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module AStar where
import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as PQ
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, pqueue, unordered-containers, hashable
-- A* search: Finds the shortest path from a start node to a goal node using a heuristic function.
astarSearch :: (Eq a, Hashable a) =>
a -- startNode: the node to start the search from
-> (a -> Bool) -- isGoalNode: a function to test if a node is the goal node
-> (a -> [(a, Int)]) -- nextNodeFn: a function which calculates the next nodes for a current node
-- along with the costs of moving from the current node to the next nodes
-> (a -> Int) -- heuristic: a function which calculates the (approximate) cost of moving
-- from a node to the nearest goal node
-> Maybe (Int, [a]) -- result: Nothing is no path is found else
-- Just (path cost, path as a list of nodes)
astarSearch startNode isGoalNode nextNodeFn heuristic =
astar (PQ.singleton (heuristic startNode) (startNode, 0))
Set.empty (Map.singleton startNode 0) Map.empty
-- pq: open set, seen: closed set, tracks: tracks of states
astar pq seen gscore tracks
-- If open set is empty then search has failed. Return Nothing
| PQ.null pq = Nothing
-- If goal node reached then construct the path from the tracks and node
| isGoalNode node = Just (gcost, findPath tracks node)
-- If node has already been seen then discard it and continue
| Set.member node seen = astar pq' seen gscore tracks
-- Else expand the node and continue
| otherwise = astar pq'' seen' gscore' tracks'
-- Find the node with min f-cost
(node, gcost) = snd . PQ.findMin $ pq
-- Delete the node from open set
pq' = PQ.deleteMin pq
-- Add the node to the closed set
seen' = Set.insert node seen
-- Find the successors (with their g and h costs) of the node
-- which have not been seen yet
successors =
filter (\(s, g, _) ->
not (Set.member s seen') &&
(not (s `Map.member` gscore)
|| g < (fromJust . Map.lookup s $ gscore)))
$ successorsAndCosts node gcost
-- Insert the successors in the open set
pq'' = foldl' (\q (s, g, h) -> PQ.insert (g + h) (s, g) q) pq' successors
gscore' = foldl' (\m (s, g, _) -> Map.insert s g m) gscore successors
-- Insert the tracks of the successors
tracks' = foldl' (\m (s, _, _) -> Map.insert s node m) tracks successors
-- Finds the successors of a given node and their costs
successorsAndCosts node gcost =
map (\(s, g) -> (s, gcost + g, heuristic s)) . nextNodeFn $ node
-- Constructs the path from the tracks and last node
findPath tracks node =
if Map.member node tracks
then findPath tracks (fromJust . Map.lookup node $ tracks) ++ [node]
else [node]