require "uri" include CrystalGauntlet private PAD_STR = "_____" # meaningless but necessary private def get_chk_value(chk_str : String) XorCrypt.encrypt_string(Base64.decode_string(chk_str[5..]), XorCrypt::CHEST_XOR_KEY) end private def get_rand(type : String, large = false) base = "chests.#{large ? "large" : "small"}.#{type}" min = config_get("#{base}_min", 0_i64) max = config_get("#{base}_max", 0_i64) increment = config_get("#{base}_increment", 1_i64) ((Random.rand(min.to_f .. (max.to_f + 1)) / increment).floor() * increment).to_i end private REWARD_TYPES = StaticArray["orbs", "diamonds", "shards", "keys"] private def get_chest(account_id : Int32, large = false) : {Int32?, Int32?} begin total, next_at = DATABASE.query_one("select total_opened, next_at from #{large ? "large_chests" : "small_chests"} where account_id = ?", account_id, as: {Int32, String}) rescue {0, 0} else {total, Math.max((Time.parse(next_at, Format::TIME_FORMAT, Time::Location::UTC) - Time.utc).total_seconds.to_i, 0)} end end private def claim_chest(account_id : Int32, prev_count : Int32, large = false) table = large ? "large_chests" : "small_chests" timer = config_get("chests.#{large ? "large" : "small"}.timer", 0_i64) next_at = (Time.utc + timer.seconds).to_s(Format::TIME_FORMAT) if DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from #{table} where account_id = ?", account_id).as(Int64) > 0 DATABASE.exec("update #{table} set total_opened = ?, next_at = ? where account_id = ?", prev_count + 1, next_at, account_id) else DATABASE.exec("insert into #{table} (account_id, total_opened, next_at) values (?, ?, ?)", account_id, prev_count + 1, next_at) end return timer end CrystalGauntlet.endpoints["/getGJRewards.php"] = ->(context : HTTP::Server::Context): String { params = URI::Params.parse(context.request.body.not_nil!.gets_to_end) LOG.debug { params.inspect } if !config_get("chests.enabled").as?(Bool) LOG.debug { "chests disabled" } return "-1" end user_id, account_id = Accounts.auth(params) if !(user_id && account_id) return "-1" end small_total, small_next = get_chest(account_id, false) large_total, large_next = get_chest(account_id, true) LOG.debug { "small: #{small_next}s, large: #{large_next}s" } # todo: figure out why opening one chest resets the other visually case params["rewardType"] when "1" if small_next > 0 LOG.debug { "you still need to wait #{small_next}s" } return "-1" end small_next = claim_chest(account_id, small_total, false) when "2" if large_next > 0 LOG.debug { "you still need to wait #{large_next}s" } return "-1" end large_next = claim_chest(account_id, large_total, true) end resp = [ PAD_STR, user_id,["chk"])), params["udid"], account_id, # small small_next, {|t| get_rand(t, false)}.join(","), small_total, # large large_next, {|t| get_rand(t, true)}.join(","), large_total, params["rewardType"].to_i? || 0 ].join(":") resp_str = Base64.urlsafe_encode(XorCrypt.encrypt_string(resp, XorCrypt::CHEST_XOR_KEY)) return PAD_STR + resp_str + "|" + Hashes.gen_solo_4(resp_str) }