
153 lines
5.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char (isSpace, isNumber)
import Data.List (find, isPrefixOf, stripPrefix, intercalate, sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List.Split (startsWith, splitOn)
import GHC.Utils.Misc (nTimes)
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, split
-- i've been told this needs bigints so i've switched all Ints storing worry values to Integers
data Operation = Add Integer | Multiply Integer | MultiplySelf
deriving (Show, Eq)
execOperation :: Operation -> Integer -> Integer
execOperation (Add n) x = x + n
execOperation (Multiply n) x = x * n
execOperation MultiplySelf x = x * x
-- part 2 optimization checks mean that this can only be Divisible, sorry!
newtype Condition = Divisible Integer
deriving (Show, Eq)
check :: Condition -> Integer -> Bool
check (Divisible n) x = x `mod` n == 0
newtype Test = Test (Condition, Int, Int)
deriving (Show, Eq)
executeTest :: Test -> Integer -> Int
executeTest (Test (cond, a, b)) n = if check cond n then a else b
data Monkey = Monkey {
monkeyItems :: [Integer],
monkeyOperation :: Operation,
monkeyTest :: Test
} deriving (Show, Eq)
trim :: String -> String
trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
replace :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replace pos newVal list = take pos list ++ newVal : drop (pos+1) list
findByPrefix :: String -> [String] -> Maybe String
findByPrefix prefix = find (prefix `isPrefixOf`)
findByPrefixAndStrip :: String -> [String] -> Maybe String
findByPrefixAndStrip prefix list = do
el <- findByPrefix prefix list
stripPrefix prefix el
giveMonkeyItem :: Monkey -> Integer -> Monkey
giveMonkeyItem monkey item = Monkey (monkeyItems monkey ++ [item]) (monkeyOperation monkey) (monkeyTest monkey)
parseMonkey :: String -> Monkey
parseMonkey m = monkey
-- let's just assume the dataset isn't malformed, okay................. just This Once, index promise
monkey = Monkey (fromJust parseItems) (fromJust parseOperation) (fromJust parseTest)
parseItems :: Maybe [Integer]
parseItems = do
itemsStr <- findByPrefixAndStrip "Starting items: " ln
return $ map read $ splitOn "," itemsStr
parseOperation :: Maybe Operation
parseOperation = do
operationStr <- findByPrefixAndStrip "Operation: new = " ln
let [leftHand, op, rightHand] = words operationStr
return $ case op of
"+" -> Add $ read rightHand
"*" -> if rightHand == "old" then MultiplySelf else Multiply $ read rightHand
p -> error $ "Unknown operator " ++ p
parseTest :: Maybe Test
parseTest = do
cond <- parseCondition
outcomeTrue <- parseOutcome "true"
outcomeFalse <- parseOutcome "false"
return $ Test (cond, outcomeTrue, outcomeFalse)
parseCondition :: Maybe Condition
parseCondition = do
conditionStr <- findByPrefixAndStrip "Test: " ln
let w = words conditionStr
nStr <- find (isNumber . head) w
let n = read nStr
return $ case head w of
"divisible" -> Divisible n
cond -> error $ "Unknown condition" ++ cond
parseOutcome :: String -> Maybe Int
parseOutcome s = do
outcomeStr <- findByPrefixAndStrip ("If " ++ s ++ ": ") ln
return $ read $ last $ words outcomeStr
ln = map trim $ lines m
parse :: String -> [Monkey]
parse l = map (parseMonkey . unlines . drop 1 . lines . T.unpack) $ T.splitOn "\n\n" $ T.pack l
-- > The process of each monkey taking a single turn is called a round.
executeRound :: [Monkey] -> [(Monkey, Int)]
executeRound monkeys = foldl executeTurn (zip monkeys (repeat 0)) [0 .. length monkeys - 1]
executeTurn :: [(Monkey, Int)] -> Int -> [(Monkey, Int)]
executeTurn monkeys idx = replace idx (newMonkeys !! idx, inspectCount + itemCount) $ zip newMonkeys (map snd monkeys)
newMonkeys = processItem (map fst monkeys) idx
itemCount = length $ monkeyItems $ fst $ monkeys !! idx
inspectCount = snd $ monkeys !! idx
processItem :: [Monkey] -> Int -> [Monkey]
processItem monkeys idx
| null items = monkeys
| otherwise = processItem'
items = monkeyItems monkey
operation = monkeyOperation monkey
test = monkeyTest monkey
monkey = monkeys !! idx
-- processItem' is called when we know the list is not empty. prevents Dumb Errors
processItem' = processItem afterThrowItem idx
afterThrowItem = replace throwItemTo (giveMonkeyItem throwItemToMonkey newItem) afterRemoveItem
afterRemoveItem = replace idx (Monkey newItems operation test) monkeys
newItems = tail items
throwItemToMonkey = monkeys !! throwItemTo
throwItemTo = executeTest test newItem
newItem = execOperation operation item `mod` worryLimit
item = head items
-- bit ugly but it's alright
worryLimit = product $ map ((\(Test (Divisible n, _, _)) -> n) . monkeyTest) monkeys
executeRoundAccum :: [(Monkey, Int)] -> [(Monkey, Int)]
executeRoundAccum m = zipWith (\x (m, y) -> (m, x + y)) inspections (executeRound monkeys)
monkeys = map fst m
inspections = map snd m
-- lol
getMonkeyBusiness :: [Int] -> Int
getMonkeyBusiness values = sorted !! 0 * sorted !! 1
where sorted = reverse $ sort values
main = interact $
. getMonkeyBusiness . map snd
. nTimes 10000 executeRoundAccum
. (\monkeys -> zip monkeys (repeat 0))
. parse