import { GuildMember, CommandInteraction, SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js'; import { Command } from '../types/index'; import { RoleSeperator, RoleSeperatorType, db } from '../lib/db'; function extendOption(t: string) { return {name: t, value: t}; } export default { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('roles') .setDescription('[ADMIN] Manage self-assignable roles') .addSubcommand(sub => sub .setName('seperator') .setDescription('[ADMIN] Determine where new roles will be created') .addStringOption(opt => opt .setName('type') .setDescription('The type of self-assignable role') .setChoices(...['color', 'pronoun'].map(extendOption)) .setRequired(true) ) .addRoleOption(opt => opt .setName('seperator') .setDescription('Roles will be put *below* this role; omit to put them at the bottom of the wole list') ) ) .setDefaultMemberPermissions(0) .setDMPermission(false), execute: async (interaction: CommandInteraction) => { if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return; const member = interaction.member! as GuildMember; await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true }); const subcommand = interaction.options.getSubcommand(); if (subcommand === 'seperator') { const type = interaction.options.getString('type', true) as RoleSeperatorType; const seperator = interaction.options.getRole('seperator'); if (seperator) { const highestRole =!.roles.highest; if (seperator.position > highestRole.position) return interaction.followUp(`This role is above my highest role (${highestRole.toString()}), so I can\`t put roles up there!`); await db('roleSeperators') .insert({ guild:, type, role:, }); await interaction.followUp(`New ${type} roles will be placed below ${seperator.toString()}.`); } else { const role = await db('roleSeperators') .where('guild', .where('type', type) .returning('*') .delete(); if (role === 0) { await interaction.followUp(`\`${type}\` never had a seperator role in this server!`); } else { await interaction.followUp(`Unset seperator role for \`${type}\`. Roles will now be placed at the bottom of the role list.`); } } } else { // ... } } } satisfies Command;