require "uri" require "crypto/bcrypt/password" include CrystalGauntlet module CrystalGauntlet::Accounts extend self # DOESN'T VERIFY PASSWORD def get_account_id_from_params(params : URI::Params) : Int32 | Nil if params["accountID"]? && params["accountID"]? != "0" params["accountID"].to_i32 else nil end end # DOESN'T VERIFY PASSWORD def get_ext_id_from_params(params : URI::Params) : Int32 | Nil if params.has_key?("udid") && !params["udid"].blank? params["udid"].to_i32? else get_account_id_from_params(params) end end # todo: clean this periodically AUTH_CACHE = Hash(Tuple(String | Nil, String | Nil, String | Nil), Tuple(Int32, Int32) | Tuple(Nil, Nil)).new SESSIONS = Hash(Tuple(String | Nil, String | Nil), Tuple(Int32, Int32, Int64)).new # returns userid, accountid def auth(params : URI::Params) : (Tuple(Int32, Int32) | Tuple(Nil, Nil)) gjp = params["gjp"]? udid = params["udid"]? account_id = params["accountID"]? if AUTH_CACHE[{gjp, udid, account_id}]? LOG.debug {"#{account_id || udid || "???"}: gjp cache hit"} return AUTH_CACHE[{gjp, udid, account_id}] end LOG.debug {"#{account_id || udid || "???"}: gjp cache miss"} ext_id = Accounts.get_account_id_from_params(params) if !ext_id || !Accounts.verify_gjp(ext_id.to_i, gjp || "") return nil, nil end user_id = Accounts.get_user_id(ext_id) if !user_id return nil, nil end AUTH_CACHE[{gjp, udid, account_id}] = {user_id, ext_id.to_i} return user_id, ext_id.to_i end def auth_old(req : HTTP::Request, params : URI::Params) : (Tuple(Int32, Int32) | Tuple(Nil, Nil)) account_id = params["accountID"] ip = IPs.get_real_ip(req) if SESSIONS.has_key?({account_id, ip}) LOG.debug {"#{account_id || "???"}: session exists"} user_id, ext_id, expiry_time = SESSIONS[{account_id, ip}] if Time.utc.to_unix > expiry_time LOG.debug {"#{account_id || "???"}: session expired"} SESSIONS.delete({account_id, ip}) return nil, nil else LOG.debug {"#{account_id || "???"}: session valid"} return user_id, ext_id end end LOG.debug {"#{account_id || "???"}: session does not exist"} return nil, nil end def new_session(req : HTTP::Request, username : String, password : String) : Bool if !config_get("sessions.allow").as(Bool | Nil) return false end ip = IPs.get_real_ip(req) result = DATABASE.query_all("select id, password from accounts where username = ?", username, as: {Int32, String}) if result.size > 0 account_id, hash = result[0] bcrypt = if bcrypt.verify(password) user_id = Accounts.get_user_id(account_id) expiry_time = Time.utc.to_unix + (config_get("sessions.expiry_time").as(Int64 | Nil) || 604800) SESSIONS[{account_id.to_s, ip}] = { user_id, account_id, expiry_time } return true else return false end else return false end end def get_user_id(ext_id : Int32) : Int32 DATABASE.query("select id from users where udid = ? or account_id = ?", ext_id, ext_id) do |rs| if rs.move_next return else raise "no user associated with account?!" end end end def verify_gjp(account_id : Int32, gjp : String) : Bool if gjp.blank? return false end hash = DATABASE.scalar("select password from accounts where id = ?", account_id).as(String) bcrypt = bcrypt.verify(GJP.decrypt(gjp)) end def is_blocked_by(account_id : Int32, by : Int32) DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from block_links where (from_account_id = ? and to_account_id = ?)", by, account_id).as(Int64) > 0 end def are_friends(account_id_1 : Int32, account_id_2 : Int32) DATABASE.scalar("select count(*) from friend_links where (account_id_1 = ? and account_id_2 = ?) or (account_id_2 = ? and account_id_1 = ?)", account_id_1, account_id_2, account_id_1, account_id_2).as(Int64) > 0 end end