
233 lines
6.2 KiB

import { assets } from '$app/paths';
import { renderPostPlaintext, renderPostSummaryMarkdown } from '$lib/markdown/rendering';
import { formatDate } from '$lib/utils';
import config from '$lib/config';
import { getPostImages, getPostMetadata, getPostPublishDate, getPostSlug } from '../lib/cohost';
import readingTime from 'reading-time/lib/reading-time';
import '../prose.scss';
/** @type {import('./$types').PageData} */
export let data;
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header {
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<div class="summary prose">
<b>Hi!</b> Welcome to the dumping grounds for my thoughts, experiments, ideas and whatever else I decide to write up.
These aren't particularly well-organized, and I don't plan for them to be - I just write about whatever occupies my time or thoughts without
much regard for how interesting it might be. The things I generally tend to think about, however, tend to be tech or programming related, so
it's likely you'll see quite a bit of that here.
This site is also actually a proxy of my <a href="{config.handle}/tagged/{config.tag}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cohost page</a>!
The posts are just presented in a more convenient way, and are generally easier to embed and share.
<div class="posts">
{#each data.posts as post}
<article class="post-card">
<a href={'/' + getPostSlug(post)} class="link-wrapper">
{#if getPostImages(post).length > 0}
<div class="image">
<!-- dumb hack for variable declaration -->
{#each [getPostImages(post)[0]] as img}
<img src={img.previewURL} alt={img.altText} width={img.width} height={img.height}>
<h2 class="title">{post.headline}</h2>
<div class="post preview excerpt prose">
{@html renderPostSummaryMarkdown(post.blocks, post.publishedAt ? new Date(post.publishedAt) : undefined)}
<small class="misc">
{#if getPostPublishDate(post)}
<time datetime={getPostPublishDate(post)?.toISOString()}>{formatDate(getPostPublishDate(post))}</time>
{Math.ceil(readingTime(renderPostPlaintext(post.plainTextBody)).minutes)} minute read</small>