
66 lines
2.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (uncons, nub, isPrefixOf, sort)
import GHC.Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
evaluateCD :: [String] -> String -> [String]
evaluateCD dir command = case cdTo of
".." -> init dir
"/" -> []
d -> dir ++ [d]
where cdTo = words command !! 1
evaluateLS :: [String] -> [([String], Int)] -> [String] -> [([String], Int)]
evaluateLS dir files cr = files ++ map (\[size, file] -> (dir ++ [file], read size)) onlyFiles
where onlyFiles = filter (\[h,_] -> h /= "dir") splitFiles
splitFiles = map words cr
evaluateCommand :: [String] -> [([String], Int)] -> (String, [String]) -> ([String], [([String], Int)])
evaluateCommand dir files (c, cr) = case head $ words $ c of
"cd" -> (evaluateCD dir c, files)
"ls" -> (dir, evaluateLS dir files cr)
c -> error $ "Unknown command: " ++ c
-- takes in a starting directory, a list of files, and a sequence of commands, and evaluates them,
-- returning the a list of tuples representing the filepath and the filesize
evaluateCommands :: [String] -> [([String], Int)] -> [(String, [String])] -> [([String], Int)]
evaluateCommands dir files (c:xs) = evaluateCommands newDir newFiles xs
where (newDir, newFiles) = evaluateCommand dir files c
evaluateCommands dir files [] = files
getAllPossibleDirectoriesOfPath :: [String] -> [[String]]
getAllPossibleDirectoriesOfPath [] = [[]]
getAllPossibleDirectoriesOfPath p = p : getAllPossibleDirectoriesOfPath (init p)
filterByListPrefix :: [String] -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
filterByListPrefix prefix = filter (`elem` decomposedPrefix)
where decomposedPrefix = getAllPossibleDirectoriesOfPath prefix
-- takes in a list of filepaths, and transforms them into a deduplicated list of only the
-- directories those files are stored in
getDirectories :: [[String]] -> [[String]]
getDirectories = nub . concatMap (getAllPossibleDirectoriesOfPath . init)
fromFileSizesToPaths :: [([String], Int)] -> [[String]]
fromFileSizesToPaths = map fst
calculateDirSize :: [[String]] -> [([String], Int)] -> [String] -> Int
calculateDirSize dirs files dir = sum $ map snd justFiles
where justFiles = filter (isPrefixOf dir . fst) files
getDirectorySums :: [([String], Int)] -> [Int]
getDirectorySums f = map (calculateDirSize (getDirectories $ fromFileSizesToPaths f) f) (getDirectories $ fromFileSizesToPaths f)
main = interact $
. fromJust
. (\d -> find (>= (30000000 - (70000000 - maximum d))) $ sort d)
. getDirectorySums
. evaluateCommands [] []
. mapMaybe (uncons . lines . dropWhile isSpace)
. takeWhile (not . null) . dropWhile null
. map T.unpack . T.splitOn "$" . T.pack