import { outdent } from 'outdent'; export const docs: Record = { introduction: outdent`

Jillo is yet another fun / utility / whatever Swiss knife Discord bot, except this time it's better than the other ones, I promise, please, you'll have to trust me on this one, please

The main big feature currently is the RPG, which lets you scavenge for items, craft them up into weapons and fight others, completely customizable by server admins to their liking! It's a little rough, officially considered in beta, but you're free to toy around with it!

Aside from that, you also have your classic self-assignable roles for colors and pronouns, silly text games somewhat like Jackbox but playable all inside Discord, and a few little silly miscellaneous commands. If it seems a little overengineered - that's because it is, but also because a good chunk of the bot's functionality is only relevant inside specific friend groups the bot was made for.

That's about it! Here's a few links for your consideration:

  • Invite the bot to your server
  • View the source code that's completely open for you to peek at
  • `, }; export function formatTitle(name: string) { return name.replace('-', ' '); }