
45 lines
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2022-12-22 01:35:01 +01:00
-- this is disgustingly slow but it Works
-- i wish i had the energy to optimize this because it's very simple to do so
import Common
import Data.List (elemIndex, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
wrap :: Int -> Int -> Int
wrap length index = index `mod` (length - 1)
coordinates = [1000, 2000, 3000]
key = 811589153
decrypt :: [Int] -> Int
decrypt a = sum $ map test coordinates
test n = mixed !! (zeroIndex + n)
zeroIndex = fromJust $ elemIndex 0 mixed
mixed = cycle $ fst $ iterateN mixList 10 (map (* key) a, allIndices)
mixList (values, indices) = foldl step (values, indices) allIndices
allIndices = [0 .. len - 1]
len = length a
step :: ([Int], [Int]) -> Int -> ([Int], [Int])
step (values, indices) i = (mix values index value, mix indices index value)
value = values !! index
index = fromJust $ elemIndex i indices
mix :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
mix list i x = newList
newList = listStart ++ value : listEnd
(listStart, listEnd) = splitAt newIndex list'
newIndex = wrap len $ i + x
list' = (\(l, r) -> l ++ tail r) $ splitAt i list
value = list !! i
main = interact $
. decrypt
. map read . lines