.clean_special(GDBase64.decode_string description) else description = Clean.clean_special(description) end # todo: patch descriptions to prevent color bugs # todo: use 1.9 levelInfo..? # # todo: use 2.2 unlisted # todo: extraString = params["extraString"]? || "29_29_29_40_29_29_29_29_29_29_29_29_29_29_29_29" original = (params["original"]? || "0").to_i32 if original == 0 original = nil end # todo: cap level length # todo: cap coins # todo: cap ldm to bool # todo: cap twoplayer to bool # todo: cap unlisted to bool # todo: cap requested stars # todo: verify object count, coins and twoplayer (i'm sure it's possible) # todo: check seed2? if DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from levels where id = ? and user_id = ?", params["levelID"], params["accountID"]).as(Int64) > 0 # update existing level # todo raise "not implemented" else # create new level next_id = IDs.get_next_id("levels") DATABASE.exec("insert into levels (id, name, user_id, description, original, game_version, binary_version, password, requested_stars, unlisted, version, level_data, extra_data, level_info, wt1, wt2, song_id, length, objects, coins, has_ldm, two_player) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", next_id, Clean.clean_special(params["levelName"]), user_id, description, params["original"].to_i32, params["gameVersion"].to_i32, params["binaryVersion"].to_i32, params["password"] == "0" ? nil : params["password"].to_i32, params["requestedStars"].to_i32, params["unlisted"].to_i32, params["levelVersion"].to_i32, Clean.clean_b64(params["levelString"]), Clean.clean_special(extraString), Clean.clean_b64(params["levelInfo"]), Clean.clean_number(params["wt"]), Clean.clean_number(params["wt2"]), song_id.to_i32, params["levelLength"].to_i32, params["objects"].to_i32, params["coins"].to_i32, params["ldm"].to_i32, params["twoPlayer"].to_i32) next_id.to_s end }