
67 lines
1.9 KiB

import Prelude
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.Map.Lazy ((!))
data Tile = Wall | Sand
deriving (Eq)
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type Grid a = M.Map Pos a
(!!!) :: Grid a -> Pos -> a
(!!!) = (!)
-- parsing time...
writeWall :: Grid Tile -> [Pos] -> Grid Tile
writeWall startGrid positions = snd $ foldl (\(oldPos, grid) newPos -> (newPos, writeWall' grid (oldPos, newPos))) (head positions, startGrid) positions
writeWall' :: Grid Tile -> (Pos, Pos) -> Grid Tile
writeWall' grid ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = grid `M.union` wallsGrid
wallsGrid = M.fromList $ concatMap (\y -> map (\x -> ((x, y), Wall)) [minX .. maxX]) [minY .. maxY]
minX = min x1 x2
minY = min y1 y2
maxX = max x1 x2
maxY = max y1 y2
writeWalls :: [[Pos]] -> Grid Tile
writeWalls = foldl writeWall M.empty
parsePos :: String -> Pos
parsePos p = (read $ split !! 0, read $ split !! 1)
where split = splitOn "," p
parseWall :: String -> [Pos]
parseWall = map parsePos . splitOn " -> "
sandPos = (500, 0)
dropSand :: Grid Tile -> Maybe (Grid Tile)
dropSand grid = case sandGrain of
(Just pos) -> Just $ grid `M.union` M.singleton pos Sand
Nothing -> Nothing
sandGrain = resolveSand sandPos
maxY = maximum $ map snd $ M.keys grid
resolveSand :: Pos -> Maybe Pos
resolveSand (x, y)
| null validPositions = Just (x, y)
| y > maxY = Nothing
| otherwise = resolveSand $ head validPositions
validPositions = filter (not . (`M.member` grid)) [(x, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)]
repeatUntilNothing :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a -> a
repeatUntilNothing f previous input = case f input of
Just x -> repeatUntilNothing f input x
Nothing -> previous
main = interact $
. (+ 1) . length . M.filter (== Sand)
. (\grid -> repeatUntilNothing dropSand grid grid)
. writeWalls
. map parseWall . lines